Worst Movie Ever

Since I guess we'll never know what the best movie is (cough @notashelbyfan cough cough), let's talk about the worst ones.

What was so bad that you walked out despite the cost of the ticket, or turned it off to watch wolpfack basketball instead?
I've never walked out or watched moo, but my top 5 would be as follows:

1. The Grudge
2. The Grudge
3. The Grudge
4. Fight Club
5. The Grudge

I am sure I can come up with others, but these two stand out.

I am sure I can come up with others, but these two stand out.
In all seriousness, why do people always say the Titanic sucks to the point it's one of the worst movies ever? Is this like the movie equivalent of saying Nickelback is the worst band ever?

Titanic might not be your cup of tea and might not be the best movie ever made, but it's a perfectly fine movie. Cheesy love story? Sure. Cheesy framing with the present-day Rose and the James Cameron ocean exploration? Yes. But it's far from being the worst movie ever
In all seriousness, why do people always say the Titanic sucks to the point it's one of the worst movies ever? Is this like the movie equivalent of saying Nickelback is the worst band ever?

Titanic might not be your cup of tea and might not be the best movie ever made, but it's a perfectly fine movie. Cheesy love story? Sure. Cheesy framing with the present-day Rose and the James Cameron ocean exploration? Yes. But it's far from being the worst movie ever

Because of the scene in the water. There was plenty of room for the both of them. It's just brainwashing BS like that which feeds females' minds. I can't tell you how many times my GF at the time was, like, "How come you're never that sweet to me?"

Yea, the makers of that movie can GFT.
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In all seriousness, why do people always say the Titanic sucks to the point it's one of the worst movies ever? Is this like the movie equivalent of saying Nickelback is the worst band ever?

Titanic might not be your cup of tea and might not be the best movie ever made, but it's a perfectly fine movie. Cheesy love story? Sure. Cheesy framing with the present-day Rose and the James Cameron ocean exploration? Yes. But it's far from being the worst movie ever
I have two issues with Titanic. It's entirely too long for a retread love story. Rich girl meets poor boy, falls in love even though everyone else says keep away. That story can be told in 90 minutes. The second issue is that there was plenty of room on the headboard. She could have moved her ass over and let him up there. These issues are offset by the Kate Winslet scene though.
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In all seriousness, why do people always say the Titanic sucks to the point it's one of the worst movies ever? Is this like the movie equivalent of saying Nickelback is the worst band ever?

Good analogy. The Titanic hate has taken on a life of its own.
Since it's Dr. Seuss week, I'll throw these out there:

The live action Grinch movie is an abomination. I yelled at my 5 year old this past holiday season for watching it too often. I mean, I was really mad.

And then they went and did a live action Cat In The Hat which was equally as bad.
Grease 2. I know, I know, it had Michelle Pfeiffer but it was terrible. And especially so when compared to the first one.
You could list a bunch of Adam Sandler movies here.

Little Nicky
Don't Mess With The Zohan
That's My Boy
Jack And Jill
Punch Drunk Love
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As much as it pains me to say it (because you know I'm a big ONJ fan), Xanadu was an embarrassment.
The Blair Witch Project was sooooo disappointing. I had heard it was the movie to change the film industry. And then it went and sucked.
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If you want worst movie, it's The Room. However, it's so bad, it becomes good in a "holy crap, this movie is so bad it's hilarious" way. It's worth watching for that alone. Like you can watch any scene on youtube right now, with no context, and you'll get the idea of what the movie is like. It's the "Plan 9 From Outer Space" of my lifetime.
If you want worst movie, it's The Room. However, it's so bad, it becomes good in a "holy crap, this movie is so bad it's hilarious" way. It's worth watching for that alone. Like you can watch any scene on youtube right now, with no context, and you'll get the idea of what the movie is like. It's the "Plan 9 From Outer Space" of my lifetime.

There are movies that I know are bad but I can't help but watch parts of them when they come on.

Malibu's Most Wanted
Ocean's Twelve (and Thirteen)
Boiler Room
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I submit any of the Police Academy movies after the first one. And even that one is suspect.
Anybody ever watched this piece of shit?

There are movies that I know are bad but I can't help but watch parts of them when they come on.

Malibu's Most Wanted
Ocean's Twelve (and Thirteen)
Boiler Room
Yeah, see those would be more guilty pleasure movies, I definitely have some that are not great, but I enjoy. The Room is just flat out bad, but it's such a trainwreck that it's funny. They are actually making a movie now about this movie with James Franco that will basically be what Ed Wood was to Plan 9.
Dammit. Must've missed that.

Unwatchable IMO. And I have an extremely high pain threshold for bad movies. I turned it off after 30 minutes.
I just looked it up on RT, it had an 85 with critics, 55 with audiences, so there you go, one of those that critics like, "average" types don't.
Minor derailment here, but are you going to see Logan this weekend @heelz2345?
Yeah, got my ticket yesterday actually. Gonna see it tomorrow, go to Chapel Hill for the game on Saturday, then see my town's youth theatre perform Mary Poppins on Sunday. I think Logan looks really good, and it's getting some of the best reviews of the X-Men franchise.

To bring the thread back on topic, man, X-Men Origins Wolverine was really really bad.
To bring the thread back on topic, man, X-Men Origins Wolverine was really really bad.
I actually watched that earlier this week. It was on FX or one of the other fox channels. It's not that terrible, but what they did with deadpool in that movie was just wrong.
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