Worst Movie Ever

I actually watched that earlier this week. It was on FX or one of the other fox channels. It's not that terrible, but what they did with deadpool in that movie was just wrong.
Deadpool in that movie is the worst representation of a comic book character ever in film. It's definitely the worst X-Men movie imo. Deadpool aside, Gambit is boring, it has, the CGI is bad and not in a "yeah, it didn't age well" way but in a "how does this CGI look worse than older X-Men movies" way, it's just forgettable in a lot of ways, except for Deadpool which is just god awful
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That movie was so bad that my date and I both fell asleep during it, then we woke up discovered it wasn't even halfway over. So we walked out immediately and banged in the back of her car.
Well, at least something good happened for someone out of that movie.
Plan 9 From Outer Space!
Malibu High, so bad it was good! Everybody in the theater was making fun of it!
Golden Girl, (same as above)
Old Boyfriends w/Talia Shire, John Belushi
The Quick and the Dead, great cast, movie sucked!
Tarzan w/Bo Derek

Some that should have never been made:
Jaws 3D
Jaws 4 The Revenge
What was so bad that you walked out despite the cost of the ticket
Also, kind of a side note, but I've never walked out during a movie that I went to the theater to see. I've seen several bad movies, but have never walked out of one. Generally speaking, I know before hand what I'm getting myself into (not necessarily story or plot, but general tone), so if a movie looks bad, I don't see it (with few exceptions). There have been times I was wrong, and thought a movie looked good, and it wasn't. There have been times where I went in, knew it would be bad, and it was. But in both of those cases, I'm staying throughout.
How has this thread made it to two pages without anyone mentioning this one?


ETA: Roger Ebert's review of this film is epic. He compares it to "taking a bus trip with someone who has needed a bath for a long time. It's not merely bad; it's unpleasant in a hostile way ... I watched it in mounting gloom, realizing I was witnessing something historic, a film that for decades to come will be the punch line of jokes about bad movies."
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I'm incredibly disappointed in some of the replies here. I hereby disown you all.
Someone has to do it:

Spiderman (all of them)
Star Wars (all of them)
Star Trek (never watched, but F it...all of them)
Harry Potter (all of them)
Lord of the Rings (see Star Trek)

You may all now GFY in advance for the reply. Good day, sirs.
If you think Titanic is bad, then you MUST watch this.... however, it's like "The Kramer" - it will repulse you but you won't be able to look away (it's so bad that you will want to watch it, IYKWIM).

Any Nicholas Sparks book-turned-movie. I haven't seen any of them but I'm sure they all suck.
I disagree on that. Wedding Singer all day.

Yeah, Big Daddy is ok but Wedding Singer is awesome.

I like some of the movies listed here. My worst would be movies most of you have probably never heard of from watching weird crap on NF. I'll go with 'Lady in the Water', which is just garbage. His first few films were solid but starting with that one they are all pretty terrible.
I have no issues with Titanic or Gravity. Both were ok.

Since it's Dr. Seuss week, I'll throw these out there:

The live action Grinch movie is an abomination. I yelled at my 5 year old this past holiday season for watching it too often. I mean, I was really mad.

And then they went and did a live action Cat In The Hat which was equally as bad.

Love the Jim Carrey version of 'The Grinch'. We watch it a ton every Christmas season. I can probably quote most of the movie along with my kids.

The Blair Witch Project was sooooo disappointing. I had heard it was the movie to change the film industry. And then it went and sucked.

Yeah, it was disappointing. I felt the same about 'The Conjuring', which was supposed to be a great horror but was just the same old crap that always comes out.

I submit any of the Police Academy movies after the first one. And even that one is suspect.

But they were good when I was young. I'm sure they suck now.

Any Nicholas Sparks book-turned-movie. I haven't seen any of them but I'm sure they all suck.

I saw 'The Notebook' and thought it was pretty good. I would never read the book though.
Has to be Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Didn't walk out because I was at home, but it was awful. Great album you say? Yes, but there are NO BEATLES in the movie OR on the soundtrack. Just awful performances by Peter Frampton and Barry and Andy Gibb.

I have seen plenty of cheesy bad sci-fi. Star Crash, Battle Beyond the Stars, ... but this was not even cheesy, just 100% Grade A Bad.
I will preface this by saying I got drug to the following movie by my girlfriend (at the time); my wife now... and you all know that you've done some dumb shit over women too.

Anyway, the worst movie I've ever had the displeasure to see in a theater is Steel Magnolias. What a dumb piece of shit movie... the chick knows she might die if she has a baby due to some childhood illness, but she just can't help her damn self and she gets pregnant. Well, guess what? The damn stupid chick dies from giving birth. boo-****in-hoo!

Honestly, there were groups of women in the theater; like 6 - 8 together, passing a box of tissues back and forth, crying their freaking eyes out. And a handful of dudes stuck in the same situation as me, just looking around at this spectacle (and probably laughing under their breath like I was). Oh god, why couldn't there have been smart phones back then, so I could've watched a ball game, or some porn, or played tetris or something / anything.
Someone has to do it:

Spiderman (all of them)
Star Wars (all of them)
Star Trek (never watched, but F it...all of them)
Harry Potter (all of them)
Lord of the Rings (see Star Trek)

You may all now GFY in advance for the reply. Good day, sirs.
I will preface this by saying I got drug to the following movie by my girlfriend (at the time); my wife now... and you all know that you've done some dumb shit over women too.

Anyway, the worst movie I've ever had the displeasure to see in a theater is Steel Magnolias. What a dumb piece of shit movie... the chick knows she might die if she has a baby due to some childhood illness, but she just can't help her damn self and she gets pregnant. Well, guess what? The damn stupid chick dies from giving birth. boo-****in-hoo!

Honestly, there were groups of women in the theater; like 6 - 8 together, passing a box of tissues back and forth, crying their freaking eyes out. And a handful of dudes stuck in the same situation as me, just looking around at this spectacle (and probably laughing under their breath like I was). Oh god, why couldn't there have been smart phones back then, so I could've watched a ball game, or some porn, or played tetris or something / anything.
Dude, spoiler alert.
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Oh, I forgot about 'Sex in the City' the movie. The show is just absolutely terrible but I had just starting dating who is my wife now and so went. Just as bad as the show. I'll probably now post in the worst show thread since this reminded me of it.
This Is The End was a total dud. I usually love Rogen/Golberg/Apatow movies. I hated that film. I didn't much like Pineapple Express either. James Franco is a crappy actor and is not funny at all. That film that came out at Christmas - Why Him- was yet another in a long line of Franco's cringe-worthy acting.
This Is The End was a total dud. I usually love Rogen/Golberg/Apatow movies. I hated that film. I didn't much like Pineapple Express either. James Franco is a crappy actor and is not funny at all. That film that came out at Christmas - Why Him- was yet another in a long line of Franco's cringe-worthy acting.
Really? I thought it was pretty good.
This Is The End was a total dud. I usually love Rogen/Golberg/Apatow movies. I hated that film. I didn't much like Pineapple Express either. James Franco is a crappy actor and is not funny at all. That film that came out at Christmas - Why Him- was yet another in a long line of Franco's cringe-worthy acting.
I loved This Is The End and Pineapple Express, my parents hated both movies.

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