His dad thought "damn I thought he was going to tell me he was gay, shit I wish he would have told me he was gay"

But from the looks of his roomate I would have picked the car to!!
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Bulls*t. This has to be a staged story. TV will stoop to any low to grab ratings.
Bulls*t. This has to be a staged story. TV will stoop to any low to grab ratings.
It's part of a series called "My Strange Addiction." I've seen excerpts from several episodes and they're all a buncha weirdos. There was an episode with a woman who had an eating disorder called pica, which is when people are compelled to eat items without nutritional value. She ate all of the cushion foam from her couch. The whole thing. She ate a whole friggin couch.
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This is almost like something I'd expect to see on SNL or Kids In The Hall.

I've never been compelled to refer to inanimate objects using gender-specific terminology either.
It's part of a series called "My Strange Addiction." I've seen excerpts from several episodes and they're all a buncha weirdos. There was an episode with a woman who had an eating disorder called pica, which is when people are compelled to eat items without nutritional value. She ate all of the cushion foam from her couch. The whole thing. She ate a whole friggin couch.

Yeah I seen one where a girl drank finger nail Polish 10 bottles a day and one where some guy was into cast he would just put a can't on his arm or leg or both and go drinking at the bar he was spending 1000's a month on it!
a woman who had an eating disorder called pica, which is when people are compelled to eat items without nutritional value.

Enough people are doing this that the behavior has it's own unique name...

I'd venture that sh*t like THIS is why the terrorists hate us.o_O
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There are still people who believe Jerry Springer was "real" too. I'd have a really hard time believing these stories are 100% true.
I love that show. I think it's true, but only to a point. I think they stretch it for entertainment value. People addicted to eating weird things is definitely real, but I think they take it a bit to the extreme just for people's viewing pleasure. If people ate this crap as often as they say they do, there would be no way they'd be in any shape to live semi-normal lives. They'd either be dead or in the ER getting all that crap surgically removed from their guts.
It's part of a series called "My Strange Addiction." I've seen excerpts from several episodes and they're all a buncha weirdos. There was an episode with a woman who had an eating disorder called pica, which is when people are compelled to eat items without nutritional value. She ate all of the cushion foam from her couch. The whole thing. She ate a whole friggin couch.

I saw one where a girl liked eating dirt. So she was sneaking into her neighbor's garden at night and stuffing herself with soil. Little did she know that the guy was emptying his compost toilet into the soil. She ended up dead...from eating shit. Ever since I saw that, I have not told anyone to eat shit and die.
Boats are always "she."

I never tried to make out with one, though.

Go to youtube and check that extreme cheapskate series out I'm pretty sure it's worse than those idiots with strange addictions!
Okay, so this was blocked at work earlier, so I couldn't see it. I just saw you guys talking about My Strange Addiction, so I just assumed "oh, it's a video about someone eating something weird and everyone's poking fun at it." So ummmm....yeah, WTF????? No way in God's name is this for real. No f'ing way.

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