You are what you tolerate


Hall of Famer
Aug 15, 2008
More than a few football fans roll their eyes like teenagers when I again post that truth. Now you basketball-onlys also get the chance to roll your eyes at it.

But you cannot change its truth. Football mediocrity tolerated is football mediocrity retained and then maintained, which eventually leads to mediocrity being set in stone. The same goes for basketball.

The loss to Moo was the 6th time this season that UNC has led by at least 6 points in the 2nd half against a team projected to make the NCAA Tournament, and then lost. Talk about the mediocrity of making the grand choke a lifestyle.
As the great Mike Leach once so aptly stated…….”you are either coaching it, or allowing it to happen”.
I think this is also true of our basketball program as well
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We as Carolina basketball fans should expect greatness, expect top 3 ACC finishes every year, and expect that anything less than the sweet sixteen is a failed season. We won't always get what we expect but that doesn't change expectations. This same logic should apply for Kentucky, Duke, Kansas, Indiana, UCLA, Uconn, and Gerogetown

Indiana Uconn, Georgetown failed terribly when it was time to hire coaches UCLA finally got their man and it is starting to show.

Kansas did what it needed to do when Roy left and it's paying off, Kentucky are what they are who know how that's going to play out, but at the end of the day I bet they don't pick a guy out of the TV booth to replace Cal.

Duke basically did the same thing replacing K as we did so we will see how that goes I'm leaning toward it also being a mistake.

To stay on top in college basketball you have got to make smart decisions when hiring. Now we got Hubert and is going to get at least 2 more years, and if it keeps trending in this direction we will be 4 years further from where we won't to be when we replace him and if that hire is botched then you are starting to get in to that dead man's land on the verge of being Indiana, Uconn and Georgetown!

If there wouldn't have a Roy Williams when Dough went sideways, we would have been ****ed!
It is true that a blueblood cannot become accepting to mediocrity and moral victories with false hope that next year will always be better or that if we give him just one more year he will turn things around. That loser mindset is how you quickly become uconn or IU.

And this is not a call to fire Hubert now. But it should be a warning that mediocrity can’t be allowed over a long period of time. Improvement needs to be shown and this year we have certainly regressed.
We as Carolina basketball fans should expect greatness, expect top 3 ACC finishes every year, and expect that anything less than the sweet sixteen is a failed season. We won't always get what we expect but that doesn't change expectations. This same logic should apply for Kentucky, Duke, Kansas, Indiana, UCLA, Uconn, and Gerogetown

Indiana Uconn, Georgetown failed terribly when it was time to hire coaches UCLA finally got their man and it is starting to show.

Kansas did what it needed to do when Roy left and it's paying off, Kentucky are what they are who know how that's going to play out, but at the end of the day I bet they don't pick a guy out of the TV booth to replace Cal.

Duke basically did the same thing replacing K as we did so we will see how that goes I'm leaning toward it also being a mistake.

To stay on top in college basketball you have got to make smart decisions when hiring. Now we got Hubert and is going to get at least 2 more years, and if it keeps trending in this direction we will be 4 years further from where we won't to be when we replace him and if that hire is botched then you are starting to get in to that dead man's land on the verge of being Indiana, Uconn and Georgetown!

If there wouldn't have a Roy Williams when Dough went sideways, we would have been ****ed!
Georgetown? Putting Georgetown in the same sentence with Unc is comical. They haven’t been relevant since John Thompson retired and that was over 15 years ago… Unc will never be Georgetown.. Have you been on their campus ? Or seen the gym on their campus? The facilities alone make it difficult to attract recruits and be successful. Ewing hasn’t worked out but his name alone was worth a shot. With the current landscape of college basketball any coach would be lucky to have any success there.

You mention UCLA but Danny Hurley seems to have UConn going in the direction as well
Georgetown? Putting Georgetown in the same sentence with Unc is comical. They haven’t been relevant since John Thompson retired and that was over 15 years ago…
Thank you for making my point!

Not making the right hire after a great coach retires, and then being to proud to see the mistakes causes you to be irrelevant 15 years down the road. You blink and next think you know you are a Georgetown, or Indiana!
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Dean came in and absolutely set the tone. He was basically unproven, but was a genius at all of the requirements. He retires, left the cupboard full for Gut. Then Matt comes and starts good, had a bad run, but filled the cupboard for Roy. The perfect storm finished Roy's career with more than enough obstacles. But he achieved at a high percentage. HD is selected. Noone knows how things will pan out with him. We all are impatient, immediate gratification people. The run last year bought him some space. Still, none knew if it was luck, fate, or the making of another genius coach. This year was a hugh test for HD. Returning 4 starters from that run. Junior/Senior led class. Decent bench to develop. And now we are here. We could end with 3 or 4 more losses this year. He has recruits coming. But O&D will not succeed. I can't see his bench sticking around for another long season, especially if 3 decide they are "running it back,again"

Hard to be optimistic right now.
Thank you for making my point!

Not making the right hire after a great coach retires, and then being to proud to see the mistakes causes you to be irrelevant 15 years down the road. You blink and next think you know you are a Georgetown, or Indiana!

I wasn’t making your point.. the point was no coach could or will succeed at Georgetown because the facilities suck… it’s not a destination job if you have success there you are moving on to a bigger coaching job
I wasn’t making your point.. the point was no coach could or will succeed at Georgetown because the facilities suck… it’s not a destination job if you have success there you are moving on to a bigger coaching job
It seems as if you dont get it do you.
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I'm way past disappointed, but you are " what you tolerate ". What we are is the "Carolina way". What we misjudged was a fantastic run to the final four.

I am not here to make excuses, but I will make some reasons as to why we as fans should be able to tolerate what we are seeing. First we have not seen anything, but first class college kids, who could easily make mistakes with the media with all the questions. We take ownership of every loss.

Amanda Bacot returning rather than try other basketball routes, same with Leaky who could have easily transferred "he is the missing piece to allot of teams". The fact these guys want/wanted to stick together is "the Carolina way"

Recruits, we have some really good kids coming in. No way to forget that. HD brought them in.

HD entered with one true big man, and goes and gets the best big man shooter in the country.

I can tolerate because I see rings in our future. HD's recruits are coming, and I see us/him winning big, but as I stated before, "in situations like this heads are propose to roll".
As the great Mike Leach once so aptly stated…….”you are either coaching it, or allowing it to happen”.
I think this is also true of our basketball program as well
I agree. But this was just another thread by Woad to dump on UNC basketball. He‘s just a jerk.
I get it .. trying to compare Unc to Georgetown is a stupid take.. totally different dynamics at each school
I'm not comparing Georgetoen to UNC!

Look dude there wasn't a complete difference dynamic 40 years ago was there?

And obviously you don't get it!
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Recruits, we have some really good kids coming in. No way to forget that. HD brought them in.

HD entered with one true big man, and goes and gets the best big man shooter in the country.

I can tolerate because I see rings in our future. HD's recruits are coming, and I see us/him winning big, but as I stated before, "in situations like this heads are propose to roll".
We have good recruits committed, who knows if they will actually play for UNC. If we have a big man shooter why isn't he playing? What scares me is that I do not see any improvement in any player from last season, and if you haven't developed a bench by February then you do not have one.

So far Hubert has shown he can win with a certain style if everything falls into place. He has not shown he can adapt when things go south. I saw something that said Kansas lost 3 starters from the championship game and this year leads the nation in quad 1 wins, UNC lost one starter and has no quad 1 wins. A team with 4 starters and key reserves returning should have been clicking by November or December at the latest. This team still looks like it's still the first week of the season.
Mediocrity is definitely a concern. My best friend is a die-hard Wake Forest fan. Back in the day, Wake was real good ... so was State for that matter. Both teams have sucked hind teat for quite a while now. The same could definitely happen to UNC. We're not gonna be a good team just because we're Carolina. Hubert better turn this trainwreck around within the next couple of seasons or we all might be happy as heck just to finish in the top half of the league each season.
I was watching some of the highlights from the recent Fland vs. Ian Jackson game. Jackson looked to play a lot like Caleb does ... "give me the ball and get out of the way". I hope I'm wrong. UNC basketball is supposed to look like a team sport ... not an audition for the NBA. I guess I'm just frustrated ... GO HEELS !!!

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