You knew this was coming... Nike involved in pay for play scandal

Avenatti is on tape asking for a kings ransom. The question is was it extortion or deal making? The devil is in the details and i am sure the feds know enough to back the charges. That said, other federal charges are coming down the pike for Avenatti from LA...

Dude is fooked
Avenatti is on tape asking for a kings ransom. The question is was it extortion or deal making? The devil is in the details and i am sure the feds know enough to back the charges. That said, other federal charges are coming down the pike for Avenatti from LA...

Dude is fooked
Nike went to the feds right after he called them. It wasn't a deal.
People are saying the dots are going to get connected very soon. Too many details are known about the coach, someone will put it together.

That said, neither UK, KU, or Duke have any major players from Cali so odds are it's not one of their kids.
Nike went to the feds right after he called them. It wasn't a deal.

Actually the feds were informed after Avenatti contacted Nike last week about his client (AAU coach) and the information he had on Nikes shady dealings. In order to keep things quiet.. they would settle for 1.5M for said AAU coach and that Nike would retain him and Mark Gerigos to investigate for Nike to the tune of 15-20M.

Nike then set up a second call with Avenatti and Gerigos which the feds tapped.

The gray area is... is it extortion or is this any different from any of the similar shady stuff lawyers do and get away with every day?
Actually the feds were informed after Avenatti contacted Nike last week about his client (AAU coach) and the information he had on Nikes shady dealings. In order to keep things quiet.. they would settle for 1.5M for said AAU coach and that Nike would retain him and Mark Gerigos to investigate for Nike to the tune of 15-20M.

Nike then set up a second call with Avenatti and Gerigos which the feds tapped.

The gray area is... is it extortion or is this any different from any of the similar shady stuff lawyers do and get away with every day?
It's extortion because he made a threat. That's why Nike went to the feds.
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I know everyone wants this to bring down a bunch of nike schools, but I really hope the judge puts a gag order on this guy. I'm just really tired of him and all of his clout chasing. Of all the people to have this info, why did it have to be him? A guy who has zero credibility.

But if it is going on, which I think we all agree it absolutely is, why does the source matter?

I see it as the Canseco thing...the guy is a POS but he wasn't wrong.
Avenatti, from one article I read, offered to A: conduct the internal investigation for Nike (being paid 10 to 25M), B: allow Nike to use own 3rd party to conduct internal investigation (and get paid twice what Nike paid 3rd party) or C: remain silent (for 22M).
Avenatti, from one article I read, offered to A: conduct the internal investigation for Nike (being paid 10 to 25M), B: allow Nike to use own 3rd party to conduct internal investigation (and get paid twice what Nike paid 3rd party) or C: remain silent (for 22M).
But if it is going on, which I think we all agree it absolutely is, why does the source matter?

I see it as the Canseco thing...the guy is a POS but he wasn't wrong.
I'm not saying he is wrong about the info. I'm saying I wish it was someone else because that guy is trash and I'm tired of hearing him run his mouth. The guy lied to a news outlet about what his client said, lied to congress and likes to beat his wife. There had to have been at least one person that would have been better than him. I want him to go away, not get the attention he craves.
Avenatti is obviously an idiot.....the president must be getting a good laugh out of this one but avenatti has just tweeted its cash payments to ayton from Nike
There are ongoing investigations into Nike in the southern district of New York I’m watching it on the news. Could be a 2 for 1 prosecution
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Player number 2.

P.S. This, if it is something legit, helps us immensely with Cole. They've been clear they want a clean program.
LMAO about him saying someone is going to have to account for their criminal conduct. They have him dead to rights on extortion. It might be best for him to pass this info along to someone else.
They do actually the bank and wire fraud in California is worse. He was going to be arrested regardless and then the extortion fell into their lap. He’s obviously a pretty slimy guy
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This scandal overall is wide and deep. They are just dancing around the edge of the iceberg at this point. With millions on the line for the shoe companies, of course they are going to try and steer players in certain directions. The powers that be obviously want to keep the lid on this as much as possible to keep the cash cow churning out the money. Be interesting to see how all of this plays out.
The best thing the NCAA, the shoe companies, and many universities, and coaches have going for them right now is the fact that Avenatti's reputation is pretty much a laughing stock through his dealings over the past year, or so. He has framed himself as little more than a money hungry, publicity starved, person. And he handled this terribly by making a money play and trying to blackmail NIKE. But I don't doubt that he is on to something. This kind of stuff is nothing new and has been going on for ages. But college basketball is big business. The corporations, NCAA, universities, coaches that make millions, TV networks, and anybody else that profits from the monster, have found it very easy over the years to look the other way as nobody wants a huge scandal that could bring the cash cow crashing to the ground. Avenatti will be easily discredited, but they better hope that legitimate sources don't pick the scent up on this trail and start digging. If they do, it would mean big time trouble for a ton of people.
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Just because someone is proven to be sleazy doesn’t mean that person doesn’t have factual evidence on occasion. I would not be the least surprised if this guy knows something. He has mentioned Ayton, Bol Bol and seems to implicate Bagley. Those 3 recruitments were so shady it wasn’t even funny. And look where all 3 kids ended up... at schools that were doing shady business.
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Rick Pitino's fling would not likely have come to light had she not tried to extort money from him.
I agree the source doesn't matter if the substance is valid. If nothing else, this almost has to get the NCAA took look at the names involved. Now whether or not they have the sac to respond is another thing.
Has he actually given us any new information yet? Seems like the names he has mentioned so far were already out there as being shady recruitments. Given his past, I have to wonder if he has any new info or if he just knows how to use google.
Has he actually given us any new information yet? Seems like the names he has mentioned so far were already out there as being shady recruitments. Given his past, I have to wonder if he has any new info or if he just knows how to use google.

Claims he has receipts, texts, emails. Nothing released yet.
Claims he has receipts, texts, emails. Nothing released yet.
I'm going to hop on twitter and say the same thing. See if I can up my followers. Seriously though, just release what you have or shut up. He's just doing this all for attention. He's annoying and needs to go away.

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