Scott at the line hits one 44-35
  • D
    Washington with 2 moving screens. Falling apart.
  • uncfanatic
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  • D
    DaveChapelle replied to the thread Our frontcourt is a mess.
    2 moving screens on Washington to start the 2nd half
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    Hepburn scores again 43-35
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    Washington gives up an offensive putback Washington moving screen
    Jackson a baseline drive and basket but Hepburn scores then Washington fro Cadeau but Hepburn again 41-35
  • S
    Spaceytoyz replied to the thread Our frontcourt is a mess.
    They need 20/10 from the entire front court Don’t think they have got that this year
  • D
    And if the donors refuse to drop bags it will be more Tysons and Claudes.
  • heelmanwilm
    heelmanwilm replied to the thread OOTB's Political Thread . ...
    Science….it ain’t for everybody
  • D
    But if you bench Cadeau, and Trimble is hurt, you're basically asking RJ to play 40 minutes at PG, Jackson to play 40 minutes at SG...
  • heelmanwilm
    heelmanwilm replied to the thread OOTB's Political Thread . ...
    God greeting Jesus upon his return from the dead
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  • S
    I’m still in for the 12 portal players thing next year
  • Championheels
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  • GoNtheDistance
    GoNtheDistance replied to the thread Our frontcourt is a mess.
    it’s the same dumbasses every year that say player X will go from averaging 2 ppg to 15 and 10, and then spend the whole next season...
  • dtodd4475
    True, but when 1 defender is 8th grade face guarding RJ the fact that they are double daring EC to do something and he can't is a major...
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  • GoNtheDistance
    GoNtheDistance replied to the thread Hubert Davis.
    we still thinking Hubert getting a 5th year to show us he’s not a good basketball coach at this level? the product on the floor is awful
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  • D
    Oh I remember the Joel Berry game.
  • D
    Defenses don't respect any of our front court players. It makes it very easy to send extra defenders at our guards. This is the...
  • al would
    prolly cause he seldom actually looks to pass .. he looks for himself not others .. be glad when he moves on.
  • heels05champs
    heels05champs replied to the thread Our frontcourt is a mess.
    Amazing that some on here said we didn’t need a center and he was already on the roster. We have FCS caliber bigs.
