2025 recruiting....

Yeah, your dukies get 2 more big time recruits, have we not seen this movie before? This movie has more sequels than Star Wars and Harry Potter combined, a new one comes out every single year! The plot is always the same, duke has mega talent, they win a bunch of regular season games but it is the ending that is always notable, it always ends with dukie heart break, which is no longer the surprise ending. Yet another season where after NOT getting to the national title game their mega stars leave for the NBA and are replaced by another set of big time talents, wash and repeat. When was the last time duke even played in the natty game, been so long I forgot? LOL

Was that enough enthusiasm? LOL
that was epic DSouth!...=)

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Amid all of Donald Trump's lies about federal relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, here's a reminder of another storm that ravaged part of our state eight years ago:

99 percent of Hurricane Matthew aid requested by NC denied by Trump administration


I trust the Dems are hammering this in their ads?

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Amid all of Donald Trump's lies about federal relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, here's a reminder of another storm that ravaged part of our state eight years ago:

99 percent of Hurricane Matthew aid requested by NC denied by Trump administration


what, only 6.1 million? this says almost a billion

"Assistance from FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers and HUD after Hurricane Matthew totaled more than $914 million, the report said. The HUD disaster grant can be used for housing, economic development, infrastructure, and a few other needs."

Am I reading this wrong? Makes you wonder if there isn't something missing from the '99% less' story. Oh wait, never mind. I just noticed that a notorious TDS victim posted it.

Anyway, some of the people in dire need of assistance might still be waiting for it, not because it wasn't made available but because of NC administrative ineptitude in managing the recovery....according to my article from the always reliable Raleigh News and Disturber..
