Remember the “Sports Writer” Gregg Doyel?

I remember reading the horrible articles Doyel used to write on UNC. Click bait crap. When he moved to Indiana to write for the Star as a sports columnist I was pissed. He writes every political/“sports” article for clicks instead of trying to inform people in my opinion. Not sure how it works but I’m sure he gets paid for clicks. His insight into actual sports is bad.

The reason I bring his name up, if you have heard anything about a perv reporter lately creeping out Caitlin Clark in her interview after the draft…. It was him! He made her very uncomfortable on the podium. lol


We just caught someone sharing screen shots of David's report last night. This was posted on the Facebook page DIE HARD TAR HEEL FANS ONLY!!! ( NO RACE, RELIGION OR POLITICS! (OFFICIAL)

I have requested it be removed.

Anyone on this site caught doing this will be banned for the duration of your subscription. We cannot be in business without subscribers, and if us and TOS were to stop posting, all these clown shows out there would have nothing to steal and nothing to "report" either.

I ask that everyone on this board please keep an eye out for these thieves and let us know. You guys pay good money to be on here, and it should tick you off that people are giving what you pay for away for free to others.

Thank you.
