Im so fuggin sick of the politics in public education. Absolutely sick of it. The way some kids are protected and other kids arent given a shit about.
Last week, we had a kid threaten to come to school and shoot the school up if he got bad grades on his report card. This wasnt a rumor, he said it front of several students and a teacher. He has been in trouble multiple times this year and last year.
He ended up getting 5 days suspension and now he is back on campus. Students ask me why he is back after what he said. I plainly tell these kids..because the people in charge think his education is more important than the safety of anyone in the school. Not even trying to get a referral to the alternative schooly, just let him come back to school like nothing has happened.
Its an absolute travisty what our education system has become. In NC, we have NCDPI that is over our schools. Ive decided that NCDPI should actually stand for Nothing Changes with Dumb People In charge. I fuggin despise those SOBs.