2019 NCAA Tourney Thread

I'm just amazed what UVA gets away with defensively. We did the exact same thing to Harper and it was called a foul every time. Every UVA hack is all ball I guess.
First time I think I've ever seen it: there was no under-4 timeout. The ball was live from like five minutes remaining until halftime. Pretty hard to do.
The NCAA should just be ashamed. This is the product they want at the final four. Guard a guy 2 inches in front of you so he cant shoot and if he tries to drive by you just absolutely mug him. This is just brutal. It's not basketball.
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Very much pulling for the Hoos to pull this one out, then pull it out Monday. Looks good for the conference. That would be three different teams from the ACC winning championships in the last 5 years.
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Well Uva is better on d than we were but auburn has missed about 10 open 3s they made against us.

I know it’s easy to say but feels like at full strength we’d be up by at least 10 over either of these teams’ game tonight
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The NCAA should just be ashamed. This is the product they want at the final four. Guard a guy 2 inches in front of you so he cant shoot and if he tries to drive by you just absolutely mug him. This is just brutal. It's not basketball.

I think this game has been great.
Despite their lack of makes, Auburn continues to chuck. If they can knock down a couple, this game could get super tight down the stretch.
I hope UVA wins with this style. People used to hate Dean Smith's four corners... but, it won a lot of games! It forced a shot clock!
That’s not the call to complain about. Jerome should have been called for a double dribble before getting fouled. Bounced the ball off his foot and then dribbled again after going to pick it up.
That was a huge missed call.
Really the ref should be applauded for that last foul call. I'd have a higher bar for calling a foul in the last seconds, but that one was pretty clear and a lot of refs wouldn't have the guts to do it. The one to complain about is definitely the no-call on the double dribble. Hearing about that missed call (I doubt most people caught it live) must be tough to swallow as an AU fan.
Really the ref should be applauded for that last foul call. I'd have a higher ball for calling a foul in the last seconds, but that one was pretty clear and a lot of refs wouldn't have the guts to do it. The one to complain about is definitely the no-call on the double dribble. Hearing about that missed call (I doubt most people caught it live) must be tough to swallow as an AU fan.
Yep. But if that last play was Cam getting fouled we’d all scream bloody murder if it wasn’t called.
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Crazy how Virginia was the first No. 1 to lose to a 16 seed last year, now they're the only No. 1 seed left and playing for the Championship Monday. Glad to see Auburn go home.
The amount of physical mauling by both teams without any foul calls is atrocious. Slows it down to a no scoring slog fest. Not the way the game is intended to be played. Horrible to watch. It should not be rewarded.
The amount of physical mauling by both teams without any foul calls is atrocious. Slows it down to a no scoring slog fest. Not the way the game is intended to be played. Horrible to watch. It should not be rewarded.
Many years ago that was normal play for the Big 10 Conference but not so much for the rest. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now! I wish it had stayed in the B10!
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Imagine paying however much tix coat for this 30 percent shooting, more tos than favs garbage.