You're wrong Dave! The clearing house told Memphis Rose was clear and then came back after the season and said he wasn't! They even said they couldn't prove that he didn't take his test but they thought he didn't. Even the writing expert they brought in said he couldn't say forsure that it wasn't Roses handwriting.
It is actually pretty simple scotty, the entity that administers the SAT testing invalidated Rose's SAT under the belief that he did not himself take the test, that someone else took it for him. They contacted Rose twice to answer some questions about the test, Rose elected to ignore them, in other words offer no explanation what so ever of his side of the situation. So his SAT was invalidated, guys can not play NCAA ball without a valid SAT score.
Now the NCAA took the easy path and frankly the path both Memphis and Kalipari should have preferred, simple stripping of all wins Rose was a part of. That way the school nor the coach would have to explain the relationship between Kalipari, Rose, and William Wesley (once described by Kal as the greatest ambassador for the Memphis program, his ambassadorship has now relocated to Lexington Ky). Nor would they have to explain that Rose was in Detroit, where William Wesley lives, being invited to a Pistons game by Wesley, and oh yeah, while there had a few extra minutes, could have grabbed a burger & a coke, decided to take the SAT? The SAT, same test he failed 3 times in his home town but in between events in Detroit passed it? LOL