You're seriously unfamiliar with this? Even Steve Bannon and Roger Stone admit that that 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner was the catalyst.How about this one?
How about this one? C'mon Strum, you're embarrassing yourself claiming Trump only ran for POTUS to "get even with Obama". Even you can't believe that surely.
Oh he believes it
This is true! Trump has done more on an ‘I’ll show you’ than the 3 previous presidents.You're seriously unfamiliar with this? Even Steve Bannon and Roger Stone admit that that 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner was the catalyst.
After reading 4 books about him, I have no doubt that he made the decision right then. Now, I will admit to some artistic license and liberty to embellish in my comments. But, he was basically thinking: "I'll show you!"... and, he did! I give him props for pulling-it-off! I don't think he ever wanted to BE the president. He just wanted to win the election.
Did the 2011 White House correspondents’ dinner spur Trump to run for president?
If several media and political pundits are to be believed, President Donald Trump sits in the White House today as the result of several hours one warm April evening nearly six years ago: the 2011 …
2011 white house correspondents dinner - Google Search
sure, but did he say he'd oppose it? The thing about dem doublespeak is, you're surprised if they don't speak it.meh...he said he’s not in favor of packing the court just today.
only the hardest of hard-core cultists would espouse that level of craziness. I believe our boy might have passed some sanity point of no return. Trump must have worked some serious mindfvck on him.How about this one? C'mon Strum, you're embarrassing yourself claiming Trump only ran for POTUS to "get even with Obama". Even you can't believe that surely.
LOL at @blazers casting stinkbait and getting no bites.
sure, but did he say he'd oppose it? The thing about dem doublespeak is, you're surprised if they don't speak it.
Biden wishes he were half as smart as this woman. She is eminently qualified to sit on the SC. On the other hand, Biden is suffering from dementia and yet Dems don’t seem to care.
Is Biden up for selection to be on the Supreme Court? You guys are obsessed with "Well what about Joe Biden???"Biden wishes he were half as smart as this woman. She is eminently qualified to sit on the SC. On the other hand, Biden is suffering from dementia and yet Dems don’t seem to care.
The Dems’ platform consists of four planks:
1) I hate Trump!
2) Everything is going to be free.
3) We’ll tax the shit out of rich people.
4) I hate Trump!
yeah except I provided no such examples and you only referred to some without actually providing any. Swing and a miss. And it was a wimpy swing.oh, like graham and mitch in 2016?’re doing nothing but providing examples of the right doing what you’re accusing the left of doing.
Yeah, a lot of the Democrats have gone irrational... some are very irrational. But, a lot of people see Trump for exactly what he is, and it's not flattering, and it troubles them because of the effects on the country. He embodies the opposite of what most people want to instill in their own children... to be the OPPOSITE of him when growing up!
Trump is just a disgusting person. He owns it. He revels in it! Now, if you're someone who "hates liberals", then you love a guy that pisses them off. It doesn't matter what his other abhorrent traits are. Does he piss-off liberals (whatever liberals even are)? Then, great! He could shit in their mouths, it would all be worth it.
This is a man who just wanted to get even with Barack Obama for making fun of him at a public dinner in front of a lot of other important people. He's that thin-skinned, but also that resolved to get even. He just wanted to GET EVEN. That's it... no more, no less. And, whatever charade had to be played-out to get even, he was on-board. And, he executed it perfectly. The only problem was; He wound up having to actually serve as the President! And, all you need do is look at his "loyal people" getting replaced on a revolving-door-basis! Indictments, people going to jail, on and on! His administration has been a long episode of his reality TV show life! And, now, this covid crisis! He has no idea what to do. he even admitted to Bob Woodward that he knew how bad it was and he purposely downplayed it publicly. He's totally reprehensible. He claims no responsibility for anything, ever.
So, the derangement is well-earned! It's created two separate realities in American society. There is derangement o'plenty on both sides since Trump came on the scene.