A Day Without Women

Let me be clear on where I stand here -- I think it is blatantly ridiculous for ANYONE to pay that kind of money to ANY party for ANY candidate. I'm of the belief that we should vote for the candidate based on principles and what our own beliefs are rather than who has the most funding or who is able to pay for the most advertising. Does that help?
I anxiously await your criticism of conservative donors.

ETA: Maybe you and @Hark_The_Sound_2010 can team up on this since you both found the amount of Soros' donations so concerning.
I guess I wasn't clear enough. I thought the Caps Lock would have helped. (sighs)
Which is weird, because I've never seen you criticize a conservative for excessive spending. Or anything, really. More to the point, you should've just said you despise Soros' politics and saved yourself the trouble of acting like it was the spending that you found so troubling.
Which is weird, because I've never seen you criticize a conservative for excessive spending. Or anything, really. More to the point, you should've just said you despise Soros' politics and saved yourself the trouble of acting like it was the spending that you found so troubling.


I am pretty sure I referenced Cruz's incessant mentioning of his fundraising abilities, and I'm equally sure that I said A-N-Y-O-N-E who spends money like that on A-N-Y person from A-N-Y party is blatantly ridiculous.

I am pretty sure I referenced Cruz's incessant mentioning of his fundraising abilities, and I'm equally sure that I said A-N-Y-O-N-E who spends money like that on A-N-Y person from A-N-Y party is blatantly ridiculous.
Right, but in this case Soros was donating money to non-profits and advocacy groups, not a political campaign. Does that make it okay then?