An honest answer.......

Don't you mean choose to worship or assemble devices intended to look like a bomb, lie about building it from scratch, then show it around with the hopes of being detained in order to claim discrimination?

Methinks you're conflating two separate issues. And for what it's worth, reread the thread; I never once said that kid was discriminated against or targeted due to his religion. I just said it was ridiculous that he was handcuffed and arrested. But if it turns out that he brought that clock to school deliberately to provoke a reaction, then I'll even revise that statement.
I agree 100% with the statement above. But there could be any number of reasons you're not supporting those people (like the fact that they are all completely insufferable, except for Bugs). But when you say you would not support any member of a particular group, regardless of what else you know about them, you're saying that you're not supporting them because they're in that group. You're saying members of that group are not fit to be president.

Anyway, why are you so hung up on the word "unfit?" Do you really think Carson thinks Muslims are "fit" to be president? Of course not. You're just being argumentative.

I don't think Muslims are unfit, as in something that would prevent them from executing the office. As I and many others have explicitly stated, many feel that Islam is incompatible with our system of laws and constitution. Plain and simple. Observant muslims are REQUIRED to adhere to sharia, and to hold islamic law above and supreme to the law of any government. This is not something they hide, why do you refuse to acknowledge it?
If you think I'm being argumentative, I feel you are being willfully ignorant of painfully clear realities, replete with fingers in your ears and hands over your eyes to that which doesn't fit your narrative.
Europe is finally waking up to the invasion they are sustaining, and to the damage it has done to their nations. Rotherham rape gangs, anyone? They have been led down the same multiculti path by quisling leaders infected by the same willful ignorance, and it's nearly too late for them.
US soldiers have been told to stop challenging Muslim leaders in A-stan for their sexual abuse of young boys... This is truly disgusting... Muslim leaders believe they are entitled to the privilege of sexually abusing young boys as part of their Sharia culture... In Egypt, men are entitled to rape women on the street as part of their Sharia culture...

But, hey! On the bright side, it looks like liberals will be just fine with all this just as long as their liberal sensibilities are not offended while a hypothetical Muslim is ascending to power as POTUS...
Methinks you're conflating two separate issues. And for what it's worth, reread the thread; I never once said that kid was discriminated against or targeted due to his religion. I just said it was ridiculous that he was handcuffed and arrested. But if it turns out that he brought that clock to school deliberately to provoke a reaction, then I'll even revise that statement.

I won't hold my breath.
Muslims should absolutely not be POTUS as long as radical Islam exists in a state of war with the USA.

I completely agree. Once radical Islam is eradicated, then we'll revisit a muslim holding the highest office in our country. And frankly, muslims should be ok with this line of thinking. If not, tell them to fix their religion's problems.

I would like to be able to say, "let a muslim run for President. It's not like he'd ever win". But sadly, people would vote for a muslim just to try to show others that they're not against muslims. That is not a guess. That line of thinking was proven in 2008.
So, we are at war with a growing, fascist, extremely ruthless and hyper-radical Islamic enemy who has carried out terrorist attacks on America here at home and abroad... and, some idiots out there would be OK with electing some theoretical Muslim POTUS... hhhmmmmmmmmm... ooooooooookay. Many Muslims believe in implementing religious-based Sharia law both locally, state-wide, and nationally - as do our avowed Islamo-fascist enemies ISIS and AQ. Wouldn't such a goal be antithetical to the US Constitution?

Let me put it slightly differently. What if the GOP nominated a Nazi to run against FDR in 1944? Would FDR have been wrong to suggest Americans should not elect a Nazi as POTUS? I guarantee DEMs would be defending FDR in such circumstances...

And if you would've heard further into the interview, Dr. Carson used that exact example as to his reasoning. Sharia Law is incompatible with the Constitution of the United States of America.

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