Andrew Jones Post on X


Hall of Famer
Aug 15, 2008
The ACC needs a massive change. Needs a new voice. New direction from the top. This is pathetic in both major sports.

The ACC needs a massive change. Needs a new voice. New direction from the top. This is pathetic in both major sports.

'Massive' may even be an understatement. But I do not see Philips as some kind of failure, because he walked into a disaster that had been in the offing since the ACC was created with the basketball people working with the majority of school Presidents to make certain the league would be Basketball-FIRST, while predending to back the Major College Football which was the reason for the secession from the SoCon. All Major decisions since then have part of that worse than stupid plan. So Phillips inherited a huge mess of many decades. making.

The issue now is: can the ACC be saved at all? If so, will it be saved only as the Pac now is saved: permanently marked as non-Major.

I think it clear that the SEC and BT ask their media partners are working together, by and large, to reduce the number of Major Conferences to 2, with those two coming to have total domination over all college sports money. I HATE the very thought of that evil and want UNC to be leading the ACC to survive as the 3rd Major.

For that to happen, the ACC must find a leader who is tough as nails and who knows how to seal with the kind of brutal trash running the SEC and the more hypocritical trash version running the BT. Phillips is too nice for that.

For this to happen, I think the ACC will enquire a multi billionaire sugar daddy who wants to back a challenger against the 2-league Monster trying to take total control of all money in college sports. I think all moves will be 'radical'. Wake will need to be cut. The far northeast (Bam Cuse) is total regional dead weight to Major CFB, sp must be cut. The ACC must become THE Major conference of MT by adding Arizona, ASU, Utah, Colorado, which will add value to having Cal-ford and be the geographic bridge back to TX. Add TTU, TCU, and Baylor to have 4 in the moist important football state of TX. Finish off with Cincy and WCUU to establish northern borders with or rivalries. Advertise all the time being the only league ever to have at least 1 school in each of the 5 states that every year produce the most football talent: CA, TX, FL, GA, OH. Play 10 conference games, with no games vs. 1AA teams allowed.
The ACC needs a massive change. Needs a new voice. New direction from the top. This is pathetic in both major sports.

The ACC needs a massive change. Needs a new voice. New direction from the top. This is pathetic in both major sports.

'Massive' may even be an understatement. But I do not see Philips as some kind of failure, because he walked into a disaster that had been in the offing since the ACC was created with the basketball people working with the majority of school Presidents to make certain the league would be Basketball-FIRST, while predending to back the Major College Football which was the reason for the secession from the SoCon. All Major decisions since then have part of that worse than stupid plan. So Phillips inherited a huge mess of many decades. making.

The issue now is: can the ACC be saved at all? If so, will it be saved only as the Pac now is saved: permanently marked as non-Major.

I think it clear that the SEC and BT ask their media partners are working together, by and large, to reduce the number of Major Conferences to 2, with those two coming to have total domination over all college sports money. I HATE the very thought of that evil and want UNC to be leading the ACC to survive as the 3rd Major.

For that to happen, the ACC must find a leader who is tough as nails and who knows how to seal with the kind of brutal trash running the SEC and the more hypocritical trash version running the BT. Phillips is too nice for that.

For this to happen, I think the ACC will enquire a multi billionaire sugar daddy who wants to back a challenger against the 2-league Monster trying to take total control of all money in college sports. I think all moves will be 'radical'. Wake will need to be cut. The far northeast (Bam Cuse) is total regional dead weight to Major CFB, sp must be cut. The ACC must become THE Major conference of MT by adding Arizona, ASU, Utah, Colorado, which will add value to having Cal-ford and be the geographic bridge back to TX. Add TTU, TCU, and Baylor to have 4 in the moist important football state of TX. Finish off with Cincy and WCUU to establish northern borders with or rivalries. Advertise all the time being the only league ever to have at least 1 school in each of the 5 states that every year produce the most football talent: CA, TX, FL, GA, OH. Play 10 conference games, with no games vs. 1AA teams allowed.
The only way to make this happen would be for the "new ACC" to have access to an OTA media partner coupled with another media outlet that could broadcast mid-week events and secondary games.
Either CBS or NBC would have to pick up the primary role as the OTA carrier with at least two games (football/basketball) on Saturdays and the rest of the schedule aired over another outlet like the CW or a resurrected Raycom.
What the SEC/BT and ESPN /Fox are doing is not just acting to destroy all other conferences that are major or could be Major, but also to create a duopoly of TV coverage if Major college sopirts. The purpose is to destroy all competition in both areas, thereby cutting every9ne else off. Not only then can no school that has been 'left out' ever move up but no network can move in.

Fox has acted to 'neutraklize the desires of NBC and CBS by gving them teeny pieces of the BT. That will matter to those networks only if the BT ever becomes gigantic, as in 24 or more member, so it has the inverhory to matter. ESPN has placed all its eggs in the SEC basket, and 1 league, even if it stays at 16, it sees as enough. Because ESPN/ABC/Disney is not sharing with anyone.

"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will not themselves be realized."

That is what the ACC must take to heart. Basketball-focus means you do the opposite because your focus is a game played indoors in boys shirts. Very few know that James Naismith berated Phog Allen for wanting to make basketball the KU primary sport. because he created the game just to be a winter sport to stay in shape with a team sport to get ready to play a superior, larger sport (baseball and football in that order to him) in the fresh air. Balteblal restricts even basic thought because it is confined and this confine.

Basketball thinking is the ACC problem. It cannot survive as even a distant #3 Major conference with basketball thinking. Basketgbaklk thinking is for boys, girls, ladies garden clubs, and limp wristed academicians.

Jeff Bezos badly wants BigTime sports. Hence all his advertising over an NFL wild card game. Not the AFC and/or NFL Champiopnships. Just wild card game. Disney and Fox are acting try to make certain he can never show any major college athletics. The only way he can get around that is to be the money behind the ACC becoming HUGE in size by paying for all the new members, whose inventory is shown on Amazon. That would allow the ACC to survive its onerous contract with evil Disney and then leave it fully. The 23 member league I have described can work well against both SEC and BT with an aggressive multi-billionare backer like Bezos.
What the SEC/BT and ESPN /Fox are doing is not just acting to destroy all other conferences that are major or could be Major, but also to create a duopoly of TV coverage if Major college sopirts. The purpose is to destroy all competition in both areas, thereby cutting every9ne else off. Not only then can no school that has been 'left out' ever move up but no network can move in.

Fox has acted to 'neutraklize the desires of NBC and CBS by gving them teeny pieces of the BT. That will matter to those networks only if the BT ever becomes gigantic, as in 24 or more member, so it has the inverhory to matter. ESPN has placed all its eggs in the SEC basket, and 1 league, even if it stays at 16, it sees as enough. Because ESPN/ABC/Disney is not sharing with anyone.

"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will not themselves be realized."

That is what the ACC must take to heart. Basketball-focus means you do the opposite because your focus is a game played indoors in boys shirts. Very few know that James Naismith berated Phog Allen for wanting to make basketball the KU primary sport. because he created the game just to be a winter sport to stay in shape with a team sport to get ready to play a superior, larger sport (baseball and football in that order to him) in the fresh air. Balteblal restricts even basic thought because it is confined and this confine.

Basketball thinking is the ACC problem. It cannot survive as even a distant #3 Major conference with basketball thinking. Basketgbaklk thinking is for boys, girls, ladies garden clubs, and limp wristed academicians.

Jeff Bezos badly wants BigTime sports. Hence all his advertising over an NFL wild card game. Not the AFC and/or NFL Champiopnships. Just wild card game. Disney and Fox are acting try to make certain he can never show any major college athletics. The only way he can get around that is to be the money behind the ACC becoming HUGE in size by paying for all the new members, whose inventory is shown on Amazon. That would allow the ACC to survive its onerous contract with evil Disney and then leave it fully. The 23 member league I have described can work well against both SEC and BT with an aggressive multi-billionare backer like Bezos.
And aggressive means in terms of seeing the product. Almost imiideaiteo after Disney signed the SEC for all its games, ESOn began taking uo all things SEC all the time, while also taking down almost all things ACC almost all the time save on ACC game broadcasts. None of that was by accident, any more than having the SECN headquartered in Charlotte was an accident. It all was about Disney acting to destroy the ACCover time, so that the SEC could take whatever ev,aue to wanted from the ACC. The BT would do that to the Pac and the SEC to the ACC, and then we have only 2 leagues left standing as Major.

This new 23 member ACC would need to have its sponsor address 3 things relentlessly, year round, year after year, marking the product fully and permanently. 1) that the ACCis only truly national league as it has at least 2 teams in each of the 4 Continental US Times Zones; 2) that TX is the most important state to football because its importance historically to HS and college and Pro football, and the ACC has 4 schools in TiX, all of them long time members of the historic SWC, 3) for decades, the 5 states that annually prodice the most football talent are west to east CA, TX, OH, FKL. and GA, and the ACC is the only league ever to have at least 1 team in each of those 5, so Acc football is bedrocked on the best HS football across the entire USA.