As If I Needed Another Reason To Hate State Fans


Oct 11, 2010
I have a friend (that I can't get away from because he married one of my wife's best friends) that is a die hard wolf puppy fan. We typically have a friendly back and forth during games. At the end last night, I sent him the obligatory congratulations message. His response was that it was about time they got a win in the 'Nose Dome.' When I called him out on the obvious inappropriateness of mocking Dean Smith just days after his public memorial and weeks after his passing, his response was a simple LOL. The classlessness of these guys truly knows no boundaries.
'Nose Dome' isn't all that terribly bad . . maybe the timing of his comment is a little too soon. I do agree that that fan-base isn't that classy of a group, but then, they never have been. The douchebaggery that they constantly display is truly unparalleled . .
Obviously he's just a dick.

Not all woofies are such pricks. I work with a guy that is a State alum and he had kind words for Coach Smith and seemed very respectful.
Originally posted by BillyL:

'Nose Dome' isn't all that terribly bad . .
Agree. That's something overly sensitive duke fans would get bent over. We're better than that.
That's the thing is that it was the timing. Truth be said, as much as I despise K, I don't think I could call him the Rat to a dook fan's face after he's gone. There's just an overall lack of respect for everything Carolina from that fan base that makes me sick.
There is nothing...nothing...about moo that I respect.


I wipe better than those people off my shoes.
That is nothing compared to what one of their bloggers posted on twitter last night. That person crossed the line big time and I hope he or she burns in hell.

Most State fans instead of celebrating a victory last night, just hated on UNC.

State fans are the scum of the earth and we as a society would be better off without them. They have a culture of hate and obsession and many have some bolts loose in their heads.
I'll refer to the Rat as the Rat dead or alive. I don't expect anything different from Moo or Puke fans.
Originally posted by bleeduncblue:
I'll refer to the Rat as the Rat dead or alive. I don't expect anything different from Moo or Puke fans.
I'm sorry, but I just don't have the animosity toward dook fans that I feel for mooers. I remember the sincere grief the dookies exhibited for Eve Carson and the respect they've shown for Dean. The moo mods had to threaten to ban posters to stop the hate and vitriol they spewed about Dean and the things they posted about Eve should have some of them rotting in hell for eternity.

They can all rot.
I lived through the 70's and early 80's when this deal was still a rivalry. moou fans were
a vicious breed back then. Most of the moo fans I know now are pretty beat down after
years of humiliation. Several of them today accepted congratulations and commented
that they expected their team to blow it, as they have so often. I think the comment
the OP received was okay, but the timing was shaky. Overall I feel sad and gleeful when
I think of the wolfie fans. They seem a lot like Chicago Cub fans, looking for a glimmer of hope,
only to be disappointed over and over. Let's just be glad that we cheer for the Heels and
that we can complain when we occasionally lose to them instead of just about
every time this game is played.

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