
No, I would just make it a rule. People wouldn't do it if they knew it would get them banned. That's how most rules work.

This mindset is disturbing.

Speculation on transfers or other relevant topics goes against the happy, rainbow tinted glasses we wear, so we are going to ban it altogether.

Do you realize how much of an idiot you sound like right now?
This mindset is disturbing.

Speculation on transfers or other relevant topics goes against the happy, rainbow tinted glasses we wear, so we are going to ban it altogether.

Do you realize how much of an idiot you sound like right now?

You guys know that players and their families read boards like these right?

It's a very negative thing to come on a forum and see fans speculating about whether you/your son will transfer.

I'd rather ban that sort of speculation rather than risk that happening. Pretty simple.
You guys know that players and their families read boards like these right?

It's a very negative thing to come on a forum and see fans speculating about whether you/your son will transfer.

I'd rather ban that sort of speculation rather than risk that happening. Pretty simple.

I really don’t think it’s as serious as you’re making it out to be. Good thing you don’t run this place “professor”
I hope so. I will be delighted if Coby and Leaky show us good PG chops. But I don't want to have to force them to play there.

I think I saw a couple of nice moves by KJ in the highlights. I may have to go back and check.

I suspect most of us worry about PG more because we don't know how it will sort out than because we are actually strapped for people who can play PG.

"Most of Us"...???
This mindset is disturbing.

Speculation on transfers or other relevant topics goes against the happy, rainbow tinted glasses we wear, so we are going to ban it altogether.

Do you realize how much of an idiot you sound like right now?
Comrad... The word your looking for is comrad
I agree with the professor, it is not appropriate to encourage our players to transfer and should not be allowed by the mods. Banning posters should only be used for those who continue to break rules after warnings.
You guys know that players and their families read boards like these right?

It's a very negative thing to come on a forum and see fans speculating about whether you/your son will transfer.
I'd rather ban that sort of speculation rather than risk that happening. Pretty simple.

This post is crazy, IMO.

If we have players and their family members on our Heels team(s) who would give 1% weight or consideration on whether to transfer:
to what fans (fanatics - myself included) say or type on some anonymous board....
posters just having speculative discussion .....
posters who no player will likely ever meet or talk to or in any way answer or be accountable to.....

then we certainly chose the wrong kids (and family) to recruit, from a judgment, secure-in-their-abilities standpoint, IMO.

I believe no poster here ever wants or encourages any of our guys to transfer, but the rational posters realize and admit it is not about us. Shocker - the kids need to do what is best for them in the long run. I assume all of us would do the same, if we're being honest.

If kids do end up transferring - at least we can feel assured that its not because Roy treated them poorly, lied to them, or even recruited over them, really. And it likely wouldn't be transfers due to internal strife or team chemistry issues. You can't say the same for Transfer U at a couple other shades of blue.

How do we even know if kids or their families ever view these boards. Twitter? Sure. Instagram? Probably. But I've never seen any players or family members post here - I think their time is likely spent on other social media venues more popular with their generation.

Player: "Mom - some mean guy on a chat board hurt my feelz today."
Mom: "Oh no, baby, I'm so sorry. What was his name? What did he say?"
Player: " I don't know his real name, but I think it was Professor Owl or Jesus or Heelicious or something. He said that maybe there'd come a time when there were players better than me on the team where I'd maybe need to consider getting more playing time elsewhere"
Mom: "The nerve! How hurtful! So are you going to stick it out, or should we start researching other schools right now? Based on what Jesus and the Owl said. "
Player: "I think I'll stick it out and let my hard work and play on the court and in practice lead the way. And trust Roy and the Carolina family"

(note: these conversations NEVER happen. EVER. Think how ludicrous it sounds when you type it out.
Last edited:
This post is crazy, IMO.

If we have players and their family members on our Heels team(s) who would give 1% weight or consideration on whether to transfer:
to what fans (fanatics - myself included) say or type on some anonymous board....
posters just having speculative discussion .....
posters who no player will likely ever meet or talk to or in any way answer or be accountable to.....

then we certainly chose the wrong kids (and family) to recruit, from a judgment, secure-in-their-abilities standpoint, IMO.

I believe no poster here ever wants or encourages any of our guys to transfer, but the rational posters realize and admit it is not about us. Shocker - the kids need to do what is best for them in the long run. I assume all of us would do the same, if we're being honest.

If kids do end up transferring - at least we can feel assured that its not because Roy treated them poorly, lied to them, or even recruited over them, really. And it likely wouldn't be transfers due to internal strife or team chemistry issues. You can't say the same for Transfer U at a couple other shades of blue.

How do we even know if kids or their families ever view these boards. Twitter? Sure. Instagram? Probably. But I've never seen any players or family members post here - I think their time is likely spent on other social media venues more popular with their generation.

Player: "Mom - some mean guy on a chat board hurt my feelz today."
Mom: "Oh no, baby, I'm so sorry. What was his name? What did he say?"
Player: " I don't know his real name, but I think it was Professor Owl or Jesus or Heelicious or something. He said that maybe there'd come a time when there were players better than me on the team where I'd maybe need to consider getting more playing time elsewhere"
Mom: "The nerve! How hurtful! So are you going to stick it out, or should we start researching other schools right now? Based on what Jesus and the Owl said. "
Player: "I think I'll stick it out and let my hard work and play on the court and in practice lead the way. And trust Roy and the Carolina family"

(note: these conversations NEVER happen. EVER. Think how ludicrous it sounds when you type it out.

This post is crazy, IMO.

If we have players and their family members on our Heels team(s) who would give 1% weight or consideration on whether to transfer:
to what fans (fanatics - myself included) say or type on some anonymous board....
posters just having speculative discussion .....
posters who no player will likely ever meet or talk to or in any way answer or be accountable to.....

then we certainly chose the wrong kids (and family) to recruit, from a judgment, secure-in-their-abilities standpoint, IMO.

I believe no poster here ever wants or encourages any of our guys to transfer, but the rational posters realize and admit it is not about us. Shocker - the kids need to do what is best for them in the long run. I assume all of us would do the same, if we're being honest.

If kids do end up transferring - at least we can feel assured that its not because Roy treated them poorly, lied to them, or even recruited over them, really. And it likely wouldn't be transfers due to internal strife or team chemistry issues. You can't say the same for Transfer U at a couple other shades of blue.

How do we even know if kids or their families ever view these boards. Twitter? Sure. Instagram? Probably. But I've never seen any players or family members post here - I think their time is likely spent on other social media venues more popular with their generation.

Player: "Mom - some mean guy on a chat board hurt my feelz today."
Mom: "Oh no, baby, I'm so sorry. What was his name? What did he say?"
Player: " I don't know his real name, but I think it was Professor Owl or Jesus or Heelicious or something. He said that maybe there'd come a time when there were players better than me on the team where I'd maybe need to consider getting more playing time elsewhere"
Mom: "The nerve! How hurtful! So are you going to stick it out, or should we start researching other schools right now? Based on what Jesus and the Owl said. "
Player: "I think I'll stick it out and let my hard work and play on the court and in practice lead the way. And trust Roy and the Carolina family"

(note: these conversations NEVER happen. EVER. Think how ludicrous it sounds when you type it out.

This was funny. Well done.
People read what other people write about them. On Twitter. On message boards. On ESPN. It's only human.

A million strawman conversations won't change that simple fact.

I'd rather them not read about how their own fans might be speculating on their transfer potential.
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You guys know that players and their families read boards like these right?

It's a very negative thing to come on a forum and see fans speculating about whether you/your son will transfer.

I'd rather ban that sort of speculation rather than risk that happening. Pretty simple.
How exactly do you know that they are fans? Just because they come onto a certain schools forum and start talking about that team and or player? Because they throw a logo up for their avatar? Does that make them a true fan?
How exactly do you know that they are fans? Just because they come onto a certain schools forum and start talking about that team and or player? Because they throw a logo up for their avatar? Does that make them a true fan?

Gonna head over to the Dook boards to pose as a Dook fan and post about how I don't want any Top 100 recruits to come here. Now they'll never get another Top Recruit again!

This post is crazy, IMO.

If we have players and their family members on our Heels team(s) who would give 1% weight or consideration on whether to transfer:
to what fans (fanatics - myself included) say or type on some anonymous board....
posters just having speculative discussion .....
posters who no player will likely ever meet or talk to or in any way answer or be accountable to.....

then we certainly chose the wrong kids (and family) to recruit, from a judgment, secure-in-their-abilities standpoint, IMO.

I believe no poster here ever wants or encourages any of our guys to transfer, but the rational posters realize and admit it is not about us. Shocker - the kids need to do what is best for them in the long run. I assume all of us would do the same, if we're being honest.

If kids do end up transferring - at least we can feel assured that its not because Roy treated them poorly, lied to them, or even recruited over them, really. And it likely wouldn't be transfers due to internal strife or team chemistry issues. You can't say the same for Transfer U at a couple other shades of blue.

How do we even know if kids or their families ever view these boards. Twitter? Sure. Instagram? Probably. But I've never seen any players or family members post here - I think their time is likely spent on other social media venues more popular with their generation.

Player: "Mom - some mean guy on a chat board hurt my feelz today."
Mom: "Oh no, baby, I'm so sorry. What was his name? What did he say?"
Player: " I don't know his real name, but I think it was Professor Owl or Jesus or Heelicious or something. He said that maybe there'd come a time when there were players better than me on the team where I'd maybe need to consider getting more playing time elsewhere"
Mom: "The nerve! How hurtful! So are you going to stick it out, or should we start researching other schools right now? Based on what Jesus and the Owl said. "
Player: "I think I'll stick it out and let my hard work and play on the court and in practice lead the way. And trust Roy and the Carolina family"

(note: these conversations NEVER happen. EVER. Think how ludicrous it sounds when you type it out.

You do know that we have had several family members of recruits and UNC players that have posted here, you do know that is 100% fact, right... KInda doubt that would happen unless they were to some degree interested in what UNC fans felt about their kid.

Now cute respond but truth is you are trying to justify saying anything you want to say based on minimizing the result of the words. At least have the set to realize and accept that YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO READS YOUR WORDS OR HOW THEY WILL TAKE THEM. Now if YOU do not care how your words are received by any possible readers then realize how little it matters to you if you make Roy's ability to recruit even more difficult. FYI, Roy has had to try to explain away words recruits families have read on the internet, pretty much the main reason Roy is not a fan of internet sites, why he calls them the "crap Net".

So, sorry to detract from your really cute response but your justification is nothing but made up facts and should not be used around folks that know BS when they see it...
People read what other people write about them. On Twitter. On message boards. On ESPN. It's only human.

A million strawman conversations won't change that simple fact.

I'd rather them not read about how their own fans might be speculating on their transfer potential.

Face it, what you’re advocating for is ridiculous. If they can’t handle fan speculation that has no bearing on their lives whatsoever, that’s not our problem. No one is here is saying anyone should transfer.

So how bout you take a big step back and get off your high horse? K? Awesome.
If they can’t handle fan speculation that has no bearing on their lives whatsoever, that’s not our problem.

Whether a player should or shouldn't be able to handle board chatter is irrelevant. All that matters is if there is a chance their decision might be marginally affected by the words of other people. We know that players and family members read these boards. So why risk it?

I want UNC to win, which means I want as few transfers as possible. As a fan, I'm perfectly willing to censor myself if it means a marginally smaller chance of a player transfer.

Perfectly rational.

Sure, making a rule against it would be authoritarian. That's ok; in case you haven't realized, message boards are not democracies.
Whether a player should or shouldn't be able to handle board chatter is irrelevant. All that matters is if there is a chance their decision might be marginally affected by the words of other people. We know that players and family members read these boards. So why risk it?

I want UNC to win, which means I want as few transfers as possible. As a fan, I'm perfectly willing to censor myself if it means a marginally smaller chance of a player transfer.

Perfectly rational.

Sure, making a rule against it would be authoritarian. That's ok; in case you haven't realized, message boards are not democracies.

Sure the mods have unilateral authority to do as they see fit but within reason. They can’t ban someone without a serious transgression and this ain’t one of them pal.

If you really believe you’re being rational, well then that’s your deal not mine. I’m not in the habit of censoring myself for the well being of others. Especially on a damn message board. These kids are in the spotlight. They understand they are going to be talked about. I will never brazenly insult anyone who plays for us, but you’re crazy if you think people aren’t going to speculate or even criticize. That’s what fans do, right or wrong.
You do know that we have had several family members of recruits and UNC players that have posted here, you do know that is 100% fact, right... KInda doubt that would happen unless they were to some degree interested in what UNC fans felt about their kid.

Now cute respond but truth is you are trying to justify saying anything you want to say based on minimizing the result of the words. At least have the set to realize and accept that YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO READS YOUR WORDS OR HOW THEY WILL TAKE THEM. Now if YOU do not care how your words are received by any possible readers then realize how little it matters to you if you make Roy's ability to recruit even more difficult. FYI, Roy has had to try to explain away words recruits families have read on the internet, pretty much the main reason Roy is not a fan of internet sites, why he calls them the "crap Net".

So, sorry to detract from your really cute response but your justification is nothing but made up facts and should not be used around folks that know BS when they see it...

Hey Dave - I always love and respect what you post here, a lot - this post included. I'll just make a couple clarifying points, then maybe this can get back to love for Bacot which is the point of this thread:

1) I didn't mean to be too cute or clever or witty - I do think and wholeheartedly agree - some things that people type on boards are overly harsh or unfair toward players, and go over the line - especially in-season, and not knowing what the kid is going through. Myself included I admit - an example is Kennedy Meeks when he was going through a lot of challenges in junior year. I've tried to curb / stop that sort of unfair posting

2) I DO NOT think anything said by anyone in this thread rises remotely to the level of questioning or dissing a player, or encouraging one to transfer. All anyone said is it could be a possibility. What second or third string player doesn't know that already? There is nothing in this thread that is ban-worthy, lock-worthy, IMO - and nothing that even approaches what these kids hear from rival teams' fans, players, etc.

3) I sure hope / assume Roy doesn't have to be personally responsible to answer for anything and everything that any moron from anywhere types about some potential recruit or existing player for the Heels. If he does, that is a literally impossible task and expectation.

And my main point was I hope that this social media garbage on the crap net doesn't impact recruiting one iota. If kids and families do respond negatively to this - well that seems to sort of put them in the snowflake category for me. Maybe they should develop a bit thicker skin. What big time D1 school are they going to go to instead, where they don't experience the same - and much worse- comments on social media? UK? Duke? Nova? LOL

Back to Bacot. So glad we got him. He'll be great for us I hope.
To get back on topic with Bacot, reading Corey Evans and the "who might come with Armando" thing, seems Evans feels that UNC's best bet is Green & Mann and that JRE is sold on KU and that Cole is anyone's guess.
I would still like that small group of two if Armando can work it! GO HEELS! :cool:
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We talk transfers way to much. Many of our players will always be thrilled to be a part of the Carolina Family. Starting is a bonus for them not a necessity. Let it play out, Roy has this and won't run anybody off like some do.
I will be putting the Professor on ignore. Someone please alert me when/if he removes the racist imagery because I have no issue with his ideas!

His belief that several players, recruits, and family read these boards is asinine (maybe it's happened a few times but to even remotely suggest that its the norm is ridiculous).

But he has taken down whatever racist imagery he had. Now he just has a picture of a statue that honored some fallen students.
His belief that several players, recruits, and family read these boards is asinine (maybe it's happened a few times but to even remotely suggest that its the norm is ridiculous).

But he has taken down whatever racist imagery he had. Now he just has a picture of a statue that honored some fallen students.
Hey Dave - I always love and respect what you post here, a lot - this post included. I'll just make a couple clarifying points, then maybe this can get back to love for Bacot which is the point of this thread:

1) I didn't mean to be too cute or clever or witty - I do think and wholeheartedly agree - some things that people type on boards are overly harsh or unfair toward players, and go over the line - especially in-season, and not knowing what the kid is going through. Myself included I admit - an example is Kennedy Meeks when he was going through a lot of challenges in junior year. I've tried to curb / stop that sort of unfair posting

2) I DO NOT think anything said by anyone in this thread rises remotely to the level of questioning or dissing a player, or encouraging one to transfer. All anyone said is it could be a possibility. What second or third string player doesn't know that already? There is nothing in this thread that is ban-worthy, lock-worthy, IMO - and nothing that even approaches what these kids hear from rival teams' fans, players, etc.

3) I sure hope / assume Roy doesn't have to be personally responsible to answer for anything and everything that any moron from anywhere types about some potential recruit or existing player for the Heels. If he does, that is a literally impossible task and expectation.

And my main point was I hope that this social media garbage on the crap net doesn't impact recruiting one iota. If kids and families do respond negatively to this - well that seems to sort of put them in the snowflake category for me. Maybe they should develop a bit thicker skin. What big time D1 school are they going to go to instead, where they don't experience the same - and much worse- comments on social media? UK? Duke? Nova? LOL

Back to Bacot. So glad we got him. He'll be great for us I hope.

Responsibility, one of the most important words in our language to me, a word that is used a LOT but rarely correctly. For a place like this, responsibility means realizing that words have power and especially those written. It is a fact that Roy has had to try to explain away words players, recruits and families have read on sites like this, folks may not like that but it is absolute fact and Roy has publicly spoken about this. The argument that what lil ole me says here does not matter at all falls apart knowing that fact I just presented.

For total disclosure, I have said things that refer to the possibility that a player could transfer and at times it has been my belief that a transfer would not be the worst decision by a kid. Sometimes the way the situation stacks up, as in a very talented kid that is buried 3 deep at a position but could start for other programs may be in the best interest of a kid. But taking responsibility for my words, I do not come out and advocate for that from a kid because those things have to be left up to those that know the kid's situation better than me, Roy, the kid, his family. There are times when I learn a particular program is trying to get a player to transfer from us, something that should not be done but happens all the time. For example, there is a school about 3hr from Chapel Hill that has made it well known that 2 of our current players would be more than welcome and that they would both get big PT if they were to happen to transfer. I do not want my words to help that other school recruit and I absolutely do not want other families to feel my words represent the whole UNC family and my words advocating for him to leave. So I try to not single out a player by name and I velvet glove the rest of my words on these type of things. And I worry even that may be to much at times.

Next, as has been easy to see, recently I have engaged in some heated discussions with a couple of posters concerning 7th and Huffman, specifically in my view they have closed the book on those 2 kids and have written what strikes me as just going to far, that a kid just is not capable of playing his position and never will be. Critique is 1 thing but we should not be saying what a kid can and can not do as far as playing his position. Critique what a kid does, if a kid does not pass the ball as much as he should talk about it but to say he is not capable of passing it well is not anything but negative spin.

There are players that for me it was not a bad day when their career with us was over. We have had kids that have done dumb things off the court that has embarrassed the program, we have had players that were not the best for team chemistry, and we have had guys that just flat out did not play their position well for us. I don't celebrate PUBLIC ALLY the kid leaving that played poorly for us because I assume the kid played the best he could with his ops and a kid doing best he could I am just not going to be hard on. Example, I did not like Nate Britt's game, great kid but I just didn't like his game at all, I critiqued him based on each individual game and never advocated for him to leave nor would never have considered calling him a bust or advocating he should have transferred out.

It is a fine line is my point and if the topic is a potential player transfer, I do think posters should post extremely carefully and responsibly, and if they do not then I do think this staff has to curtail it. Freedom of speech does not mean the right to say any and every thing that comes in to your head to say nor does it mean we can say anything we want any place or at any time, there is always a degree of responsibility that is attached to our words.
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Hey Dave - I always love and respect what you post here, a lot - this post included. I'll just make a couple clarifying points, then maybe this can get back to love for Bacot which is the point of this thread:

1) I didn't mean to be too cute or clever or witty - I do think and wholeheartedly agree - some things that people type on boards are overly harsh or unfair toward players, and go over the line - especially in-season, and not knowing what the kid is going through. Myself included I admit - an example is Kennedy Meeks when he was going through a lot of challenges in junior year. I've tried to curb / stop that sort of unfair posting

2) I DO NOT think anything said by anyone in this thread rises remotely to the level of questioning or dissing a player, or encouraging one to transfer. All anyone said is it could be a possibility. What second or third string player doesn't know that already? There is nothing in this thread that is ban-worthy, lock-worthy, IMO - and nothing that even approaches what these kids hear from rival teams' fans, players, etc.

3) I sure hope / assume Roy doesn't have to be personally responsible to answer for anything and everything that any moron from anywhere types about some potential recruit or existing player for the Heels. If he does, that is a literally impossible task and expectation.

And my main point was I hope that this social media garbage on the crap net doesn't impact recruiting one iota. If kids and families do respond negatively to this - well that seems to sort of put them in the snowflake category for me. Maybe they should develop a bit thicker skin. What big time D1 school are they going to go to instead, where they don't experience the same - and much worse- comments on social media? UK? Duke? Nova? LOL

Back to Bacot. So glad we got him. He'll be great for us I hope.

BUT I do want to say, I hit at what you said pretty hard, you replied in a cool and reasonable manner, you discussed, I respect that and I do appreciate that!

One other add in, it does not matter how I take someone's post or any other fan here, it does matter how a kid or his family take our words. What may not seem like overly harsh words to us may be read differently by a kid or their family. I want folks to keep that in mi9nd when they post their thoughts...
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Hey Dave - I always love and respect what you post here, a lot - this post included. I'll just make a couple clarifying points, then maybe this can get back to love for Bacot which is the point of this thread:

1) I didn't mean to be too cute or clever or witty - I do think and wholeheartedly agree - some things that people type on boards are overly harsh or unfair toward players, and go over the line - especially in-season, and not knowing what the kid is going through. Myself included I admit - an example is Kennedy Meeks when he was going through a lot of challenges in junior year. I've tried to curb / stop that sort of unfair posting

2) I DO NOT think anything said by anyone in this thread rises remotely to the level of questioning or dissing a player, or encouraging one to transfer. All anyone said is it could be a possibility. What second or third string player doesn't know that already? There is nothing in this thread that is ban-worthy, lock-worthy, IMO - and nothing that even approaches what these kids hear from rival teams' fans, players, etc.

3) I sure hope / assume Roy doesn't have to be personally responsible to answer for anything and everything that any moron from anywhere types about some potential recruit or existing player for the Heels. If he does, that is a literally impossible task and expectation.

And my main point was I hope that this social media garbage on the crap net doesn't impact recruiting one iota. If kids and families do respond negatively to this - well that seems to sort of put them in the snowflake category for me. Maybe they should develop a bit thicker skin. What big time D1 school are they going to go to instead, where they don't experience the same - and much worse- comments on social media? UK? Duke? Nova? LOL

Back to Bacot. So glad we got him. He'll be great for us I hope.
IMHO I feel this entire post is founded on pure speculation and unfounded hopes and desires. The team has not played one game against Worthy competition. So how can we judge the ability of our players ? you all know that Roy has always wanted a true 2 point guard backcourt and it looks like this year he will have that option . scoring is not more important to him than assists. What makes you think that all of Bacon, so-called friends are going to follow him to UNC? when have you seen Roy recruit over a qualified player and in effect forced a player out? this is a family, and that's our biggest claim to fame. Speculation on possible transfers and thoughtlessly naming them, can come to no positive end and damages our image as a close caring University and + fan base. I think we should choose our words more carefully in the future.

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