Bowl Game Thread

This is going to be a another independence bowl or whatever they went to three years ago. Complete joke. Defense didn't even make a stop and offense of course turns the ball over. I can't blame them, what is the real motivation. Win a crappy bowl game against a crappy team.
I don't understand how a college quarterback can throw that bad of a ball
How was that not a late hit on Williams who by the way is playing terrible so far. No accuracy.

Good decision, punt it Fedora. What an idiotic decision.
no running game as usual and missed receivers.......bad combination. Is this the bowl game or have I stumbled on a replay of the moo game.
did they just say the second leading ball carrier is logan with 105?

stating the obvious, that's a problem!!!!
I think I could be on board for firing Larry Fedora after this. This team is not prepared.
Nevermind. This entire team is playing terrible. I guess they uniforms are similar to State's unis and they are reverting to laying down and giving up.
What a really weak showing this team has put on so far . .

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