What about them?
My guess is that they are, like 95% of human beings, varying degrees of bisexual.
Neurologist Sigmund Freud suggested that we were all innately
bisexual. ... He said it is the “tribal taboos” that have taken our innate
bisexuality away, whereas in fact it is a matter of our
human condition that we are all responsive to sexual stimuli from whichever gender it should come from.Oct 17, 2014
Are We All A Little Bisexual? Exploring Gender Identities & Cultural ...
The "cultural programming" makes perfect sense to me. People nowadays never realize that even the church sanctioned same-sex marriage long before it forbade them. Behavior goes in and out of favor all... the... time! And, depending on who you are, and how stubborn you may be, it is easy to see and accept and not be threatened by it in the slightest.