Boy Scout's...err Girl Scout's....err

The majority of the country has not accepted it and much like your homosexual never will!
The support for it is greater than against it. According to this poll 44% of people in the US believe it is a natural occurance, while 38% say it isn't (page 20 of poll). Only 32% believe it is a mental illness as opposed to 53% who believe it isn't (page 22 of poll).
The majority of the country has not accepted it and much like your homosexual never will! I am glad that you are happy to be morally bankrupt and accept that fact!

Quoting Discover Magazine about something that God does is nothing short of LUNACY....I am glad to know where you get your direction explains a lot!

Just because you are screwed up in the head enough to believe that people can't change sexes based on how they feel, does not mean everyone is!

I am perfectly happy being at the bottom of the lake if it means disagreeing with you and your stance....the top of the lake is obviously screwed up in the head!
God is everything... even Discover Magazine. Do you believe God to be less than everything? I must be morally bankrupt to believe God is not less than everything.

I don't expect you to accept it. By all means, be afraid of it and protest it. That's ideal. There's a balance there, somewhere.

It's obvious you, and others, don't get it and refuse to get it. That's fine. But, it's still here and here to stay.

And, finally, what does a person's anatomy have to do with their morality?
The support for it is greater than against it. According to this poll 44% of people in the US believe it is a natural occurance, while 38% say it isn't (page 20 of poll). Only 32% believe it is a mental illness as opposed to 53% who believe it isn't (page 22 of poll).
Oh, NO! Our "country" is morally bankrupt! Maybe the land, rivers, streams, mountains, and wildlife still have a chance to be morally sound. However, there are plenty of examples of homosexual activity in nature (animals), too... God just keeps creating imperfections. Maybe God is morally bankrupt. Personally, I think God is doing a helluva job. Pun intended.
Maybe not a problem, per se. But I feel that people that need to alter their physical appearance are low in confidence and self esteem. Therefore, I respect them less than someone that doesn't have that same need.

With that said, I'll gladly ogle them. Hell, that's what they got them for, right?
If a woman has a mastectomy, she might want to feel "normal" and have one. Some women have been taught that society prefers them to be big-breasted. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. But, if you can accept their choice, then you're not far from accepting what these people are experiencing.
However, there are plenty of examples of homosexual activity in nature (animals), too...

The numbers on this would be very interesting to me, and I think would go a ways to identifying how much of homosexuality is ingrained in DNA, and how much is due to external circumstances and upbringing after being born.

I'd like to see the percentage of population of certain species of animals that exhibit homosexual behavior as compared to the percentage of humans. Maybe each species isn't a perfect proxy for another, but I think it would be good enough. This would show how many are born homosexual, as the animals don't know that the majority of their species is heterosexual. The delta between the animal percentage and the human percentage would roughly amount to those that are homosexual due to external circumstances and upbringing as opposed to genetics. Maybe that delta is negative, which would show that some humans born gay have developed into being straight as a result of outside influence, who knows.

* I shouldn't have to issue a disclaimer statement on a message board, but just so my views aren't misconstrued or tinkered with: I have absolutely no problem with homosexuals.
The numbers on this would be very interesting to me, and I think would go a ways to identifying how much of homosexuality is ingrained in DNA, and how much is due to external circumstances and upbringing after being born.

I'd like to see the percentage of population of certain species of animals that exhibit homosexual behavior as compared to the percentage of humans. Maybe each species isn't a perfect proxy for another, but I think it would be good enough. This would show how many are born homosexual, as the animals don't know that the majority of their species is heterosexual. The delta between the animal percentage and the human percentage would roughly amount to those that are homosexual due to external circumstances and upbringing as opposed to genetics. Maybe that delta is negative, which would show that some humans born gay have developed into being straight as a result of outside influence, who knows.

* I shouldn't have to issue a disclaimer statement on a message board, but just so my views aren't misconstrued or tinkered with: I have absolutely no problem with homosexuals.
Did you just mention the delta?

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The numbers on this would be very interesting to me, and I think would go a ways to identifying how much of homosexuality is ingrained in DNA, and how much is due to external circumstances and upbringing after being born.

I'd like to see the percentage of population of certain species of animals that exhibit homosexual behavior as compared to the percentage of humans. Maybe each species isn't a perfect proxy for another, but I think it would be good enough. This would show how many are born homosexual, as the animals don't know that the majority of their species is heterosexual. The delta between the animal percentage and the human percentage would roughly amount to those that are homosexual due to external circumstances and upbringing as opposed to genetics. Maybe that delta is negative, which would show that some humans born gay have developed into being straight as a result of outside influence, who knows.

* I shouldn't have to issue a disclaimer statement on a message board, but just so my views aren't misconstrued or tinkered with: I have absolutely no problem with homosexuals.
No species has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.

And, of course, there's the science for old people and religious people:
OK what about the people that think that they are gay but then return to being straight?
What about them?

My guess is that they are, like 95% of human beings, varying degrees of bisexual.

Neurologist Sigmund Freud suggested that we were all innately bisexual. ... He said it is the “tribal taboos” that have taken our innate bisexuality away, whereas in fact it is a matter of our human condition that we are all responsive to sexual stimuli from whichever gender it should come from.Oct 17, 2014
Are We All A Little Bisexual? Exploring Gender Identities & Cultural ...

The "cultural programming" makes perfect sense to me. People nowadays never realize that even the church sanctioned same-sex marriage long before it forbade them. Behavior goes in and out of favor all... the... time! And, depending on who you are, and how stubborn you may be, it is easy to see and accept and not be threatened by it in the slightest.
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What about them?

My guess is that they are, like 95% of human beings, varying degrees of bisexual.

Neurologist Sigmund Freud suggested that we were all innately bisexual. ... He said it is the “tribal taboos” that have taken our innate bisexuality away, whereas in fact it is a matter of our human condition that we are all responsive to sexual stimuli from whichever gender it should come from.Oct 17, 2014
Are We All A Little Bisexual? Exploring Gender Identities & Cultural ...

The "cultural programming" makes perfect sense to me. People nowadays never realize that even the church sanctioned same-sex marriage long before it forbade them. Behavior goes in and out of favor all... the... time! And, depending on who you are, and how stubborn you may be, it is easy to see and accept and not be threatened by it in the slightest.
Thanks, glad I'm in the minority 5%.
Thanks, glad I'm in the minority 5%.
Even if you're not, it's okay. There's no "incorrect" way to be... just different ways. It's funny to me how men try to emasculate each other and insult one another by feminizing them somehow. That Y chromosome is a bitch (pun intended).
Thanks, glad I'm in the minority 5%.
I don't personally believe that people are "straight" or "gay" anymore than I believe they're "liberal or conservative." They have preferences and typical behaviors, but they're never one or the other all the time. I think I recall reading where, in Roman culture, people who were completely heterosexual and completely homosexual were considered the "freaks" of the society. And, in a sense, that was correct because they do comprise the extreme minority of the demographic.

Of course, in our society, it's finally being put aside. But, I know when I was a kid, the worst thing a boy could be called was a fagg*t. That was a potentially serious blow to the ego, right there!
Whatever you say snowflake. ;)
Or queer, fairy, pansy. It's also funny to me, now, when I see films depicting military training scenes. Ever notice how the DI's are always referring to the soldiers/recruits as "ladies!" "Alright, ladies!!" It must be confusing when they are also demanding they make their beds to perfection.
If a woman has a mastectomy, she might want to feel "normal" and have one. Some women have been taught that society prefers them to be big-breasted. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. But, if you can accept their choice, then you're not far from accepting what these people are experiencing.

I don't even know what you're trying to say in the above quote but I say this in effort to save you some time from explaining it, I don't care.

It's funny that you embrace animal instincts in the debate of homosexuality and say that it does no good to try and fight what is innately built into us. Yet you don't seem to view the natural tribal characteristics of humans (or all animals) in the same light.
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No species has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.

And, of course, there's the science for old people and religious people:
You do realize that humans are one of the very, very few animals that have sex for pleasure? Almost all others for reproduction. How does that work for gay men or lesbians?
You do realize that humans are one of the very, very few animals that have sex for pleasure? Almost all others for reproduction. How does that work for gay men or lesbians?
Really? Having been a dog, you can vouch for that?
I don't even know what you're trying to say in the above quote but I say this in effort to save you some time from explaining it, I don't care.

It's funny that you embrace animal instincts in the debate of homosexuality and say that it does no good to try and fight what is innately built into us. Yet you don't seem to view the natural tribal characteristics of humans (or all animals) in the same light.
I guess because I think tribal instincts and behaviors can be overcome for the betterment of the species. We no longer need to be tribal. Well... we can be ONE tribe!

And, what a rare instance of you not getting what I'm trying to say. But, at least you don't care.
He sounds really curious...
God forbid...

Jeez. So much hate... and for the inclusion of children. :confused:
If we don't force them to be what we (the few remaining rational, morally sound adults) think they should be, then "our morals" will deteriorate. Somehow, our anatomy and gender preference is dictating morality. Maybe in a way, it is. But, it doesn't bother me. I guess I'm just not bothered by people feeling comfortable with themselves and how they show and share affection with other consenting people. There's something really scary about two men having orgasms with each other that scares the shit out of religious people. I keep picturing several posters here in the cafe scene in Easy Rider. They assume Wyatt, Billy and George are gay, and that threatens them, so they start that fear engine up and get even with them for making them feel "uncomfortable."
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Reproduction between same sexes
Well, I don't think you can accomplish that in mammals. So, we've covered that. Hey, that's one thing evangelicals should love about homosexuals- they never have abortions!

How many times have you had sex for pleasure and how many for procreation? Does it really make any difference where the stimulation came from??? What about when you whacked-off? Was that a "sin" and an abomination as well? I mean, technically, a man was stimulating your genitalia when you reached orgasm!
God forbid...

If we don't force them to be what we (the few remaining rational, morally sound adults) think they should be, then "our morals" will deteriorate. Somehow, our anatomy and gender preference is dictating morality. Maybe in a way, it is. But, it doesn't bother me. I guess I'm just not bothered by people feeling comfortable with themselves and how they show and share affection with other consenting people. There's something really scary about two men having orgasms with each other that scares the shit out of religious people. I keep picturing several posters here in the cafe scene in Easy Rider. They assume Wyatt, Billy and George are gay, and that threatens them, so they start that fear engine up and get even with them for making them feel "uncomfortable."
I got no issues what 2 or 100 consenting adults do together. I don't believe in it. I don't treat them any differently. But I'm also not going to try and rationalize it to myself, kids or grandkids. If everyone would mind their own damn business what difference would it make anyway? I don't go around announcing what my wife and I do in our home and don't care to hear what the LGTB community do nor do I want them forcing their beliefs on me or my family.
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Well, I don't think you can accomplish that in mammals. So, we've covered that. Hey, that's one thing evangelicals should love about homosexuals- they never have abortions!

How many times have you had sex for pleasure and how many for procreation? Does it really make any difference where the stimulation came from??? What about when you whacked-off? Was that a "sin" and an abomination as well? I mean, technically, a man was stimulating your genitalia when you reached orgasm!

The "homosexuality is a sin" and "abortion is murder" crowd from the right is just as tiresome as the "minorities/females need an unfair advantage to obtain equality" and "we know what to do with your money better than you do" crowd from the left.

The country would be better off without both of them.
I got no issues what 2 or 100 consenting adults do together. I don't believe in it.
Those two statements show a contradiction.

"I don't believe in it" indicates a denial of it. It indicates that you think or believe it to be "wrong." So, you definitely do "have issues" with it. It's abundantly clear that you definitely have issues with it.

Want proof? :

" I'm also not going to try and rationalize it to myself, kids or grandkids. If everyone would mind their own damn business what difference would it make anyway? I don't go around announcing what my wife and I do in our home and don't care to hear what the LGTB community do nor do I want them forcing their beliefs on me or my family."

No one is forcing you to mimic them. They're not forcing you to watch them have sex. They don't even get into any specifics ABOUT how they have sex that I've ever heard, publicly.

It's not a matter of them "forcing their beliefs on you" at all. Its merely a recognition of the acceptance that their beliefs and behaviors are just as "normal" as yours. They don't wanna know what you and your wife do either. But, they're not threatened by what you do. You, on the other hand, are very much threatened by what they do. You show that in abundance in virtually everything you say here. You won't hear gay people going around saying "I don't believe in heterosexual activity and I won't condone it or allow my family to accept it." That's called NOT being threatened by another person's preference. They merely want to be treated equally. Until you can accept them as equals, you're going to continue to FEEL LIKE they're forcing their beliefs on you. That's from you refusing to accept them as equal.
The "homosexuality is a sin" and "abortion is murder" crowd from the right is just as tiresome as the "minorities/females need an unfair advantage to obtain equality" and "we know what to do with your money better than you do" crowd from the left.

The country would be better off without both of them.
Well, I'm afraid those are parts of the equation that allow politics to remain intact. The country... the species... would be better off if we could extricate Politics from the consciousness of the human race. Politics NEEDS conflict between people in order to survive. So, politics makes sure to keep it there as a self-preservation mechanism. It's very shitty institution. Politics and religion hold us back more than anything.
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Those two statements show a contradiction.

"I don't believe in it" indicates a denial of it. It indicates that you think or believe it to be "wrong." So, you definitely do "have issues" with it. It's abundantly clear that you definitely have issues with it.

Want proof? :

" I'm also not going to try and rationalize it to myself, kids or grandkids. If everyone would mind their own damn business what difference would it make anyway? I don't go around announcing what my wife and I do in our home and don't care to hear what the LGTB community do nor do I want them forcing their beliefs on me or my family."

No one is forcing you to mimic them. They're not forcing you to watch them have sex. They don't even get into any specifics ABOUT how they have sex that I've ever heard, publicly.

It's not a matter of them "forcing their beliefs on you" at all. Its merely a recognition of the acceptance that their beliefs and behaviors are just as "normal" as yours. They don't wanna know what you and your wife do either. But, they're not threatened by what you do. You, on the other hand, are very much threatened by what they do. You show that in abundance in virtually everything you say here. You won't hear gay people going around saying "I don't believe in heterosexual activity and I won't condone it or allow my family to accept it." That's called NOT being threatened by another person's preference. They merely want to be treated equally. Until you can accept them as equals, you're going to continue to FEEL LIKE they're forcing their beliefs on you. That's from you refusing to accept them as equal.
To steal from another poaster tl:dr.

But thanks for the analysis Doc
"Correction: The story originally stated that Herbst was elected mayor last May. Herbst, who had served as mayor pro tem, was elected alderman and appointed mayor after the previous mayor died. The Observer regrets the error."

It will be interesting to see if he/she is re-elected.
If this person does a good job as mayor then she should be re-elected. If not move on and elect someone else but don't cry homophobe and all that BS.
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