I'm not talking about "The Theory of Evolution." I'm talking about the actual evolution and progression of the world and the species. I already showed scientific data that explains, in detail, how sexual arousal and gratification isn't specific about "opposite sex" anatomy in order to fulfill that proclivity. It may seem abnormal, but abnormal is relative. It's what we use to measure "normal" against. And, that is always changing... evolution.
And, as far as procreation, it could very well be that nature/God/The Universe brings the predisposition or preference of same-sex behavior back into abundance in order to balance the population. It's pretty clear that humans, because of their own preference for greed, have too many people for the resources and results of their labor. If it's getting too over-populated, then homosexual behavior will lower the numbers. Attraction, sexual pleasure, and the emotions to share affection and love are not likely to go away. People who are offended by what kind of genitalia they have and judge them for it "not being the right genitalia" are just going to have to be offended, I guess. That's their choice. Fortunately, we are EVOLVING beyond stoning, burning, killing people who are an "aberration."