Bring back the RPT

15 May 1862: Corporal John Mackie, the first Marine to earn the Medal of Honor, was commended for service in the USS GALENA during action against Confederate shore batteries at Drewry's Bluff which blocked the James River approaches to Richmond.

I believe it's a sequence of consecutive pictures of objects photographed in motion . . but, I thank you anyway for the slide.

I didn't see anyone object to poast #10047 in this thread . .

In response to @BillyL 's poasting of a video and then his attempt to compare poast 10047 with poast 10050, the court has found the following:

Animated gifs, which are a lot like videos, have always been acceptable, or even commonplace in the RTP. As a loyal participant of the RTP, BillyL is certainly aware of this. However, videos typically have not been allowed. With that said, I support @Raising Heel's decision to "let it slide".

Please know that others may not get such benefit. Your standing here at OOTB and as noted above, your continued participation in the RTP, were taken into consideration when making this ruling. We hope that this ruling has set precedent and therefore will deter future RPT participants from poasting videos.
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We don't need no stinkin' Judges or Moderators on this board . .

If, you don't like how I roll . . . GFYourselves.
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I will put myself on 24 hour probation for post 10047.

The court has noted your willingness to self impose sanctions and will take this action into account if you were to have any future charges brought against you for violation of thread rules. The court respects the sanctions that were self imposed however we would like to be on the record as saying we feel the self imposed sanctions are unnecessary. We consider this matter closed.
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On June 5, 1991, Michael Jordan switched hands in mid-air in the Bulls' victory over the Lakers in Game 2 of the 1991 NBA Finals.


My son is “in a relationship” for first time. Hes had gf’s but has never been this serious. Shes 8yrs older, owns her own business, range rover, house, and boat. My son surfs, skateboards, and plays in a death metal band and prob has around $57 to his name. Should be interesting.

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