Cam out indefinitely with Meniscus Tear

Word is that he will have a meniscectomy which requires less time for healing — approximately 3 to 4 weeks. If true, he will be back playing by the start of the ACC season.
Add in rehab and practice limits, but yeah, sounds like no later than mid-January... earlier if a minor procedure.
Thanks for sharing this information. While I'm glad he will only be out for a short time, I hope for his sake that coming back sooner doesn't cause further injury down the road that could potentially hurt his chances at the NBA. I would hate to see that happen to him.
. Agreed.
I'm not getting as many practice reports as I had in recent years (since KM is gone, dammit) but the few I've heard have mentioned AP in very positive ways, as did the summer pickup reports.

Wait. Was that your source?? Gary I've waited 4 years for this and you just throw it as an aside in a thread! Come on man hahaha

Coker was actually my guess. Man, it was a good run...I loved those monster reports you'd throw at us.
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Wait. Was that your source?? Gary I've waited 4 years for this and you just throw it as an aside in a thread! Come on man hahaha

Coker was actually my guess. Man, it was a good run...I loved those monster reports you'd throw at us.
Ya caught that, huh? :cool:

Yeah, that it was... and BJ as well starting the year before. My guy (that I've mentioned who's a regular pick-up participant) is very tight with both. Didn't want to blow anyone's cover while those guys were still playing.

Unfortunately the only practice stuff I get now comes sporadically --- coach-who-knows-a-coach stuff. However, good news is I still get some pretty good summer / pick-up intel. :D
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Never did like hearing of a person getting hurt, does not matter who he plays what type of sport for. Im praying that Cam Johnson will heal completely and can get back on the court this year and not lose the rest of his college career..
Some have been back in less than 10 days ... keep the faith!!!

We had a player @ 6-7 yrs ago who tore miniscus, had arthro surgery and was back playing in @ 10 days ... it may have been the Jet! Name escapes... getting too old to remember but he played v. State next game! Anybody remember details?
We had a player @ 6-7 yrs ago who tore miniscus, had arthro surgery and was back playing in @ 10 days ... it may have been the Jet! Name escapes... getting too old to remember but he played v. State next game! Anybody remember details?
Well, that was way longer than 7 years ago... and I believe The Jet had arthroscopic surgery on a cartliage tear... but he did come back quickly and hung 41 pts on Clemson.
Meniscus tears depend on if it's on the outside or interior of the meniscus. If it's a tear towards outside of the meniscus those tend to heal on their own in about a month. Introduce things like plasma treatments and it could be 3 weeks. If it's a meniscus tear on the interior of the meniscus it very well could be 2-3 months or he will need surgery.
Meniscus tears depend on if it's on the outside or interior of the meniscus. If it's a tear towards outside of the meniscus those tend to heal on their own in about a month. Introduce things like plasma treatments and it could be 3 weeks. If it's a meniscus tear on the interior of the meniscus it very well could be 2-3 months or he will need surgery.

He had the surgery. My point is, a lot of times the media and others who don't know the specific terminology call everything a "repair". In actuality, a "repair" is stitching the torn piece back in anatomical position. Then it usually takes 2-3 months for the healing to occur.

If they are saying 4-6 weeks is the expected timeline, then it most likely was not a repair, but instead a partial meniscectomy. This allows a swifter return to play, but is worse for long term joint health...
He had the surgery. My point is, a lot of times the media and others who don't know the specific terminology call everything a "repair". In actuality, a "repair" is stitching the torn piece back in anatomical position. Then it usually takes 2-3 months for the healing to occur.

If they are saying 4-6 weeks is the expected timeline, then it most likely was not a repair, but instead a partial meniscectomy. This allows a swifter return to play, but is worse for long term joint health...
Yea 4-6 weeks means he is getting treatment and resting it for at least a month. Only thing that sucks is a month with little to no conditioning.
space hit the nail on the head. the inability to condition obviously will make this injury seem like 8-10 weeks vs 6-8. It will take Cam a little while to get back in the mix and be at a conditioning level to run like we like to run and play as much as we need him to play. truth is, we may not see the real Cam until mid January at best. May not be until 2nd half of ACC schedule that we start to see this kid at full strength.
space hit the nail on the head. the inability to condition obviously will make this injury seem like 8-10 weeks vs 6-8. It will take Cam a little while to get back in the mix and be at a conditioning level to run like we like to run and play as much as we need him to play. truth is, we may not see the real Cam until mid January at best. May not be until 2nd half of ACC schedule that we start to see this kid at full strength.
Why I like the idea of him coming off the bench and becoming instant offense 6th man down the stretch of the season if he gets back.
I’m fine with him coming off the bench if he plays top level starter minutes when healthy. His offensive skills fill a huge void for us.
Best wishes cam! wouldnt be unc basketball without the plethora of injuries! To think of some of the teams we have had over the years derailed by injuries makes me throw up in my mouth. Their is literally know telling how many more banners would be hanging if we could just fumigate that bug that seems to get us every year. At least our players are actually injured and not pouting because they made a stupid decision to be coach k's bench bitch!
space hit the nail on the head. the inability to condition obviously will make this injury seem like 8-10 weeks vs 6-8. It will take Cam a little while to get back in the mix and be at a conditioning level to run like we like to run and play as much as we need him to play. truth is, we may not see the real Cam until mid January at best. May not be until 2nd half of ACC schedule that we start to see this kid at full strength.

It's a setback ... no question. If you're not prepared to deal with adversity, don't even suit up! We walk by faith as it is written!!!

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