Hey, no need for my peeps to talk to your peeps, all they do is drain off our profits, we talk, YOU ME, we handle this that way we do not profit those that do what they do out of shear greed. For example, Bit coin, OK, I can work with you on that, you make that deposit on bit coin and I get you Zion like love!
Geez, considering this is 75 I am dealing with, OK, you got me, I will accept your $25K bit coin offer, I assume you are then open to bit coin compensation which is GREAT because I am actually likely to be able to get you much more if you are actually open to bit coin transactions. Lets get this all on GO, ready to be a RICH man, you drop that tiny, tiny bit near insulting amount of $25K in Bit coin and you are on the way to being a WEALTHY man!
Say it with me, RICH, Filthy stinkin, RICH! Go ahead, price that airplane, you got baby mommas and need them handled, I got you. You just show me you serious with that $25k in bit coin and all you need do is go and shop for everything you dreamed of and I will show you how to make that YOUR reality. How much can you make from this deal, How Big are your DREAMS?
You want it all now, no problem, do you believe in your self $25K bit coin worth< i believe in you so much more that I am willing to take such a tiny and risky sum to get started as $25k in bit coin. That is how much I BELIEVE IN YOU that I am willing to take such an amount that others may consider insulting and dedicate myself to making YOU a wealthy man! WE have a deal, RIGHT, I mean, we can use Bob da glov as our virtual witness, he will do that for me for FREE (or somewhere close to free ;-)!