They won't admit shit.It will be fun listening to the talking heads from ESPN tonight 79-42
Would be very helpfulLet’s get Captain Jack and Cade some open looks to finish this game
Been too pissed offWonder why Jon Rothstein has not had much air time tonight?
It seemed like he was getting 80%!of heels rebounds in first half. Good for him. He and Lubin will at least battle the opponent bigs.Withers has his double double
Yeah I've seen Cadeau called for that foul. I don't get why San Diego St gets away with it.Foul good lord jumped all over Washington
Probably. But for such a big guy he just doesn’t play big and strong enough to get any benefit of the doubt. IMOFoul good lord jumped all over Washington
Yeah too much isoGetting a long look at Trimble at point guard. Ball movement isn't great.