ChatBoards vs Reality--Gotta love this!

Well, you notice they really didn’t want to fight. Their bark was worse than their bite. I think that applies to 99% of internet tough guys.
Absolutely right arch! My rule for myself is that I NEVER have nor will say a single thing on a chat board that I am not 100% willing to say face to face, I would actually prefer to say what I say face to face. I get on a place like this simply because I love to discuss topics that I am highly interested in and I don't require anyone to agree with me, I want them to understand my point of view and I want to understand their point of view, from there individuals can make up their own minds on what they chose to believe or agree with and what not to.

I look at a place like this like a cool little sports bar or coffee house for the tea tootlers, where I am gathered with a bunch of folks that are opiniated on topics I enjoy. WE agree, we disagree, we agree to disagree civilly for 99% of the discussions but as occurs in real like, once in a blue moon you have to take a heated discussion out side for more intense debate when respect is lost. I do think that is the healthy way to look at a forum like this, just as you would treat it in the real world.

I think we have lost the ability to really talk to other people, not just on a forum like this but across the board. Folks have elected to talk at each other rather than talking to each other, they don't want to understand anything they do not already agree with, they do not want to hear any other point of view. It is as if you disagree with someone you have personally insulted them and MUST BE PUINISHED! We have gotten so thin skinned as a nation, we have adopted group think relying on someone else to give us our opinions, what happened to the notion of being able to think for ourselves, that used to be highly respected? There are far to many invested in dividing us, who could never survive if we as a people truly were able to come together in unity and respect. Our country is now being led by those that want us to remain divided because it is only in the fact that we are divided as a nation that they are able to take and hold on to power. Social media, the sad state of our schools that are indoctrinating our children, and our media are all gathered together in the grand scheme to control our minds and actions to the end of controlling us.

We as a nation used to be governed by 1 very simple rule, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" but it appears that has now been changed to "Do unto others what SHOULD be done unto you"? The sad thing is, we let this happen, we could have stopped it, we should have stopped it, we didn't and now, I don't know that we can without major fall out occurring...
I think we have lost the ability to really talk to other people, not just on a forum like this but across the board. Folks have elected to talk at each other rather than talking to each other, they don't want to understand anything they do not already agree with, they do not want to hear any other point of view. It is as if you disagree with someone you have personally insulted them and MUST BE PUINISHED! We have gotten so thin skinned as a nation, we have adopted group think relying on someone else to give us our opinions, what happened to the notion of being able to think for ourselves, that used to be highly respected? There are far to many invested in dividing us, who could never survive if we as a people truly were able to come together in unity and respect. Our country is now being led by those that want us to remain divided because it is only in the fact that we are divided as a nation that they are able to take and hold on to power. Social media, the sad state of our schools that are indoctrinating our children, and our media are all gathered together in the grand scheme to control our minds and actions to the end of controlling us.
Well said David. I think you are spot on. What Winston said was spot on then and even more apropos today, unfortunately.

“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”

― Winston Churchill
Absolutely right arch! My rule for myself is that I NEVER have nor will say a single thing on a chat board that I am not 100% willing to say face to face, I would actually prefer to say what I say face to face. I get on a place like this simply because I love to discuss topics that I am highly interested in and I don't require anyone to agree with me, I want them to understand my point of view and I want to understand their point of view, from there individuals can make up their own minds on what they chose to believe or agree with and what not to.

I look at a place like this like a cool little sports bar or coffee house for the tea tootlers, where I am gathered with a bunch of folks that are opiniated on topics I enjoy. WE agree, we disagree, we agree to disagree civilly for 99% of the discussions but as occurs in real like, once in a blue moon you have to take a heated discussion out side for more intense debate when respect is lost. I do think that is the healthy way to look at a forum like this, just as you would treat it in the real world.

I think we have lost the ability to really talk to other people, not just on a forum like this but across the board. Folks have elected to talk at each other rather than talking to each other, they don't want to understand anything they do not already agree with, they do not want to hear any other point of view. It is as if you disagree with someone you have personally insulted them and MUST BE PUINISHED! We have gotten so thin skinned as a nation, we have adopted group think relying on someone else to give us our opinions, what happened to the notion of being able to think for ourselves, that used to be highly respected? There are far to many invested in dividing us, who could never survive if we as a people truly were able to come together in unity and respect. Our country is now being led by those that want us to remain divided because it is only in the fact that we are divided as a nation that they are able to take and hold on to power. Social media, the sad state of our schools that are indoctrinating our children, and our media are all gathered together in the grand scheme to control our minds and actions to the end of controlling us.

We as a nation used to be governed by 1 very simple rule, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" but it appears that has now been changed to "Do unto others what SHOULD be done unto you"? The sad thing is, we let this happen, we could have stopped it, we should have stopped it, we didn't and now, I don't know that we can without major fall out occurring...

The battle royal!

Just for laugh; old men playing - YouTube
Except for the unfortunate foray into politics I agree 100%. Really tough guys don't have to prove it! Really intelligent people understand that two people can look at the same data and come to different conclusions!

Tar Heels and the nation are trending up!

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