Coach K attacked by Indiana player at halftime

^your coach makes reference to wanting to fight a college kid. You can't defend that. The kid may have intentionally done it but he's a kid (remember your defense of oakafors stupid actions?) but who is supposed to be the adult here?
Reading your posts makes me glad to be a Duke fan, I just hope y'all don't represent the majority of UNC fans. LOL
ahh the 1st dookie douche bag sighting. Probably the same thing you jerk offs said about Dean , so don't come over here with your self-righteous bull shit.
^your coach makes reference to wanting to fight a college kid. You can't defend that. The kid may have intentionally done it but he's a kid (remember your defense of oakafors stupid actions?) but who is supposed to be the adult here?
I guess you're right, all your posters are very adult like with name calling such as asshat, ahole, rat, and gay references just to name a few. Sounds to me like some of you need to grow up and be adult like.

By the way I'm not a dork, I played college football and respect the hell out of any coach that works their tail off in preparing all players to make the most of themselves on and off the court. I don't despise any of the coaches that some of you enjoy ridiculing, even though you've probably never met them.
I guess you're right, all your posters are very adult like with name calling such as asshat, ahole, rat, and gay references just to name a few. Sounds to me like some of you need to grow up and be adult like.

By the way I'm not a dork, I played college football and respect the hell out of any coach that works their tail off in preparing all players to make the most of themselves on and off the court. I don't despise any of the coaches that some of you enjoy ridiculing, even though you've probably never met them.
Keep in mind which site you're on. Most of us are having fun at our rivals expense. If it offends you, then you might want to stay away.
I guess you're right, all your posters are very adult like with name calling such as asshat, ahole, rat, and gay references just to name a few. Sounds to me like some of you need to grow up and be adult like.

By the way I'm not a dork, I played college football and respect the hell out of any coach that works their tail off in preparing all players to make the most of themselves on and off the court. I don't despise any of the coaches that some of you enjoy ridiculing, even though you've probably never met them.

Oooo thanks for putting us in our place!!! Dork

I'll never understand these dorkie dookies that come over here trying to "police" our boards or at the very least try to tell us what we should/should not be saying
Let's say Luke Kennard bumped Roy like that going to the locker room, and had no intention of at least saying "my bad". I would criticize Luke because regardless of the game, coaches should be respected (until giving a reason not to be). The kid from IU was wrong IMO, regardless of the opposing coach.
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Let's say Luke Kennard bumped Roy like that going to the locker room, and had no intention of at least saying "my bad". I would criticize Luke because regardless of the game, coaches should be respected (until giving a reason not to be). The kid from IU was wrong IMO, regardless of the opposing coach.

Oh but of course! And miss Kay was right w all that hog wash spewing out of its mouth too huh? Almost 70 year old college coach staring down a college kid ..embarrassing and sickening
Let's say Luke Kennard bumped Roy like that going to the locker room, and had no intention of at least saying "my bad". I would criticize Luke because regardless of the game, coaches should be respected (until giving a reason not to be). The kid from IU was wrong IMO, regardless of the opposing coach.
It's IU-Dook , not dook-UNC there is a lot more respect between dook-unc, well most times anyway.
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Let's say Luke Kennard bumped Roy like that going to the locker room, and had no intention of at least saying "my bad". I would criticize Luke because regardless of the game, coaches should be respected (until giving a reason not to be). The kid from IU was wrong IMO, regardless of the opposing coach.

But the point is why is it the kids responsibility to say 'my bad'. Isn't it K's just as much? I mean, both of them didn't seem to be paying attention to the other one and they barely touched each other. I would be surprised if the IU guy even realized what happened. Again, if you have even been in a halftime run to the locker type atmosphere, you kind of brush into people from time to time. This is just ridiculously overblown.
But the point is why is it the kids responsibility to say 'my bad'. Isn't it K's just as much? I mean, both of them didn't seem to be paying attention to the other one and they barely touched each other. I would be surprised if the IU guy even realized what happened. Again, if you have even been in a halftime run to the locker type atmosphere, you kind of brush into people from time to time. This is just ridiculously overblown.

And all ridiculously overblown because the douchebag stopped and made a show while the kid just kept right on running.

If Rat keeps walking, no one ever even realizes contact was made.
Ok let's say it was an Iowa player with Roy; same thing in that respect should be shown not only to an opposing coach but also to an elder. Cory, that's the point - you wouldn't be offended if a teen bumped you like that and didn't even attempt to say anything? Lol yea right.

And you guys weren't there or saw the video I suppose. K didn't have a chance to say anything and was watching his coach (James) go after the kid.

Too poly, I understand this is a Heel board, but you are really falling short with anything that makes sense or holds water. I know, I know, i should just leave then.
Ok let's say it was an Iowa player with Roy; same thing in that respect should be shown not only to an opposing coach but also to an elder. Cory, that's the point - you wouldn't be offended if a teen bumped you like that and didn't even attempt to say anything? Lol yea right.

And you guys weren't there or saw the video I suppose. K didn't have a chance to say anything and was watching his coach (James) go after the kid.

Too poly, I understand this is a Heel board, but you are really falling short with anything that makes sense or holds water. I know, I know, i should just leave then.

If some kid had run into Roy, he would have ignored it.

Your coach is a prima dona and a douche. Own it. It comes with his wins.
Ok let's say it was an Iowa player with Roy; same thing in that respect should be shown not only to an opposing coach but also to an elder. Cory, that's the point - you wouldn't be offended if a teen bumped you like that and didn't even attempt to say anything? Lol yea right.

And you guys weren't there or saw the video I suppose. K didn't have a chance to say anything and was watching his coach (James) go after the kid.

Too poly, I understand this is a Heel board, but you are really falling short with anything that makes sense or holds water. I know, I know, i should just leave then.

Anything short or that holds water??? A grown ass man stopping to stare down a college player is acceptable in your eyes??? You really are as stupid as you sound aren't ya dork?

It's no wonder someone as douchie as yourself sees no wrong w Kay being this classless embarrassment but try sucking his dick on your own board? Does that hold any water or do we need to go back to shapes and colors for ya lil guy?
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lil guy, dork, douchie......that's quite an arsenal you have there. Very impressive. Thank you for proving my point above, absolutely priceless.

Thank you for also confirming you didn't see what actually happened. To be clear (since comprehension isn't a strength for you) I'm not defending K, I'm just calling out your idiocy.

Good day :)
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lil guy, dork, douchie......that's quite an arsenal you have there. Very impressive. Thank you for proving my point above, absolutely priceless.

Thank you for also confirming you didn't see what actually happened.

Good day :)

Do you actually have ANYTHING to say or just keep saying the same thing over and over? I saw exactly what happened and anybody that defends a grown ass man acting like the bitch that Kay did is yes In fact a douche or dork in my book. Don't like it? Cry somewhere else I honestly don't care ..and back to me proving your point? YOU HAVE NO POINT.. I really don't get how you're that stupid unless youre just messin with us..and if that's the case then touché dookie
If some kid had run into Roy, he would have ignored it.

Your coach is a prima dona and a douche. Own it. It comes with his wins.

If Roy wouldn't have taken so much time to blast a recruit, on paper.....

See how this works? Since you know Roy so well, ask him for $100. Let me know when you receive it. I'll ask K the same. At least I can admit I don't know K, and I know he wouldn't give it to me. I do, however, go off of evidence presented.
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You are like a broken record man, it's hilarious. I'll leave you alone since you obviously stalk this board 24/7, but I do suggest you try some new words, and please, PLEASE don't call other idiots when you can barely formulate a sentence. I'm not a grammar-nazi but it's just bad form.

Now chill out and let that blood pressure fall a bit. It'll all be okay. Have a good weekend guy!
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If Roy wouldn't have taken so much time to blast a recruit, on paper.....

See how this works? Since you know Roy so well, ask him for $100. Let me know when you receive it. I'll ask K the same. At least I can admit I don't know K, and I know he wouldn't give it to me. I do, however, go off of evidence presented.

Well if that's the case then evidence shows Kay acts like a prima Donna bitch if God forbid he gets touched ..and you on a UNC board sputtering out of control speaks volumes what kind of person you are ..bless your little heart
If Roy wouldn't have taken so much time to blast a recruit, on paper.....

See how this works? Since you know Roy so well, ask him for $100. Let me know when you receive it. I'll ask K the same. At least I can admit I don't know K, and I know he wouldn't give it to me. I do, however, go off of evidence presented.

Are you sniffing glue? You brought up Roy, not me.

Here's what we know- Rat got bumped (inadvertently according to player), Rat threw a hissy fit (not unlike tantrums he has thrown before). Anything past that is pure speculation.

All we know is what just happened, and what happened is that your coach acted like a fool. Again.
You are like a broken record man, it's hilarious. I'll leave you alone since you obviously stalk this board 24/7, but I do suggest you try some new words, and please, PLEASE don't call other idiots when you can barely formulate a sentence. I'm not a grammar-nazi but it's just bad form.

Now chill out and let that blood pressure fall a bit. It'll all be okay. Have a good weekend guy!

Awwww isn't that cute ..get put in your place like the bitch that you are and what do you fall back on? Grammar? Hahaha wave that white flag little guy
Awwww isn't that cute ..get put in your place like the bitch that you are and what do you fall back on? Grammar? Hahaha wave that white flag little guy

Wow you've got some issues. I'm sure some of your own THR posters read your posts and scratch their heads wondering how old you must be. I guess every board has a few loose screws. Good luck vs Davidson, gonna be a good game.
Wow you've got some issues. I'm sure some of your own THR posters read your posts and scratch their heads wondering how old you must be. I guess every board has a few loose screws. Good luck vs Davidson, gonna be a good game.

Please enlighten me dearest dookie .. What are these issues?
Wow you've got some issues. I'm sure some of your own THR posters read your posts and scratch their heads wondering how old you must be. I guess every board has a few loose screws. Good luck vs Davidson, gonna be a good game.

Actually, what we wonder is why a self professed cool guy from Duke spends time on the UNC board.
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Mainly the name calling and cursing. You remind me of a middle school student just learning to curse trying to impress some high school students.

I sincerely apologize if the words bitch and/or dork hurt your feelings .. But im oh so glad I could bring back your fond memories of middle school! ..and thanks for the lesson I now have it noted that ONLY middle schoolers say bitch and dork

Let an adult use those words around me! Thanks in advance for the heads up

And please feel free to stop by later to let me know what else I should and shouldn't be saying ..damn I'd hate to look bad in front of these internet dookies! Cue the embarrassment!
Ok let's say it was an Iowa player with Roy; same thing in that respect should be shown not only to an opposing coach but also to an elder. Cory, that's the point - you wouldn't be offended if a teen bumped you like that and didn't even attempt to say anything? Lol yea right.

And you guys weren't there or saw the video I suppose. K didn't have a chance to say anything and was watching his coach (James) go after the kid.

Too poly, I understand this is a Heel board, but you are really falling short with anything that makes sense or holds water. I know, I know, i should just leave then.

As I've said, he probably didn't even realize what happened, because that sort of thing sometimes happens in those situations. I saw the video. It looked like they barely touched each other and neither were really paying attention to the other one, until K decided to stop and stare him down. I didn't even see James go after him. That is even more ridiculous.

Have you never really been in a situation like that and kind of run into someone and both of you just keep going, like normal people. I have no doubt I've had this sort of thing happen (teen or not is really not relevant) at concerts, sporting events, situations similar to running off the court at halftime, at school, at the mall, etc... I've probably said 'sorry about that' as I walk off many times. The other person probably has as well. Sometimes I probably haven't because I was focused on something else. Sometimes the person probably did not for the same reasons. I don't think I've ever had anyone stop and stare me down and I haven't either. K is a great coach. He acted silly here, then compounded it by saying dumb things about it. It isn't the first time he has done that. Roy has certainly done it as well. I know you guys kind of thing he is perfect and beyond reproach but he isn't. No one is. He isn't a deity. He was a tad petty here.

So your 'yea right, lol' is just not correct. At worst, I may look back as I keep walking. That would be the most extreme thing I would do. That would be if I was irritable. As I said, it was a non-situation that he made into a situation for whatever reason.
As I've said, he probably didn't even realize what happened, because that sort of thing sometimes happens in those situations. I saw the video. It looked like they barely touched each other and neither were really paying attention to the other one, until K decided to stop and stare him down. I didn't even see James go after him. That is even more ridiculous.

Have you never really been in a situation like that and kind of run into someone and both of you just keep going, like normal people. I have no doubt I've had this sort of thing happen (teen or not is really not relevant) at concerts, sporting events, situations similar to running off the court at halftime, at school, at the mall, etc... I've probably said 'sorry about that' as I walk off many times. The other person probably has as well. Sometimes I probably haven't because I was focused on something else. Sometimes the person probably did not for the same reasons. I don't think I've ever had anyone stop and stare me down and I haven't either. K is a great coach. He acted silly here, then compounded it by saying dumb things about it. It isn't the first time he has done that. Roy has certainly done it as well. I know you guys kind of thing he is perfect and beyond reproach but he isn't. No one is. He isn't a deity. He was a tad petty here.

So your 'yea right, lol' is just not correct. At worst, I may look back as I keep walking. That would be the most extreme thing I would do. That would be if I was irritable. As I said, it was a non-situation that he made into a situation for whatever reason.

I agree with you, I just think the media and haters like to blow things out or proportion.
watching the actual presser instead of just seeing the printed words would give greater context and if you've watched (i doubt it) his pressers after home games with the usuals that are always there, they are many times humorous (who would think that)...he wasn't up there complaining....take a looksy, maybe you'll come away saying, "oh, that was much to ado about nothing.";)....
watching the actual presser instead of just seeing the printed words would give greater context and if you've watched (i doubt it) his pressers after home games with the usuals that are always there, they are many times humorous (who would think that)...he wasn't up there complaining....take a looksy, maybe you'll come away saying, "oh, that was much to ado about nothing.";)....

There's less than zero percent chance I'm gonna watch that asshat. It's up to him to watch what he says, not up to me to discern what he meant.

you fools should be happy this isn't your shitty homeboard or else you would all be banned. Now make like a tree and go f yourself.
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watching the actual presser instead of just seeing the printed words would give greater context and if you've watched (i doubt it) his pressers after home games with the usuals that are always there, they are many times humorous (who would think that)...he wasn't up there complaining....take a looksy, maybe you'll come away saying, "oh, that was much to ado about nothing.";)....

Possibly. I could see the words being said in a manner like you are referencing. I think you probably understand that he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt here just like Roy doesn't on your board. Hell, there are still some Duke fans who actually think Roy believes a bad season is worth than a natural disaster because they don't understand context. Some of these people probably aren't stupid either. That is just the way it is.

I think he still would have been better off just saying, 'Eh, it was nothing'. Regardless, it would have been absolutely nothing if he hadn't made it something by stopping and making a big deal out of it when it happened. Still, what actually happened was nothing really. Whether what he said is or isn't is directly related to the fact he made it about something in the first place.
My favorite part is the very beginning where the bench fags are running at Mach speed to get the Rat's nest ready for his halftime cheese log. Like they're shot out of a cannon. They do this during timeouts too, run around like their heads are on fire. Such amusement!
bench fags , Rat's nest , cheese log......... this is gold jerry gold

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