Coach K attacked by Indiana player at halftime

This was absolutely nothing until K made it a big deal, first by his reaction and then by talking about it post game. The kid was heading to the locker room for half time, people bump in to others all the time in a situation like that, all that was called for was for K to move on. Is the kid suppose to remain in place until his majesty has taken his time strolling past? Is he not allowed to breathe the same air as his K-ness?

By K's reaction, by the reaction of his coaching staff, and now the reaction of these dukie fans you would have thought the kid assaulted him and left him to be hauled off to the emergency room. If it makes you dukies feel any better, thinking the kid may have apologised if K had to be taken to the ER or would that have required the services of a local vet?
watching the actual presser instead of just seeing the printed words would give greater context and if you've watched (i doubt it) his pressers after home games with the usuals that are always there, they are many times humorous (who would think that)...he wasn't up there complaining....take a looksy, maybe you'll come away saying, "oh, that was much to ado about nothing.";)....
If K had just kept walking, or Heaven forbid just smiled at the kid, this would have indeed been a non issue Boogie. He grossly overreacted and made it an issue. He also made himself look petty and petulant in the process.
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Possibly. I could see the words being said in a manner like you are referencing. I think you probably understand that he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt here just like Roy doesn't on your board. Hell, there are still some Duke fans who actually think Roy believes a bad season is worth than a natural disaster because they don't understand context. Some of these people probably aren't stupid either. That is just the way it is.

I think he still would have been better off just saying, 'Eh, it was nothing'. Regardless, it would have been absolutely nothing if he hadn't made it something by stopping and making a big deal out of it when it happened. Still, what actually happened was nothing really. Whether what he said is or isn't is directly related to the fact he made it about something in the first place.

i get that also could have been a stare down or he could have been watching nate james, as he gave the greatest reaction.....he kinda did say it was nothing....he made the joke (he jokes a lot during his presser), then he essential said it was no big deal, nothing for the refs to look at, and nothing he told the team.....print can be powerful w/o context imo
i get that also could have been a stare down or he could have been watching nate james, as he gave the greatest reaction.....he kinda did say it was nothing....he made the joke (he jokes a lot during his presser), then he essential said it was no big deal, nothing for the refs to look at, and nothing he told the team.....print can be powerful w/o context imo

If he was watching Nate James, then it makes Scheyers touching of his back even more disturbing.....
I know, I know, i should just leave then.

I have seen mr. shuh-shef-skee self-aggrandize for 30 years, and this is just more of the same. To me, little otherwise-non-issues like this are what gives someone an insight on this man's true character. I'm not saying that he's not a great basketball coach, or that he's not a humanitarian, or that he hasn't been a mentor to his many players. I'm merely saying, the guy is a narcissist and loves, LOVES, attention on himself!
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