Cohen Received 500k From Russian Oligarch After Election

Not sure if that is true (and honestly I'm too tired of this crap to care), but this guy is soaking up his 15 minutes of fame. Guess he's trying to be the next lawyer to get a TV show.
Oh it's absolutely true, Not only did CNN say so but it says so in the title of the thread!
Meanwhile in news that matters, Trump ends the Korean war and brings home prisoners

LOL . . ending the Korean war.

Should we give 45 credit for bringing home Otto Warmbier too . . ?
This story has been independently verified. You guys really aren't doing your reputations any favors by defending these morons.
This story has been independently verified. You guys really aren't doing your reputations any favors by defending these morons.
Even if he did, why is it such a big deal. Bill Clinton received a nice healthy check from the Russians as well while his wife was IN OFFICE, was that a big deal as well?
I read it on multiple sites as well, still so what?

Seriously? The president who is accused of colluding with Russians, has a lawyer who receives a very sizable payment from the same Russian oligarchs. That is obviously corroborating evidence whether you like it or not.

Cohen is fukked, and so is his most famous client. Apparently it took the dotard 4 hours to get through two practice questions...
Even if he did, why is it such a big deal. Bill Clinton received a nice healthy check from the Russians as well while his wife was IN OFFICE, was that a big deal as well?

As soon as were done with investigating the current president, maybe we can begin to work our way backwards. Unfortunately for you, the current issue is a little more pressing. But you keep fixating on the 90's, and make sure you have the case nice and ready for when Mueller is done with the dotard.
As soon as were done with investigating the current president, maybe we can begin to work our way backwards. Unfortunately for you, the current issue is a little more pressing. But you keep fixating on the 90's, and make sure you have the case nice and ready for when Mueller is done with the dotard.
You are truly the definition of hypocrisy.
You are truly the definition of hypocrisy.

I hate the clintons you fukking moron. I've made that clear countless times on this board. Trying to use them in an argument against me like I defend them is literally the stupidest thing I've seen anyone try to do on this board. And that includes Nuk's psychotic delusional drivel.

Poinitng out the fact that investigating a current crime takes precedent over one that happened 3 administrations back, is not even remotely hypocritical. Its a pretty simple concept actually. After Trump is indicted you're more than welcome to go after the Clintons all you want. But he obviously takes priority considering he's currently the POTUS. Are you really not smart enough to understand this?
I hate the clintons you fukking moron. I've made that clear countless times on this board. Trying to use them in an argument against me like I defend them is literally the stupidest thing I've seen anyone try to do on this board. And that includes Nuk's psychotic delusional drivel.

Poinitng out the fact that investigating a current crime takes precedent over one that happened 3 administrations back, is not even remotely hypocritical. Its a pretty simple concept actually. After Trump is indicted you're more than welcome to go after the Clintons all you want. But he obviously takes priority considering he's currently the POTUS. Are you really not smart enough to understand this?
So we can expect Trump to be locked up anytime now correct?
The president who is accused of colluding with Russians, has a lawyer who receives a very sizable payment from the same Russian oligarchs.

First off, **** me for even giving this thread the time of day. But secondly, wouldn't the payment be going from Trump to Russia - in exchange for them allegedly showing advertisements that supposedly swung the election (or whatever the latest story is)? Why would the Russians help Trump get elected, and then pay him for their efforts?
First off, **** me for even giving this thread the time of day. But secondly, wouldn't the payment be going from Trump to Russia - in exchange for them allegedly showing advertisements that supposedly swung the election (or whatever the latest story is)? Why would the Russians help Trump get elected, and then pay him for their efforts?
Stop trying to be logical here damnit. We must lock him up!!!
So much whataboutism... all the time.

In the spirit of that; Can you imagine how fanatical and unhinged every "conservative" would be if this were Hillary Clinton in Trump's place? Good lord! Fort Sumter wouldn't be safe. 8 years of Obama/Antichrist, then the first WOMAN, who defeats the Great and Powerful Trump. And, then... she's accused of colluding with Russia? Those emails would be like flicking a cigarette butt out the car window. The conservatives- the young and virulent ones- would storm the Bastille... if they could get to France for free.
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First off, **** me for even giving this thread the time of day. But secondly, wouldn't the payment be going from Trump to Russia - in exchange for them allegedly showing advertisements that supposedly swung the election (or whatever the latest story is)? Why would the Russians help Trump get elected, and then pay him for their efforts?

Russians wouldn't want cash payment for helping him get elected. They want access and influence. Which also explains the cash flowing in this direction. Helping him get elected doesn't mean they won't continue to grease the gears.
First off, **** me for even giving this thread the time of day. But secondly, wouldn't the payment be going from Trump to Russia - in exchange for them allegedly showing advertisements that supposedly swung the election (or whatever the latest story is)? Why would the Russians help Trump get elected, and then pay him for their efforts?

Trump paid them up front to rig the election. Then, when he realized that he could easily beat Hillary without the Russians’ help, he asked for a refund. This payment is clearly the refund. Anybody that’s not a Trumptard would be able to put 2 and 2 together.
So much whataboutism... all the time.

In the spirit of that; Can you imagine how fanatical and unhinged every "conservative" would be if this were Hillary Clinton in Trump's place? Good lord! Fort Sumter wouldn't be safe. 8 years of Obama/Antichrist, then the first WOMAN, who defeats the Great and Powerful Trump. And, then... she's accused of colluding with Russia? Those emails would be like flicking a cigarette butt out the car window. The conservatives- the young and virulent ones- would storm the Bastille... if they could get to France for free.

There's only one way to explain conservatives defending trump for the kind of crimes that they would gladly see any Clinton or democrat crucified for.


The ironic thing is that you, myself, and Billy have all said repeatedly that we would likely to see the Democratic Party cleaned up. None of us have even come close to defending the clintons in the way that they defend trump. Yet we're supposed to be the hypocrites. lol
Trump paid them up front to rig the election. Then, when he realized that he could easily beat Hillary without the Russians’ help, he asked for a refund. This payment is clearly the refund. Anybody that’s not a Trumptard would be able to put 2 and 2 together.

That certainly does make more sense than saying 500K to Trump represents a significant amount of money, worthy of risking impeachment and jail time over, lol.
Me: Clinton is a corrupt, lying politician that should be in prison.

Also me: We should continue investigating Trump as the preponderance of evidence clearly points towards conflicts of interest, campaign finance violations and possibly even outright collusion.

@nctransplant : HYPOCRITE!!!!
Just for clarification, the left is alleging that Trump’s team made promises to Russia for what exactly? What did Trump get out of this supposed deal with the Russians?
You guys really aren't doing your reputations any favors by defending these morons.
You'll have to give me a minute to wrap my head around that one. And if you bring up their wisdom or credibility I'm liable to bust a gut.
There's only one way to explain conservatives defending trump for the kind of crimes that they would gladly see any Clinton or democrat crucified for.

The ironic thing is that you, myself, and Billy have all said repeatedly that we would likely to see the Democratic Party cleaned up. None of us have even come close to defending the clintons in the way that they defend trump. Yet we're supposed to be the hypocrites. lol
Well, I have no doubt that the Democratic Party would be fine with colluding with Russia, or Iran, or whomever was necessary to secure their power role. That's what these people do.

I mean, shit... Lindsay Graham is now calling for Trump to get the Nobel Prize. Pandering and hypocrisy is a staple ingredient of politics. That's one reason I don't trust government very much... it's run by politicians. You take the most crooked, pandering, self-serving, professional criminals... and you put them in charge of making the rules and regulations, AND enforcing them.
Just for clarification, the left is alleging that Trump’s team made promises to Russia for what exactly? What did Trump get out of this supposed deal with the Russians?

Actually I hope he did get something. I don't think the internet needs to see a video of him getting pissed on by a Russian hooker.
Does this post mean you’re not capable or just don’t want to answer my question?

Maybe you should ask Mueller what was contained in the deal. His investigation seems to be making quite a lot of headway on a daily basis, so I'm sure he's got some more answers for you.

Maybe if you give me four hours to practice I can get you a few answers...
i remember Michael Flynn yelling over and over and over 'Lock her up' . .

If, anyone gets locked up, it'll be ol' Flying Flynny . . but, it won't be a long prison term, because he 'has a story to tell' . .

I wonder what that story is . . ?
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i remember Michael Flynn yelling over and over and over 'Lock her up' . .

If, anyone gets locked up, it'll be ol' Flying Flynny . . but, it won't be a long prison term, because he 'has a story to tell' . .

I wonder what that story is . . ?
Comey said Flynn didn't lie

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