Cohen Received 500k From Russian Oligarch After Election

Trump got elected and Putin got the puppet in the White House he's always dreamed about.
Makes perfect sense, if you believe Russia is really that powerful. Hell I imagine Trump will send over pallets of cash to Russia any day now without Congress' approval.
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If, anyone gets locked up, it'll be ol' Flying Flynny . . but, it won't be a long prison term, because he 'has a story to tell'
Can you imagine the plethora of tell-all books that will be flooding the market and filling bookshelves a few years from now?
Maybe you should ask Mueller what was contained in the deal. His investigation seems to be making quite a lot of headway on a daily basis, so I'm sure he's got some more answers for you.

Maybe if you give me four hours to practice I can get you a few answers...

So that’s a “no, I cannot answer your question.”?

Thanks anyway. Moving on...

Trump got elected and Putin got the puppet in the White House he's always dreamed about.

How did the Russians “get Trump elected”? Did they rig machines? Did they send Russians here to vote? How exactly did they get Trump elected?

Secondly, Trump as President helps Putin exactly how? What does Putin seek? Please be specific.

How did the Russians “get Trump elected”? Did the rig machines? Did they send Russians here to vote? How exactly did they get Trump elected?

Secondly, Trump as President helps Putin exactly how? What does Putin seek? Please be specific.
Oh, that's right, they don't discuss these details on FOX News, do they?
Oh, that's right, they don't discuss these details on FOX News, do they?

Trump got elected and Putin got the puppet in the White House he's always dreamed about.

How did the Russians “get Trump elected”? Did they rig machines? Did they send Russians here to vote? How exactly did they get Trump elected?
He didn't say the Russians got Trump elected, so I don't understand why you put that in quotes. In any event, I've seen you ask these questions repeatedly even though the Russian influence campaign is extremely well documented. You can find a good summary here:
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Translation: I have no answer for you GSD because I was basically just piling on and I really don’t know what I’m talking about.
You're in denial like a lot of Americans. I get it.

This is an ongoing investigation and we will all have to wait on the final verdict. But with what has been uncovered so far you can't really blame me and others for being a bit presumptuous about what the special council's findings will reveal.

I'm not going to spend the next 20-30 minutes digging up news stories to share with you. You'll have to do your own homework.
Speaking of Russians...



The collusion is helping old conservatives to stop being afraid of Russians and Communism. When their savior buddies-up with Putin, then it warms-them-up to the whole left-wing/Commie plan. I feel warmer and I'm not old or conservative... except when it comes to food, music, my daily regimen, my choices of entertainment, my sleep schedule, myyyyyy circle of friends. And, my crush on Brooke Shields and Milla Jovovich. She's Ukranian... that's Russian for our discussion here.

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You're in denial like a lot of Americans. I get it.

This is an ongoing investigation and we will all have to wait on the final verdict. But with what has been uncovered so far you can't really blame me and others for being a bit presumptuous about what the special council's findings will reveal.

I'm not going to spend the next 20-30 minutes digging up news stories to share with you. You'll have to do your own homework.

See, I don’t want news stories. I want you to tell me. That achieves two things (1) it gives me the knowledge I seek and (2) it shows me that you’re not just talking out your ass and you actually have somewhat of an understanding of the case. Your inability to answer my questions leads me to believe that you don’t know much about it and you’re just parroting what some of the more obsessed poasters in this thread are saying.
Your inability to answer my questions leads me to believe that you don’t know much about it and you’re just parroting what some of the more obsessed poasters in this thread are saying.
I may be guilty, as we all probably are, of repeating what I read in newspapers and on the Internet and see on TV. If I agree with what another poster writes and I choose to expand upon the subject that doesn't really qualify as parroting them.

Your refusal to even read the article shared above leads me to believe you are unwilling to face the truth. Hence the cute primates.
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The collusion is helping old conservatives to stop being afraid of Russians and Communism. When their savior buddies-up with Putin, then it warms-them-up to the whole left-wing/Commie plan. I feel warmer and I'm not old or conservative... except when it comes to food, music, my daily regimen, my choices of entertainment, my sleep schedule, myyyyyy circle of friends. And, my crush on Brooke Shields and Milla Jovovich. She's Ukranian... that's Russian for our discussion here.

I like Milla. I think we can also add Keri Russell since she plays a Russian on TV.

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While we are after cash and their influence here. Why not investigate the $1.7 BILLION cash payment in unmarked bills to IRAN by Obama administration. Where did that cash come from? How did Iran use such Cash? Did it pay those in administration for Iran "deal"? What was Kerry doing this week and did that also violate the Logan act even more so that what Flynn may have done? Did he get some of Cash????

I mean $500K is not even the interest earnings on $1.7 Billion.
How do you know what Mueller has . . ?
This is true. Trump is aptly named. Every day is a new precedent.

As much as I am convinced that NOTHING will come of this, my stepdad keeps telling me "They said the same thing about Nixon 45 years ago. They took a few years getting the dirt on him" And, I say "Yeah, and he never went to jail, or was indicted, or anything else, except resignation and a full pardon from his VP." I just don't believe that those people in power want to make any example that THEY don't want to wind up in themselves. There's nothing new under the sun.
This is true. Trump is aptly named. Every day is a new precedent.

As much as I am convinced that NOTHING will come of this, my stepdad keeps telling me "They said the same thing about Nixon 45 years ago. They took a few years getting the dirt on him" And, I say "Yeah, and he never went to jail, or was indicted, or anything else, except resignation and a full pardon from his VP." I just don't believe that those people in power want to make any example that THEY don't want to wind up in themselves. There's nothing new under the sun.

Ya, but you gotta admit it's cute seeing some poasters dedicate their lives to getting to the bottom of the bottomless pit.
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From NPR, no less. I thought the same thing when I read it and figured it might be something folks here could all agree on.
Much of that information was later released publicly to embarrass the victims via WikiLeaks or another website, DCLeaks, which was set up by Russian intelligence.

Julian Assange has said repeatedly to this day that none of his information cam from the Russians. As much as I dislike Julian Assange, his information has been spot on and accurate in all his leaks ,etc. So, this is where the NPR report falls apart...
From NPR, no less. I thought the same thing when I read it and figured it might be something folks here could all agree on.
I just can't get that outraged about it. These are tactics that have been used by every world power since the beginning of time. I doubt it's the first time it's been used on us and we have certainly used it on other countries. The only difference is the Russians were smart enough to use newer technology. That article is just more proof that we need to change how the voting system works in America.
Much of that information was later released publicly to embarrass the victims via WikiLeaks or another website, DCLeaks, which was set up by Russian intelligence.

Julian Assange has said repeatedly to this day that none of his information cam from the Russians. As much as I dislike Julian Assange, his information has been spot on and accurate in all his leaks ,etc. So, this is where the NPR report falls apart...

LOL at what Julian Assange says . . where's that POS living at the moment . . ? Fvcking hilarious . .

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