Congratulations NC Republicans!

Once the crooks r in office they take so much bribe money and get even richer. Trump will not take the money like others r now. This is why others r so scare of Trump. He will make it toughter to get around it. Won't take a bribe that will hurt the old USA.
I love listening to "conservative talk radio." It's really entertaining. It's priceless now! I feel like I should be paying to listen.

Now, they have Romney calling it "Trumpism" as an opposition to "Conservatism." Whatever either of those are, who knows. I love it. I hope that party crumbles. Then we have one other party to cave-in on it's own lack of worthiness. But, it's really fun listening to these mouthpieces panicking and pulling-out all the stops to derail Trump! Guaranteeing a brokered convention? PLEASE do that! I would LOVE to see that happen! They put new rules in-place (against the majority) last convention that they will now break to keep Trump out! They ignored Ron Paul delegates and made sure to put a new rule in place so future candidates couldn't get in by the original rules. Now, they're going to have to revert back to them in order to avoid what their larger base clearly wants.

What is the most entertaining is how "conservatism", through the rhetoric and incessant peddling of fear and divisiveness is exactly what created "Trumpism." The evil scientists created this Frankenstein. Now, it's turned on them. Good! Fear Muslims, fear immigrants, fear GOD, obey religion, long for the past, and see what you get... a bunch of riled-up, scared white people following a man who lives to be worshiped! WAY TO GO!
I tend to agree with @JuleZ '02 HEEL on this one. If Trump fails, it will ironically be because of his anti-PC message that his supporters seem to love so much. Most politicians attempt to appeal to a wide range of voters, or at least not go out of their way to piss off entire demographics. Trump, on the other hand, has made numerous disparaging comments about women, minorities, and immigrants. That's exactly how you unite opposition behind a single cause:

This is why you're going to see a large turn out against him with minorities. People shouldn't let the down numbers fool you from the primaries.
She should just take off until the general election. Sanders can't win, so it would just save money for the general election.
Agree. She's gonna need some rest for that single debate with The Trumpster --- she'll require an IV and concussion protocol that evening.
It is a waste of time for her to be campaigning... She needs to get used to wearing a lot of orange....

I just don't see that happening. It might, but it's just hard for me to believe a politician would be held accountable for anything. Even if it does Obama will pardon her.
I just don't see that happening. It might, but it's just hard for me to believe a politician would be held accountable for anything. Even if it does Obama will pardon her.
It will NEVER happen. These people don't put each other in jail... they just put people like you and I in jail.
Obama should be pissed HRC put his administration in this position... Oh, wait...

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