Cutting the cord

Just an absolute impossibility for me until an Internet provider here comes along without data caps. We are at or near our TB limit every month, adding all of our TV content to our already stretched limit would send us way over the top and negate any benefit.
Just an absolute impossibility for me until an Internet provider here comes along without data caps. We are at or near our TB limit every month, adding all of our TV content to our already stretched limit would send us way over the top and negate any benefit.
How in the world do you use a TB of data, especially without including your TV watching? Our plan is 250gb and we watch all the Netflix and streaming ESPN we want without coming close. Only time we did was when my wife was on maternity leave and had Netflix on literally all day every day.

@UNC '92 must be really heavy on the ;)
How in the world do you use a TB of data, especially without including your TV watching? Our plan is 250gb and we watch all the Netflix and streaming ESPN we want without coming close. Only time we did was when my wife was on maternity leave and had Netflix on literally all day every day.

@UNC '92 must be really heavy on the ;)
Like this:

And that doesn't even mention I work from home 100% and my job as a system engineer pulls more data down in the normal course of a day than most other types of telecommuter roles.

Here is a shot of my data this month:


And this is with most of us being away from the house for almost half the month. I've been on pto and we have all been out visiting/shopping for the holidays.

I have a pretty well tuned up firewall here that makes sure we don't run afoul of comcast's data limits. Essentially I have had to setup limits for my devices here so we don't exceed. As you can imagine, that has meant times that certain devices get no internet as we get closer to the end of the month (son's chromecast, Roku, 2nd Xbox) but some things I can't limit. So it's safe to say I'd skyrocket past that TB limit if we add tv to this without changing some of our internet and tv habits.