I know you from what you post here. You're about as indoctrinated and obedient as they come.
I don't want followers. I want people to lead themselves and follow no one. People who pride themselves as leaders, and call themselves leaders, aren't leaders at all.
Refute your OPINIONS? Refute your inability to see a behavior or practice that is immoral, or at the very least the antithesis of The Golden Rule, and not have the instnct to dissent against it? Instead, you OBEY it because someone else said it was "The Law." What a cop-out. You're someone who is immersed in jingoistic pride. Someone who believes that "their country" is superior to every other country? Someone who is threatened by every religion, government, culture and social action that is different from yours, and sees them as a threat to your very existence? You're swimming in fear. There's no way to refute that. And, no amount of personal compliments to yourself, or testimonials of who you "really are" will change that.