Dead Poasters


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 25, 2003
Let's start a list!

not dead in the legal sense, mind you. Just those that have been dead for at least a year. And now that we can't see who is lurking, we have no way of knowing.

AlphaOmega- the breakfast song did him in.
FSUSarah- once WIT quit poasting, she expired due to a broken heart.
Dynodawg- had nothing to live for once bashing Bush became irrelevant.
Formercat- find John Shoop and we may find Former close by.
JB7- the one who was always going on about being a doctor. He was an arrogant little prick.

ETA- lets keep it to OOTB poasters
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I'll add one more:

  1. Va Tech poasters - Things never worked out for them after jumping on board with moo poasters.
BD42 - used to be a moderator in these parts
Cliff Huxtable
JV All Star - still has more posts than me
RayMond FelTon

Did JV ever frequent OOTB? And I dont remember Thatherton at all
How long has it been that LTH left us . . ? Almost a year now ?


Crysdawn and his twin brother TxHeel are a couple more . .
How long has it been that LTH left us . . ? Almost a year now ?


Crysdawn and his twin brother TxHeel are a couple more . .

I thought LTH had popped by a few times. Good call on the others
LTH has been MIA for a while now. I just realized that.

And, Billy reminded me of TBHeel, too. He always hated that I liked Ron Paul. Not the worst thing to be hated for, but, still...
HeelsofSteel. Was a mod if I remember correctly. Good poster.

And there was this other guy Pheidippides or something like that. Also a good poster.
HeelsofSteel. Was a mod if I remember correctly. Good poster.

And there was this other guy Pheidippides or something like that. Also a good poster.
Phid officially started the Prediction Contest on THR. He was a good guy ...disappeared overnight it seemed, I used to email with him about stuff and then he just went cold. I've always wondered if something tragic happened.
Yeah- where did Keelo go? He disappeared off of the Radar too.
Keelo was always around with those weather map pics whenever there was an unusual weather event.
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Aqualung on radar. I think he had health issues

Jason did and maybe still does have a couple of health issues. You'll catch him posting on the Scout Premi board from time to time . . his handle IIRC, is Aqua1210.
What ever happened to Old School? Then again, who cares?

He made a big play to Rivals to have me permanently banned from THI, he got both of his sons and his Myrtle Bitch buddy NCAAUCoach to join in on a multiple poster complaint to Rivals.
I don't recognize some of these names. I remember Heelsofsteel well though. Like GSD said, good poster. I remember Old School as well. He seemed angry all the time. Obviously, of the ones listed I remember more than that but those are two that I just distinctly remember that have not posted in a long time. Some of the others seems like they haven't been gone that long.
He made a big play to Rivals to have me permanently banned from THI, he got both of his sons and his Myrtle Bitch buddy NCAAUCoach to join in on a multiple poster complaint to Rivals.

I recall a standoff between you and Old Fool a few years back. Something about a very generous monetary donation you made to his ailing son's hospital fund and his ingratitude over it. I stayed out of that argument because it seemed a bit too serious to make light of (as I'm prone to do here), and besides, you did well enough holding your own.

Looking back I think I was rather cruel to Old School. Without much effort I could really work him into a lather. Once I got him so fired up he cordially invited me to come out to the sticks, some hole-in-the-wall town called Rolesville, for a little fisticuffs. You know you've convincingly outwitted someone when their last resort for saving face is physical violence (read: gunslingerdick).

Soon after, I realized I had a personal message from Wes's son, 23jordanjumper or some lame-o username like that, trying to stick up for daddy and also wanting a piece of me. From his posted photos he appeared to be about 160 pounds soaking wet, and yet seemed convinced he could take me. Man, those were some fun times. Talk about a dysfunctional family.
I recall a standoff between you and Old Fool a few years back. Something about a very generous monetary donation you made to his ailing son's hospital fund and his ingratitude over it. I stayed out of that argument because it seemed a bit too serious to make light of (as I'm prone to do here), and besides, you did well enough holding your own.

Looking back I think I was rather cruel to Old School. Without much effort I could really work him into a lather. Once I got him so fired up he cordially invited me to come out to the sticks, some hole-in-the-wall town called Rolesville, for a little fisticuffs. You know you've convincingly outwitted someone when their last resort for saving face is physical violence (read: gunslingerdick).

Soon after, I realized I had a personal message from Wes's son, 23jordanjumper or some lame-o username like that, trying to stick up for daddy and also wanting a piece of me. From his posted photos he appeared to be about 160 pounds soaking wet, and yet seemed convinced he could take me. Man, those were some fun times. Talk about a dysfunctional family.

LOL . . . I had no idea that you had a run-in with 82JordanJumper. Apple not to far from the tree type of thingy more 'n likely.
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.....last resort for saving face is physical violence (read: gunslingerdick)....
Did you have to challenge gsd to a contest of physicality? I don't see you outwitting a mosquito so I just had to ask. Anyway, I'd put my money on gsd there too.
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The breakfast song thread that ended alpha and omega wasnthe funniest thing ever on here. I laughed so hard. That dude was tore up!
They never posted on this board, but back in the Bunting years The Ancient Mariner (I think that was his correct name) used to post on Blue Heaven. His negative diatribes about the coach and Carolina football were something else and got a lot of reaction from the Bunting supporters. But the weird thing was his posts were always immediately followed up by one Dr. Know echoing the Mariners sentiments. I couldn't tell if they were the same person, lovers, roommates or whatever. You would never see hide nor hair of either of them whenever Carolina had a win, but after a loss they were always front and center. The Ancient Mariner has now disappeared out to sea somewhere but Dr Know continues to criticize after a loss, although this past season he did not have not much of an opportunity to do so.
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I recall a standoff between you and Old Fool a few years back. Something about a very generous monetary donation you made to his ailing son's hospital fund and his ingratitude over it. I stayed out of that argument because it seemed a bit too serious to make light of (as I'm prone to do here), and besides, you did well enough holding your own.

Looking back I think I was rather cruel to Old School. Without much effort I could really work him into a lather. Once I got him so fired up he cordially invited me to come out to the sticks, some hole-in-the-wall town called Rolesville, for a little fisticuffs. You know you've convincingly outwitted someone when their last resort for saving face is physical violence (read: gunslingerdick).

Soon after, I realized I had a personal message from Wes's son, 23jordanjumper or some lame-o username like that, trying to stick up for daddy and also wanting a piece of me. From his posted photos he appeared to be about 160 pounds soaking wet, and yet seemed convinced he could take me. Man, those were some fun times. Talk about a dysfunctional family.

I'd argue trying to bait someone into threatening physical violence is just as childish as threatening physical violence.
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I'd argue trying to bait someone into threatening physical violence is just as childish as threatening physical violence.

I wasn't baiting him, period. My main grievance with Old School was his unchecked racism which he paraded around here as if he was among like-minded people. I was pretty persistent in calling him out on it and that generally ruffled his feathers. If you want to call that "baiting" or "childish" you go right ahead, bud.
If you want to call that "baiting" or "childish" you go right ahead, bud.

I think he did. And I doubt your permission was what he was looking for. And I don't recall threatening you physically. But if I did, the offer stands. As far as you outwitting anyone here, maybe I'll post a poll and we'll ask the board if they have recollection of you ever having done that or faith in your ability to do so.

Illiniheel is another who I've not seen in some time. Not sure he frequented this board often but he was a staple on Radar. Knowledgeable and insightful. I think he dealt with some health problems as well.
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If you want to call that "baiting" or "childish" you go right ahead, bud.

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No kidding. A millennial liberal throws out the racism tag and draws out a fistfight on page 1. Keep going....

Noir is a millennial? I had him pegged for an old style democrat.

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