Deflate-gate, continuation....


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
So The Wells report comes out and basically confirms what I thought all along. Tom Brady is lying and cheated. His coach is no better and created an atmosphere of dishonesty going back to when they got busted for stealing signs illegally.

Personally I think they should take away the Patriots NFL title, but I know that will not happen. So what do you think should happen? #1 as Punishment. #2 as deterrent for future illegal activity. Also, do the officials have some culpability? Maybe they are part of the scandal? similar to NBA refs that got busted for cheating a few years back.
According to ESPN the report found no evidence Belichik knew about the scheme.
Just one more instance where the Pats were caught cheating. It was most likely at Brady's request that the balls be deflated, for someone regarded by many as the GOAT quarterback, evidently he just can't play fair.
Just one more instance where the Pats were caught cheating. It was most likely at Brady's request that the balls be deflated, for someone regarded by many as the GOAT quarterback, evidently he just can't play fair.

So the balls were doctored in the Super Bowl? Brady got to those too?
So the balls were doctored in the Super Bowl? Brady got to those too?

He certainly must have felt the need to doctor the balls just to get to the Super Bowl. The game he had them doctored in was raining, I don't remember any rain at the SB.
Seriously, I hate the NFL when it isn't actually in season. It dominates the media and steals the thunder of all other sports that are in-season at the time. The NFL knows this and does it intentionally.

We're talking a minute amount of air missing from the ball. Who cares? I don't give a crap. Now the dumb masses are going to do what they always do: yell, scream, whine, and seek Tom Brady's blood as if he was a serial killer or some infamous violent criminal. Dude, it's football and it's air pressure. THIS is what the NFL spends all its effort on? Not implementing safer helmets or addressing the terrible officiating? No? Yeah, let's focus on a few deflated footballs. Great work NFL. Bravo.

I'm tired of the NFL already and it's only May.
Given the pats history of rule bending the nfl has no choice but to penalize them. Its unfortunate cause it does seem petty and ridiculous. But the pats did this to themselves. I think a one game susp for brady would be appropriate
Thing is the amount of air does affect the game. An over inflated ball travels further when kicked and an under inflated ball is easier to grip. So the rule is necessary as is enforcing it. As trivial as it may be this is literally a game of inches where tenths of a second and centimeters decide games and millions of dollars.
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He certainly must have felt the need to doctor the balls just to get to the Super Bowl. The game he had them doctored in was raining, I don't remember any rain at the SB.

I bet he would have doctored them at the Super Bowl if he could have gotten away with it. And I bet the Seahawks would have pumped a few more of lbs into the ball if they thought they could disrupt Brady.
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Thing is the amount of air does affect the game. An over inflated ball travels further when kicked and an under inflated ball is easier to grip. So the rule is necessary as is enforcing it. As trivial as it may be this is literally a game of inches where tenths of a second and centimeters decide games and millions of dollars.
Mmmk. Half the players on the field that game were probably also on roids, but the NFL doesn't seem to care about that affecting the game. I don't know how anyone can take the NFL seriously. They are a walking contradiction as well as an unapologetic money whore. They preach about player safety.....then turn around and initiate plans to add more teams to the playoffs and lengthen the season, all while having weekly Thursday night games. And the dumb masses -- as well as the media -- lick up every drop of it and don't question anything the NFL does.
Dr. Brady wouldn't do that would he . . ?
Of course he would. And so would lineman rub Vaseline on their jerseys. And kickers try to heat balls before attempting a kick. And so on and so on.

Professional athletes aren't playing for the love of the game- they are playing to get paid. The more they win, the more they get paid. I assume that they are all doing whatever they can to get an edge.
Since they are repeat offenders, I think the Pats should lose their 1st round draft for at least the next 2 drafts.

The NFL should fine itself for letting the teams near the balls without rechecking them. This would be like the batboy running balls to the pitcher without first letting the home plate ump examine them.
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Unless the NFL can prove that no Raven lineman rubbed vaseline on their jerseys, no Colt receivers used stickum on their gloves and no Seahawks were on PEDs, then I'm just gonna maintain that Brady and Belichick are the best of the modern NFL era.

so, fine brady...big deal

there's not really anything else they can do under the rules...i guess goodell could make up a suspension though...that's certainly happening in other instances.
I don't think the flat balls are that big of a deal. I just like the fact that the Pats habitually cheat and aren't smart enough not to get caught. I mean, it doesn't take their titles away so whatever but at least it paints the cheaters in a bad light. I'm pretty biased here though.
Roger Goodell expected to announce the suspension of Tom Brady sometime next week.

Likely 2-4 game suspension, but, could be more . .
To those that say a deflated ball in any manner doesn't matter much, then why was Brady doing it and why did he so strongly deny it? It does matter, football players and coaches will tell you, and it is cheating. Gross cheating.

Now, will he be vilified for being caught as a lying, cheating fraud like Palmeiro, Sosa, Bonds, A-Rod, etc? Those guys may never end up in Cooperstown because they cheated and mostly lied about it, so what will become of Mr. Brady?
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To those that say a deflated ball in any manner doesn't matter much, then why was Brady doing it and why did he so strongly deny it? It does matter, football players and coaches will tell you, and it is cheating. Gross cheating.

Now, will he be vilified for being caught as a lying, cheating fraud like Palmeiro, Sosa, Bonds, A-Rod, etc? Those guys may never end up in Cooperstown because they cheated and mostly lied about it, so what will become of Mr. Brady?

What about all the guys that rubbed pine tar or spit on the ball before a pitch? Are they going to Cooperstown? Yeah, they are. They're already there.

Gross cheating? Give me a break. Should Jerry Rice be kicked out of the HOF because he admitted to using stickum on his gloves? Should Anthony Munoz be kicked out because he rubbed Vaseline on his jersey? And I guess you're all jammed up about Aaron Rodgers overinflating balls too, huh?

The Brady/Belichick hate and envy is not a good look on you. Or anyone for that matter. Respect the greatness.
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What about all the guys that rubbed pine tar or spit on the ball before a pitch? Are they going to Cooperstown? Yeah, they are. They're already there.

Gross cheating? Give me a break. Should Jerry Rice be kicked out of the HOF because he admitted to using stickum on his gloves? Should Anthony Munoz be kicked out because he rubbed Vaseline on his jersey? And I guess you're all jammed up about Aaron Rodgers overinflating balls too, huh?

The Brady/Belichick hate and envy is not a good look on you. Or anyone for that matter. Respect the greatness.

I was playing Devil's advocate to generate feedback on how others feel about a position someone presented to me last night. No hate. To be frank, I couldn't care less about either, though I do agree the media that covers the NFL needs to be hard on Brady for lying as they did the baseball guys for lying.

And for the record, I think Bonds, Clemens, et al should be in the Hall of Fame with asterisk next to their names.

This is some damning evidence here. I was ambivalent ftmp but theyve obviously gained a huge advantage and u cant help but conclude that they have won some games by deflating the balls, making them easier to grip, and cutting down on fumbles. Basically they avg 70 more plays per fumble than any other team since '10. That equals an entire game! Every other team is within 25+\- league avg while ne is off the chart.
Those are some amazing stats laid out . . since 2007, the Pats have had an edge in fumbles that no other team can seem to duplicate.
All this makes me like the Patriots more. Up until all this stuff started coming out, I was ambivalent about the Patriots. Now Im almost a fan
LOL, why?
Because I don't think they do anything differently than any other team, other than win more than most of them.

If the NFL doesn't want the balls doctored, then don't let anyone else handle them but officials. If a team doesn't want to be filmed by the opposition, close practice or don't run anything worthwhile in open practices. If you don't want your signals stolen, change signals.

Every pro team and player cheats like hell when given the opportunity, both on and off the field. I just don't see the big deal and as the Patriots are being railroaded, I will cheer for them more.
^^^^^ Ah, gotcha. So your issue is with the league and other teams for allowing cheating to happen rather than with the teams that cheat. That's almost like saying I beat and robbed a guy, but it's the victim's fault for leaving the house and the cops' fault for not catching me. Almost. :cool:
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^^^^^ Ah, gotcha. So your issue is with the league and other teams for allowing cheating to happen rather than with the teams that cheat. That's almost like saying I beat and robbed a guy, but it's the victim's fault for leaving the house and the cops' fault for not catching me. Almost. :cool:

Yeah, except one is a game and one is real life.

I just think all the teams cheat wherever and whenever possible, so I'm not gonna get bent out of shape about the Pats.

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