I do agree, I actually like boogie a lot, most of what some may see as me getting on him is more me just joking with him. The guy has always been pretty fair when he posts here and he gets a lot of barbs thrown at him because we all know he is a dukie. I don't mind dukies coming here to post, never have, as long as it is both kept civil and realized that at the end of the day this is a UNC Tar Heel site and not a dukie site so what you say has to be restricted to a degree as to preserve the peace here. Hard as that is, we don't always get along with our own fans but a dukie has to accept that being treated fairly is not high on our list of to do for today. But just being a duke fan should not brand someone for being a bad person, we to often do blurr the lines between hate in the way we call it sports hate, which isn't hate at all but simply our competitive juices bubbling out.
The meet in a bar thing, that is actually my mantra for posting, I NEVER, mean that, I NEVER say a single word in posts here that I am not 100% wiling to say face to face over a beer or 3. When I have been fired up, trust me, even then I have never said a single thing that I would not say face to face and at times it most definitely would have lead out to the parking lot, would not be the first time. LOL I suspect boogie has thicker skin than maybe I do and my compliments to him for that!