Does this REALLY warrant calling the police...?


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
We've talked about police a lot on this board. One problem in today's society, in my opinion, is police departments are overworked because so many people go to the police for everything these days. Like....was this really worth going to the police about? Was it worth utilizing police department resources and using taxpayer's money to finance this 'investigation?'

Geez Louise. Thoughts?
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Yeah, that seems a little unnecessary. Just show the cup to the manager or something...or just ask for another drink. I don't really see that as a criminal act. Then again, I'm the sort of person that if brought the wrong order will generally just eat it unless it is at a really nice joint where I'm paying high dollar.
I would definitely do whatever I could to get that individual fired. In my younger days, I would have mashed his face. That is disgusting and vile to put any bodily fluids in someone else's food or drink. Hard to be forgiving over something so malicious. Imagine your kids drinking that soda. So yes, the law needed to be involved. If nothing more than to convince the management that the waiter has issues. Those folks can sue chili's over issues like that.

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