Like I said, it's basic physics. The idiots rioting and vandalizing private and public property; the snowflakes protesting Trump's election in a fair process and indisputable expression of the will of the people in accordance with our Constitutional Republic; the media egging it all on; CEO's telling employees that if they agree with Trump they should resign immediately; and, people like you making idiotic statements about Trump aging 10 years in one day and looking scared shitless simply PISSES ME OFF. If you don't want the kind of response you got from me, then don't say stupid shit like you did. OBTW, $RC will be indicted if the process is not headed off by an Obama pardon. And, watching her age while awaiting indictment is not going to be pretty. Is that better for your delicate sensibilities?
I hope she is. I'm sorry that it bothers you that I didn't like our choices this time. I have hope that Trump will accomplish a few things and I'm also pretty sure he will screw up a few things and not make good on a couple of his promises. They all do that. Would've been the same with Hillary. Go be angry somewhere else. I think both sides of this political debacle are friggin nuts!
I hope she is. I'm sorry that it bothers you that I didn't like our choices this time. I have hope that Trump will accomplish a few things and I'm also pretty sure he will screw up a few things and not make good on a couple of his promises. They all do that. Would've been the same with Hillary. Go be angry somewhere else. I think both sides of this political debacle are friggin nuts!
I'm not angry, pissed off is the word - there is a subtle difference. Trump beat Clinton, the political/media industry complex, and the Hollywood goobers. Great stuff!
I'm not angry, pissed off is the word - there is a subtle difference. Trump beat Clinton, the political/media industry complex, and the Hollywood goobers. Great stuff!

Did you end up voting for him or did you stay with the pothead?
Did you end up voting for him or did you stay with the pothead?
In the end, I voted TRUMP. Admittedly, I flirted with voting for Johnson/Weld right up to the last couple of days before the election. When Comey cleared Clinton agains on the Sunday before the election, well, I just couldn't bring myself to vote for someone who did what she did with email, handling of highly classified information, the Clinton Foundation, pay-to-play, et al. It really came down to public corruption and espionage vs a dude engaging in locker room talk. Plus, I really wanted to stick it to the establishment political-media complex...
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The "wall" has become a fence. Nice.

And the "anti-establishment" is long-term politicians like Priebus and Gingrich the usual goldman sachs people, fracking and big-oil, plus a few media masterminds.

I'm all about shaking up Washington, but at this point it looks like more of the same, except that Trump that seems more anti-environment that some of the other candidates in this yrs election. Not that anybody in the past was doing a damn thing about climate change, but at least people others weren't open to ending the EPA.

The Wall isn't going to be built, the Swamp isn't going to be drained, but our air pollution might reach china levels. Great.