Donald Williams is now a woofie

Donald Williams is not now and will never be "a woofie".

It wasn't a whine, it was an explanation (one he didn't owe any of you who would still criticize him for his daughter attending NCSU). Next, it does not say she or Donald have given up on her ever attending UNC. It does not address that at all. Some of you are too quick to assume. Finally, depending on what you want to major in NCSU may be a better choice for this young lady. Things have a way of working out as they are supposed to. My daughter graduating from NCSU doesn't diminish my love for UNC and she now works in animal research at Duke (not rat testing K yet, but I have hopes).

Some of you (and likely ones who never attended UNC except for a ball game) need to have children (or at least sex) and learn some perspective.
Well said sir