Not mine, that must've been someone else that you had to roofie.Don't make fun. I have fond memories of your wife blowing me in the back seat of that ride.
Not mine, that must've been someone else that you had to roofie.Don't make fun. I have fond memories of your wife blowing me in the back seat of that ride.
Not mine, that must've been someone else that you had to roofie.
That doesn't mean the car is less safe than a regular car though. It just shows the never ending stupidity of humans.Consumer Reports was able to trick the system by putting a chain on the steering wheel and leaving the driver's seatbelt buckled. While I know this seems like a lot of work to prove a point, I can just see some teenagers doing it, climbing out the sunroof, and "surfing" down the road on their car. Yeah, I'm sounding like the "get off my porch" guy.