Elliot Cadeau Entering Transfer Portal

If Caleb Wilson leaves because Elliot Godot decided to go in the portal? He was never committed to North Carolina to begin with. I'd hate to lose that talent, but I'm not going to miss it.
Harrison Barnes wanted to play with Kendall Marshall. This is no different.

UNC won't have a good point guard next season. I don't blame any player who wants to play with a good point guard.
If Caleb Wilson leaves because Elliot Godot decided to go in the portal? He was never committed to North Carolina to begin with. I'd hate to lose that talent, but I'm not going to miss it.
Fans can be as cavalier as they like, but whether or not we can keep Caleb, this is an epic fail and there's just no sugar-coating that.
It's reported that EC entered the portal with a "Do Not Contact" tag.

Does that mean he already knows where he's going? Or already has his short list? Or that he's keeping the door open to UNC?
The hype he came in with he showed more of last season than this but part of that was the quality of supporting players decreased. He simply didn't step his game up and had a good game every once in awhile+ the fact if you cant hit outside shots from the pg spot you dadgum better be bossing it assist to turnover wise, defensively etc. I was never impressed by his stoic zero emotion approach to the game save the pouting when he got the hook for poor decisions. Hate to pile on the kid but he had his chance, hope he lands somewhere that suits him.
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Fans can be as cavalier as they like, but whether or not we can keep Caleb, this is an epic fail and there's just no sugar-coating that.
If Caleb Wilson goes elsewhere because EC went to the portal, then he was never committed to UNC. That's not sugarcoating anything. It's a fact.

If Hubert loses Wilson because Cadeau transferred, then he never had Wilson at all. And, if he can't get the best players, he needs to be replaced, too. I still have no love loss for players who just want to come to UNC because some other player (singular) is there. That's not a team player.
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Trimble is likely back. Simply can’t have 2 guards on the court who aren’t shooters. We’ve seen enough of that.

Any substance to the Wilson rumors or just chicken littles?
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Meh. An undersized PG who can't shoot and constantly has lazy turnovers isn't a big loss no matter how you want to slice it. Sorry
Well, the truth is some times hard to swallow, the cold hard truth is his production simply never met the expectations. His talent and ability will be extremely hard to replace but his production may not be so hard to replace.

There were 32 teams that made it to the round of 32 that won without Cadeau, UNC doing so next season is not out of the question. I wanted the kid to come back and show some maturity, I frankly see this as a less than mature decision, as in not accepting his role in the out come after being given every opportunity imaginable, how many games did Cadeau play for UNC where he did not start?

One silver lining in this is now we shsould be able to have a PG that will be a more consistent jump shooter, which allows us to have the more defensive minded Seth at the 2 and not have 2 guards in our starting back court that are very hesitant jump shooters. Does Seth get a shot at some PG play now?
Well, the truth is some times hard to swallow, the cold hard truth is his production simply never met the expectations. His talent and ability will be extremely hard to replace but his production may not be so hard to replace.

There were 32 teams that made it to the round of 32 that won without Cadeau, UNC doing so next season is not out of the question. I wanted the kid to come back and show some maturity, I frankly see this as a less than mature decision, as in not accepting his role in the out come after being given every opportunity imaginable, how many games did Cadeau play for UNC where he did not start?

One silver lining in this is now we shsould be able to have a PG that will be a more consistent jump shooter, which allows us to have the more defensive minded Seth at the 2 and not have 2 guards in our starting back court that are very hesitant jump shooters. Does Seth get a shot at some PG play now?

Agreed with everything you said here, Dave. Well said.
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Trimble is likely back. Simply can’t have 2 guards on the court who aren’t shooters. We’ve seen enough of that.

Any substance to the Wilson rumors or just chicken littles?
I strongly believe Wilson committed to UNC and Hubert, I don't believe he committed to Cadeau.

It was a hot rumor that Wilson was tied to both Mareno and Jasper Johnson and the later 2 were UNC locks, until they committed to Ky. So then the red hot rumors were Wilson to Ky because of Jasper Johnson until Wilson committed to UNC. So excuse me if I don't buy the Cadeau leaves so will Wilson.
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Harrison Barnes wanted to play with Kendall Marshall. This is no different.

UNC won't have a good point guard next season. I don't blame any player who wants to play with a good point guard.
Here the way i see this Wilson Cadeau thing, if they was so close and wanted to play together so bad and one depended on the other then you would think that Wilson would have known when he commented that Cadeau wasn't happy and looking to bail.

I would be 100% sure this wanting to leave didn't just happen in the time after Wilson commented.

I think the people here that are so emotionally invested in Cadeau are looking for some validation of their love for the kid that they can't see the forest for the trees, and need something to lob back to say we are not just losing our guy but a future player because he is that good.

I wish he would stay but if him or anyone else don't want to be he ****'em there's the door.

All this sweating a recuit and a player already on the roster, is just the first steps to accepting mediocrity on our way in a hurry to become UCLA, or Indiana.
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I really hate to lose Jalen but as with Cadeau, the truth hurts, you had the opportunity, you didn't take full advantage of it.
I get what you are saying Dave, though as an observer, not an insider, I can only guess that EC felt he wasn't given an equal opportunity.... or his cards were stacked against him: Yes, he started every game but was on the bench at the 4min time out every game too... and not always due to fouls or turnovers, often just because that was Huberts rotation. And I believe the Alabama game a year ago was the start of him looking to leave, I cannot see how he wouldn't have viewed the long benching at the end of the game as an insult.
As for Jalen, even you have posted saying Jalen was never used as a PF in Huberts system. Yet the guy has one of the sweetest shooting strokes I've seen for a college big.
For me, this next 12 months is make or break for Hubert. Extension or no, if he falls flat in 25-26 I don't know how anyone will justify keeping him.
Disappointed but not truly surprised. Cadeau showed his frustration a lot this season. Part on his own play but also on the team. If Cadeau were to come back (unlikely) I would welcome him. But players listen to all the "little" voices more than maybe they should . The money opportunity is too tempting. Players are not groomed to be scholar athletes now, they are encouraged to look at themselves as professionals. Ties to a school are minimized when players transfer year to year. This saddens me as an Alum.

Washington wanting to move on is not surprising, but I can't help but acknowledge that UNC stuck with him when he was recovering.

Hubert has a big job to do now. UNC still offers a huge opportunity to players. More and deeper than most schools. A center is still the priority. Scoring is still a priority at all positions. Height is more important than it used to be.

Aside from all this, UNC needs to get it's marketing act together. It remains an excellent school. There are still a number of former players playing for a living. It needs to present itself better and consistently especially on television.

If Cadeau has made a hard decision to move on, I wish him well.
I am very sad and disappointed that Elliot is leaving. Gary if you ever feel comfortable sharing why what you think this happened.,I would be grateful. I will miss him and only wish the best for him and his circle.
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So . . . St John's?

Kansas? Kentucky? UConn? Arkansas? Auburn? Alabama? Gonzaga?

Cadeau is going to a top school with a top coach.

Obviouasly I'm just guessing but my guess is he wants the development he didn't get here - and he'll turn to a proven coach to get it.
Moostate. He can be close to his girlfriend and play for a slimy coach that can coach.
I really hate to lose Jalen but as with Cadeau, the truth hurts, you had the opportunity, you didn't take full advantage of it.
I disagree. I see poor development by the coaching staff.

If you're right, our new GM and NIL will avoid losers who don't try hard enough and we'll be fine.

If I'm right, word will get around that if you need to develop, avoid UNC.

Future pros don't want to wait years and then have to transfer to get there.

I'm waiting for the Ian Jackson shoe to drop. Does he accept being a 2nd round pick or does he transfer to get the development he didn't get here? Staying here looks like his least good option. But I could be wrong.
Seems like folks who are stuck with the coach will choose to blame the players…again. If they get a top 30 roster they’ll be a bubble team. If they get a top 10 roster they might look good in the awful ACC. No matter what I expect the results to be less than they could be with the right staff. Hopefully this year at least makes clear what should already be.
I get what you are saying Dave, though as an observer, not an insider, I can only guess that EC felt he wasn't given an equal opportunity.... or his cards were stacked against him: Yes, he started every game but was on the bench at the 4min time out every game too... and not always due to fouls or turnovers, often just because that was Huberts rotation. And I believe the Alabama game a year ago was the start of him looking to leave, I cannot see how he wouldn't have viewed the long benching at the end of the game as an insult.
As for Jalen, even you have posted saying Jalen was never used as a PF in Huberts system. Yet the guy has one of the sweetest shooting strokes I've seen for a college big.
For me, this next 12 months is make or break for Hubert. Extension or no, if he falls flat in 25-26 I don't know how anyone will justify keeping him.
I VERY MUCH AGREE that next season is make or break for Hubert, very much agree! I think it is absolutely critical for Hubert for next season's team to end up 1 or 2 in the regular season and at a minimum sweet 16 in the NCAAT, rock bottom minimum. Hubert will have the GM and front office now helping him, being told the $$$ will be there for players, no excuses left. As Hubert has said many times, when that opportunity comes it is up to you what you do with it.

The immature way of looking at this is Cadeau feeling like the victim, I wasn't given a real shot. Yet he was pulled because he was not producing, pulled because he was giving away way to many TO,pulled because he is a poor jump shooter, that stuff is on him. A true warrior would not accept what occurred this season and comes back on a quest to correct it where the weak run away from a fight and run to momma for comfort.
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