Favorite songs and videos!

I made a demo video yesterday for one of my Van Halen replicas. Then, on the right hand side where my suggested list is located, THIS was at the top...

Whoa, now... this cat has a whole catalog of performances!

I keep thinking he's about to embark on some serial murders.

You guys don't know Jack ..... if you don't remember 'Oone Eyedf Jacks'!!!

midf 60s iirc w/M Brando
This was featured in the movie Goodfellas. I really like the drum solo that starts at the 3:58 mark. Harry Nillson was John Lennon's favorite American singer.

omg. Chrysler has done a remake of Coolio's Fantastic Voyage ... as a minivan commercial. And old-ass Coolio is in it.

If you want to witness the trainwreck ...


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