Gettin' Jiggy Wit It

It makes absolutely no sense to stage it and from rocks reaction i don’t think it was. Smith looks like a douche and rock gets bitch slapped and has the most awkward time for the world to see. Yea it generates some talk but it happened towards the end so what does anyone gain? It won’t make me gaf next year just like I didn’t this year. Do they have a movie coming out together? That’s the only way it would make sense to me to stage it.
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pub. They say no publicity is bad publicity.
That they do. I just don't know which way to go on this one as my cynical side tends to strongly favor that this was staged all the way. The PR side just pushes me to there being better ways to pull it off. I keep coming back to the question of whether or not Rock knew that Jada has alopecia. If he did, then why respond with the comment about it being a G.I. Jane joke? Jada has worn the shaved head/closely cropped look forever. The joke would be square on at that point and not offensive assuming there was no medical issue. I never knew she had the condition, but then again, I don't devote any time to know such things.
That they do. I just don't know which way to go on this one as my cynical side tends to strongly favor that this was staged all the way. The PR side just pushes me to there being better ways to pull it off. I keep coming back to the question of whether or not Rock knew that Jada has alopecia. If he did, then why respond with the comment about it being a G.I. Jane joke? Jada has worn the shaved head/closely cropped look forever. The joke would be square on at that point and not offensive assuming there was no medical issue. I never knew she had the condition, but then again, I don't devote any time to know such things.
in the circles they travel in, I think he had to know about her condition; and if it was for real, I think he was likely just deflecting to it being a G.I. Jane joke to take the heat off. Otherwise, it could just as easily have been planned to deflect from having crossed that line of good taste.

It isn't like a hair loss condition is terminal cancer. And it isn't like comedians aren't all about taking shots at other celebs. The thing that gives it away to me is the way Rock recovers from just getting a slap that didn't seem to be as much of a slap as the arm action indicated. Could just be my cynicism.

Good theater in either case, I guess. I wish there was more old school overacting or overREactiing like this, whichever it was.
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in the circles they travel in, I think he had to know about her condition; and if it was for real, I think he was likely just deflecting to it being a G.I. Jane joke to take the heat off. Otherwise, it could just as easily have been planned to deflect from having crossed that line of good taste.

It isn't like a hair loss condition is terminal cancer. And it isn't like comedians aren't all about taking shots at other celebs. The thing that gives it away to me is the way Rock recovers from just getting a slap that didn't seem to be as much of a slap as the arm action indicated. Could just be my cynicism.

Good theater in either case, I guess. I wish there was more old school overacting or overREactiing like this, whichever it was.
lol. Imagine if it had been old school Captain Kirk.
lol. Imagine if it had been old school Captain Kirk.
lol, now that would have been some good stuff.

Rock should have gone after him and attempted to whip his ass. I know as I'm concerned, I may get my ass whipped trying to return the slap, but it's something as a man I believe you would have to do. Rock got slapped on INTERNATIONAL TV and didn't try to defend himself. Where I come from, this makes Rock look like a pu$$y. Smith would probably destroy Chris, but if it had been me, he would've had to do it it. There comes a a time when a man has to stand up and not let another man treat him this way. Just my opinion

Completely agree.
Rock should have gone after him and attempted to whip his ass. I know as I'm concerned, I may get my ass whipped trying to return the slap, but it's something as a man I believe you would have to do. Rock got slapped on INTERNATIONAL TV and didn't try to defend himself. Where I come from, this makes Rock look like a pu$$y. Smith would probably destroy Chris, but if it had been me, he would've had to do it it. There comes a a time when a man has to stand up and not let another man treat him this way. Just my opinion
So fully getting your ass whipped on international TV is better than just taking a slap on international TV?
So fully getting your ass whipped on international TV is better than just taking a slap on international TV?

If Chris Rock tackles Will Smith, others jump in and pull them apart before any major punches are landed. Chris Rock looks like he wasnt scared that way. It's not like everyone is just going to stand there and let them fight.
If Chris Rock tackles Will Smith, others jump in and pull them apart before any major punches are landed. Chris Rock looks like he wasnt scared that way. It's not like everyone is just going to stand there and let them fight.

Yep. I coach my on sons this all the time. If you have to fight someone bigger, stronger and tougher than you, you do it at school. If you can whip them, do it somewhere else. Because by fighting the bigger kid at school, you know it's going to get broken up pretty quickly and you score points for taking on the big, badass kid and probably dodge getting your ass kicked. But if you can whip them, you want to do that elsewhere so you can win the fight and not get in trouble.

But aside from that, even knowing you're going to get your ass kicked, you have to do it. Black eyes heal but you may never get respect back.
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if this was legit, Chris Rock handled it as well as it could be handled. It was already an embarrassment without a couple of fools going Wal-mart wit it. Acting like it was no big deal to have gotten bitch-slapped for telling a shitty joke made Rock look as good as he was going to look at that point, and he probably saved himself a lot of unnecessary grief.

On the other hand, don't get me wrong; had it gone midnight-at-Denny's, that would have been legendary and I'm completely in favor of that.
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new video shows Jada LAUGHING at the joke before Smitty walked up there. uh oh
Yep. I coach my on sons this all the time. If you have to fight someone bigger, stronger and tougher than you, you do it at school. If you can whip them, do it somewhere else. Because by fighting the bigger kid at school, you know it's going to get broken up pretty quickly and you score points for taking on the big, badass kid and probably dodge getting your ass kicked. But if you can whip them, you want to do that elsewhere so you can win the fight and not get in trouble.

But aside from that, even knowing you're going to get your ass kicked, you have to do it. Black eyes heal but you may never get respect back.
"Black eyes heal but you may never get respect back."

assuming this was for reals, there are just different ways of seeing the same thing I guess. Because my thought is that if Rock had escalated it into some lowlife shitshow, that's where he might have lost respect he might never get back. Rolling around in tuxedo's on national TV like a couple of monkeys isn't a good look. Keeping his cool was the best play under those circumstances, and I did not lose respect for Chris Rock for reacting as he did,

If there was any follow-up to be exacted, doing so later would be the ticket from the CR standpoint. IMHO.
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"Black eyes heal but you may never get respect back."

assuming this was for reals, there are just different ways of seeing the same thing I guess. Because my thought is that if Rock had escalated it into some lowlife shitshow, that's where he might have lost respect he might never get back. Rolling around in tuxedo's on national TV like a couple of monkeys isn't a good look. Keeping his cool was the best play under those circumstances, and I did not lose respect for Chris Rock for reacting as he did,

If there was any follow-up to be exacted, doing so later would be the ticket from the CR standpoint. IMHO.

I don't necessarily disagree. There is some dignity in taking the high road. I couldn't have done it. I'd hit that sonofabitch with a brick.
I don't necessarily disagree. There is some dignity in taking the high road. I couldn't have done it. I'd hit that sonofabitch with a brick.
and understand, as I've already indicated, I am speaking for Chris Rock. For my part, a brick in the back of Will Smith's noggin would have been highly entertaining. and maybe even Oscar-worthy. I would LOVE to see them rolling around like a couple of idiots in front of all those other Hollywood dildos.
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You mean his acceptance speech for best actor didn't dig him out of the hole for you?

"God is using me to spread love" or some such bullshit.
Apparently Serena Williams looked down and covered her face when he tried to compare himself to her dad. He basically ruined the night for everyone in the place. The academy has released a statement saying they asked him to leave and he refused to. To me that says that he didn't care at all. He felt it was more important to get his trophy.
It makes absolutely no sense to stage it and from rocks reaction i don’t think it was. Smith looks like a douche and rock gets bitch slapped and has the most awkward time for the world to see. Yea it generates some talk but it happened towards the end so what does anyone gain? It won’t make me gaf next year just like I didn’t this year. Do they have a movie coming out together? That’s the only way it would make sense to me to stage it.
why do they have to benefit together when benefiting separately is just as beneficial? Notoriety is all they're seeking because notoriety translates to bucks in Hollyweird.

And you're not fooling us. You care. Deeply.
Apparently Serena Williams looked down and covered her face when he tried to compare himself to her dad. He basically ruined the night for everyone in the place. The academy has released a statement saying they asked him to leave and he refused to. To me that says that he didn't care at all. He felt it was more important to get his trophy.
I've never liked any film he was ever in... and, that was before this! I've never understood his appeal, at all.
I've liked a bunch of Will Smith's films. And I go back with Will Smith to the days when he and Jazzy Jeff were making records. I had his records. And liked them. And then of course his TV show was an absolute favorite back in the day.

This was my jam in middle school. Jeff knew how to scratch records, a lost art in hip hop.

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