Time to use video replay/review correctly!


Hall of Famer
Nov 5, 2002
Last night in the Dallas-Minnesota game there was an out of bounds call, that upon "further review" was reversed, but an obvious foul that caused the player to lose the ball had to be ignored, because the official didn't call a foul on the play! Use it to get it right, or do away with it completely! It was a game changing play/call!
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Last night in the Dallas-Minnesota game there was an out of bounds call, that upon "further review" was reversed, but an obvious foul that caused the player to lose the ball had to be ignored, because the official didn't call a foul on the play! Use it to get it right, or do away with it completely! It was a game changing play/call!
Foul calls are judgement calls. If you're going to review plays for fouls, then get ready for 5 hour games.
Foul calls are judgement calls. If you're going to review plays for fouls, then get ready for 5 hour games.
they could do what I have suggested for years...TRAIN the officials to make calls and then have them actually make the calls. Knowing the rules is not enough, and neither is spelling out how a call is supposed to be made using yet more subjective language (football move? You've got to be kidding me.).

Make the officiating an NCAA responsibility and not a conference one. Rotate the officials so they are exposed to other conferences so that conferences are exposed to the resulting consistent officiating. Treat the games like they mean something instead of just a vicarious dog and pony show. wasn't instituted to actually make the game better, it was put in because the fans were beyond restless over crap officiating. It was a band-aid fix, some slight of hand to make the fans think it was all remedied.. Not only was it not remedied, but the basic problem was highlighted. Don't apply band-aids to a wound, stop wounding the product.
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at the end of the day...

Man- it’s not that hard. @tarheelinfl had it correct. This was in last two minutes out of bounds play so it could be reviewed without a team using a challenge.

The play is going to be reviewed anyway. Such a simple change to the rule it’s crazy it hasn’t happened yet:


Sure the ball went off of JMAC for wolves. Crystal clear. But it’s also true at that same moment the ball went off of JMAC because Mavs hacked JMACs ball- holding arm so hard it was a clear foul.

In that instance the right outcome on a play already being reviewed anyway (no extra time) is call the foul, free throws for wolves, game over, wolves win. A pretty big error, easily corrected.

And - coaches are allowed to challenge foul calls all the time so it’s not like fouls are off limits for being reviewed - especially when a play is already being reviewed. There was a play where a foul on an illegal screen was reversed to be a foul on the screened guy (Conley) which was crazy! I’ve never seen a reversal on a screen play like that.

This foul / out of bounds call will be fixed next year for sure just because of this one instance.
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This foul / out of bounds call will be fixed next year for sure just because of this one instance.
Seriously doubt that. You can't start reviewing judgement calls because of one play. Even if people think it's obvious and it was in crunch time.
Seriously doubt that. You can't start reviewing judgement calls because of one play. Even if people think it's obvious and it was in crunch time.
Every foul call that is already reviewed is a judgment call. Fouls are already reviewed via a coaches challenge.

And it isn’t “start reviewing plays”. The play was already reviewed, as an ‘out of bounds off who’ review. What will be changed IMO is - when the OOB is already being reviewed, if a foul caused the OOB already being reviewed, call the foul, make the outcome of the review right.

It is literally zero more review instances, instead getting the outcome of the existing reviews right.
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And it isn’t “start reviewing plays”. The play was already reviewed, as an ‘out of bounds off who’ review. What will be changed IMO is - when the OOB is already being reviewed, if a foul caused the OOB already being reviewed, call the foul, make the outcome of the review right.
excellent point. It's ludicrous to review if the ball snibbed a player on its way OB, while ignoring that it only did so because of the uncalled mauling that sent the ball flying in the first place.