I'm a fan of terrible "yo momma" jokes, so here is my favorite one I've ever heard. First, a little context. This was about 8 or 9 years ago. I was in high school at Boy Scout summer camp, and our troop had been telling yo momma jokes all week. So we were sitting around, and the two kids who were the worst at telling these jokes start having a yo momma contest. One of them was very socially awkward, so he's trying to be confident in telling these jokes but falling way short. The other kid is a country boy who talks like Forrest Gump. So I'm just being the "hype man" for these terrible jokes, acting like they are the best ones of all time, jumping around and going "OOOOOOOHHHHH, HE GOT YOU DUDE!" for both sides. So, the one who talks like Forrest Gump says the following joke, which is my favorite to this day (I'll try my best to type it as he said it). "Your momma is so stupid...when she asked for directions to the stupid contest...they said...'Sorry....Can't tell ya!'" Just how he delivered that joke coupled with the complete screw-up of the punchline made it my favorite yo momma joke of all time.