I'm not in this life to "beat the enemy", okay? That's not my path in life. If you have that much of a hard-on for "You either kill them, or they will kill you", then try getting off this message board, strap-on some plastic explosives and suicide-bomb your nearest mosque. You and I both know you lack the resolve to do that... so, between the two of us, I can actually back my plan up with action. You're a bunch of talk and hate-talk at that. You preach fear and hatred and call it the right thing to do. Are you prepared to cart yourself over to Syria and start shooting at people you don't know? If not, then I'll keep your "Islam means War" tirades going through my Bullshit filter.If you want to beat the enemy, it behooves one to understand them. They are motivated by Islamic jihad, not tribalism, not the United States, etc,....
They will keep attacking and killing until stopped, and that will include attacks over here. Trying to be nice to them, applauding Islam or any of the other things you espouse will not change that. You either kill them, or they will kill you.
Simple as that.