I would rather play Seattle, personally. Even during Carolina's technically-rebuilding years, they played Seattle down to the wire every time and it came down to 1 or two key plays that decided it. I am sure they'll put Baldwin in the slot to force-feed him the ball, but I like our chances of Luke and T.Davis covering the middle of the field there...and when they do take a deep shot, I like our chances with J.Norman covering him.
Also pretty sure they will get "Beast Mode" back, but what exactly are you getting there? Again, I trust our defense. Not to mention, J.Stew has been resting for over a month now too....Seattle ain't the only ones coming in with a fresh starting RB.
Oh...and I kinda like that the national media has been saying for weeks that Seattle is the "most dangerous" team in the playoffs. This group of Panthers seems to feed off that...we should be thanking ESPN.
On the other side...do we really want to see Aaron Rogers over a Seattle team that struggles to score? Not me. Save is for the NFC title game.