y r u so n v us
why are you so envious
I think by now most here have heard the story since the op pops-up once or twice a year.
Back during my college years, I used to hang out and interact with about 12 or so friends, probably better described as frienemies. Hard to believe that I was the only Tar Heel in the group. The group comprises four dookies, three moo'ers, and a host of abc'ers.
We all got along well together hanging out at drinking holes, rock bars, and sports bars, but there was just one dude in the group that was utterly obnoxious. Yep you guessed it, a dookie and a real sore loser. Hates any and everything Carolina. Too late to say to make a long story short, but when we would get into shouting matches, it appeared the one phrase that got under his skin the most was when I would say "dude, why are you so enivous of UNC" and the kicker was, I would just repeat "why are you so envious" over and over again. It literally drove him crazy. It's funny now, but there were times we almost threw punches.
Well the dirty dozen have since gone in several different directions and most of us keep in touch, but haven't heard from that guy in 10+ years.
why are you so envious
I think by now most here have heard the story since the op pops-up once or twice a year.
Back during my college years, I used to hang out and interact with about 12 or so friends, probably better described as frienemies. Hard to believe that I was the only Tar Heel in the group. The group comprises four dookies, three moo'ers, and a host of abc'ers.
We all got along well together hanging out at drinking holes, rock bars, and sports bars, but there was just one dude in the group that was utterly obnoxious. Yep you guessed it, a dookie and a real sore loser. Hates any and everything Carolina. Too late to say to make a long story short, but when we would get into shouting matches, it appeared the one phrase that got under his skin the most was when I would say "dude, why are you so enivous of UNC" and the kicker was, I would just repeat "why are you so envious" over and over again. It literally drove him crazy. It's funny now, but there were times we almost threw punches.
Well the dirty dozen have since gone in several different directions and most of us keep in touch, but haven't heard from that guy in 10+ years.