How did you come up with your poster name?

y r u so n v us
why are you so envious

I think by now most here have heard the story since the op pops-up once or twice a year.

Back during my college years, I used to hang out and interact with about 12 or so friends, probably better described as frienemies. Hard to believe that I was the only Tar Heel in the group. The group comprises four dookies, three moo'ers, and a host of abc'ers.

We all got along well together hanging out at drinking holes, rock bars, and sports bars, but there was just one dude in the group that was utterly obnoxious. Yep you guessed it, a dookie and a real sore loser. Hates any and everything Carolina. Too late to say to make a long story short, but when we would get into shouting matches, it appeared the one phrase that got under his skin the most was when I would say "dude, why are you so enivous of UNC" and the kicker was, I would just repeat "why are you so envious" over and over again. It literally drove him crazy. It's funny now, but there were times we almost threw punches.

Well the dirty dozen have since gone in several different directions and most of us keep in touch, but haven't heard from that guy in 10+ years.
Damn that's funny. I know all 3 of those boys (you know they have an older brother, right?), but I am much closer in age to the oldest one, although the middle one I know pretty well too.
I heard of their older brother..carey maybe?..don't know if I spelled his name correctly..or maybe that was their uncle's name..Brandon spoon also played with us!!
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Not very imaginative.
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My father use to greet people by saying, hey son. Well over time son got dragged into shun. This is the south. When I applied to become a member of this board, my wife of 40 years, THANK GOD, suggested being I am a Jr. to choose shun1.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my wife gave it to me I guess it fits being I go by forrest, and yes I here the jokes all the time!
I make some ugly, inexpensive, good sounding turkey calls. Mine is the same on Ebay and every other group I've joined so I saw no need to change it here.
Oh, I forgot . . . . HorseMan was also already taken.
Back in 1990 something when I joined this site I was watching a shit load of HS football. Just seem to have a knack for putting our players in the right positions and projecting future ability. We were talking about this really talented yet tweener type sophomore and trying to decide where to play him and one of the other coaches said ask scout supreme he seems to have a pretty good track record and it just stuck.
My father use to greet people by saying, hey son. Well over time son got dragged into shun. This is the south. When I applied to become a member of this board, my wife of 40 years, THANK GOD, suggested being I am a Jr. to choose shun1.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in La. I am a Cat fan. I was 70 years old when I join.
One of the things I love to do is cook on the grill. I don't consider myself to be a fantastic cook or anything, but I do enjoy it. Indeed, some of the folks on this board would certainly put me to shame as far as fixing super menus from the grill. However, as far as the stuff my family likes, I can do that pretty well. Anyway, I was trying to come up with something fairly simple, short, and about me, so I thought "grillheel" because, as you probably know, I am a Heel through and through and the "grill" part seem to go with it.
My hometown is Rose Hill, NC.....the math can be done from there lol
i couldn't think of anything witty and my nickname would have sounded like a dook sympathizer.
the last thing i would have wanted.
My first post and my name should tell it all. Being from Rocky Mount and 11 when Phil Ford committed to Carolina it was a natural thing for me to grow into a long time heels fan.
I live in the mountains (Mt) and I had at the time 2 Pekingese dogs (Peke).
it was a nickname in college. "Don" is the Spanish title, and the rest was because I was the only Native American student most of my peers knew.
Pretty simple, born in NC (Burlington)
but have lived in FL most of my life.
Have been in Pensacola since '74.
I was the central character in a very good movie a few years back

Not unlike my real life persona