I bought a pair of pants without trying them on, and when I wore them the first time I found the legs so 'skinny' that I almost couldn't get them over my admittedly oversize calves. So forget any reasonable drape. Wherever I pulled the legs up to, they stayed right there until I took the pants off again.Honestly, I didn't order mine! I got real busy in RL but they will be mine this afternoon! I usually wear XXL. I have no issue with shirts being too big, but I hate the ones designed for the Modern Man! (apparently skinny legs and tiny waists are in!)
I hate 'fashion' anyway because it preys on sheep, but these trends like the 'skinny' one really highlight the herd behavior of human beings. And unfortunately, those not willing to be sheep have to live with the herd anyway.
IMO, skinny pants and shirts, etc., make the wearer look like a dork. I'll happily take the t-shirt with more room over the one with less, for one thing because it doesn't look like I'm trying too hard to impress.