Originally posted by TarHeelMark:
Originally posted by ms4211:
Originally posted by TarHeelMark:
They would be the Super Bowl contenders.
They are a mirror image of the Seahawks except one MAJOR difference. Panthers will never get beyond 2nd round of playoffs with Newton. Sad but true; he simply makes too many bad decisions.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about. There's not a single position group on the entire roster, with the possible exception of LB's and TE, in which the Panthers are equal to Seattle...much less superior. Seattle has one of the best secondaries in the history of the NFL. Carolina has Tre Boston starting as a rookie. Seattle has Marshawn Lynch. We have a trio of hobbled guys sucking up half the salary cap. Seattle's offensive line is vastly superior. I could go on and on.
I do think Wilson is the better QB, and Cam has to work on stepping into his throws in the off-season. That's why his accuracy has regressed. But the initial post is absurd.
I don't recall saying they were superior, now did I? I said mirror image, which is to say that they try to play the same game: run the ball, and control the game with stout defense. Which if you go back and look at stats you will see that the Panthers were second only to Seahawks in the last half of the season in rushing yards, and in defense. So if it makes you feel better to make me an idiot, then blast away.
My point is that Wilson is a winner. Tar Heel fans know this as we saw it first-hand. While Cam does a lot of great things, he is not progressing as a passer, and this is his 4th season. I heard where Colin Kapernick (sp?) is going to work with Kurt Warner in the off-season to improve his passing skills. Maybe Cam needs to sign up for some similar training?