Important question facing our country

Somewhat related to this thread, I ordered a book that arrived today called The Rap Year Book and the author takes what he calls the “most important” rap song of each year from 1979-2014 (when the book came out) and does a deep dive on each song. I’m looking forward to reading it
He does reference Wild Thing in Funky Cold Medina

That alone is worth some points, like with Hootie and 'Let Her Cry' using 'Hold my Hand'.

It is Funky Cold Media though between those two. Cheeba Cheeba beats them both though.
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[Alex Trebek voice] Ohhh, sorry. We were looking for any example other than Hootie.

Pretty much every rap artist in history has recycled a rhyme. It used to be something that rappers would be made fun of for. But it became trendy and even "clever" to be able to work an old rhyme into a new verse.

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